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Royal Baby Watch

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Awe Thor wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

I think it is a girl, because they changed the law of succession.

Very insightful!

Awe . . . Elizabeth's a good bet, as it is Kate's mother's middle name (and Kate's) - and would keep HRH Grandma sweet too.

ETA Diana? Over Philip's dead body! No chance.

Probably right...William was 'summoned' for a meeting with Philip as the due date approached. What else could it have been about, other than baby names and such. I don't know that they could stop William but it's not a family, it's a firm. Philip is still boss.

It's all Greek to me.

Thanks everyone for a very entertaining thread. :)

Looks like there won't be an announcement until tomorrow, CNN said the Queen retires at 9 and must be told first. So, even if there is a 'happy event' overnight, the rest of the world won't know.

We can all rest easier knowing that.

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

sparkles Britton wrote:

Looks like it couldall be over, The Queen just posted on twitter  
or maybe not  :matte-motes-big-grin:

lol...however, it is a BOY! News just released.

Wow - way to be wrong, CNN. Tomorrow my left foot.

It actually is a boy. According to Yahoo headlines. No details yet. Kate made it just under the wire, then. Now granny can put on her night cap and slumber soundly. I dunno. 

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... more... :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileytongue:


Official statement from Kensington Palace on birth

The full statement from Kensington Palace:

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm.

The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz.

The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.

The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.

Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight.


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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

sparkles Britton wrote:

Looks like it couldall be over, The Queen just posted on twitter  
or maybe not  :matte-motes-big-grin:

lol...however, it is a BOY! News just released.

Lol, it just tickled me when I saw it after following this thread this afternoon :D

Well done Kate, a future king is born. I am sure it says more about me than I want to know but my 10 year old daughter was far more excited than I was. She has recorded the date, time and weight in her diary so she can show her children/grandchildren how young she was when The King was born. Bless!

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Pundits say the baby won't take the throne until he is 47. 

I was hoping for a bit more detail in the announcement. Guess William isn't one to be flowery. We can probably thank Diana for the details in William's baby announcement like "he has a lot of hair." 

I still think Diana Victoria would be a nice name...baby could be a trend setter.

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OK now it's a boy. give him a few months, and he will be stealing £ from his Mom's purse to buy his first weed. A little latter, he'll crash some of Elizabeth's best Bentleys anb Rolls after having severak pints too much. Then he'll get a dozen brats pregnant and you Great Poeple of Britain will have to pay for the abortions. Acne will come too, and it will be really ugly. Once i is passed, he'll discover an uncontrolable attraction to gays. Elton John and George Michael will go in court to dispute who adopts him. In the end, he will try to create an (underaged) account in Second Life and aks noobish (kinda, how does my bleep work?) questions in these forums.

Isn't it a wonderful life? :P

ETA: Being French, I suggest they call him Napoleon. :matte-motes-evil:

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Melita Magic wrote:

Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

sparkles Britton wrote:

Looks like it couldall be over, The Queen just posted on twitter  
or maybe not  :matte-motes-big-grin:

lol...however, it is a BOY! News just released.

Wow - way to be wrong, CNN. Tomorrow my left foot.

It actually is a boy. According to Yahoo headlines. No details yet. Kate made it just under the wire, then. Now granny can put on her night cap and slumber soundly. I dunno. 

I don't put too much stock in what CNN reports...they get stuff wrong all the time.

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BBC Radio 4 were so stumped for something interesting and original to say about the baby that they gave up and had several journalists commenting on what it was like to be a journalist reporting on a royal baby story.  Sometimes these media people really can't get over themselves.

Mind you, baby news wouldn't have been of any interest either.  Thank goodness it's over now, except for those that want to buy all the merchandising.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

hank goodness it's over now, except for those that want to buy all the merchandising.

Not over yet for the journalists who already have spent three weeks at the hospital entrance on the street.

“It is believed the next time the couple appear in public will be on the steps of the hospital with their baby,” the BBCsaid.


Tough work! :smileytongue:

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

I'm not even from one of the "Colonies" but I want to see "James" again as a royal utterance. It so needs to come back into favor

While Philip is alive, and James Hewitt is still stuffing his bank account with appearances on Reality TV shows, there isn't a cat's chance in a dog-filled Hell of James being even one of the six or so names with which the poor kid will be saddled.

Edward, or even Adolf, is a better bet.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

BBC Radio 4 were so stumped for something interesting and original to say about the baby that they gave up and had 
journalists commenting on what it was like to be a journalist reporting on a royal baby story.  Sometimes these media people really can't get over themselves.

Mind you, baby news wouldn't have been of any interest either.  Thank goodness it's over now, except for those that want to buy all the merchandising.

BBC Radio 4 recovered with aplomb, however, scheduling a programme about tax avoidance in 11th century English monasteries, with a member of The Archers offering expert opinion.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Here in the UK, it's of no more interest than any other news item. I rather fancy that it is of much greater interest to some people in some other countries, such as the U.S.

So, all those nutters wearing the Union Jack clothing are not actually real people? They are US citizens  that are pretending to be UKers? Rubbish. You do realize we give less than a fig over here, right?

I saw it on the news and there weren't all that many people Brits either outside the hospital or at Buck House. Most of those at the hospital were media and many of those at Buck House were foreigners. There are, of course, a relatively tiny number of Brits who dote any anything to do with the royal family but, on the whole, over here this event is just another news item of interest, and nothing more.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Here in the UK, it's of no more interest than any other news item. I rather fancy that it is of much greater interest to some people in some other countries, such as the U.S.




Why would anyone in the US care about it other than those people that obsessed with celebrity who are a minority?  Some celebrity gossip reporters are making a big deal of it, but they'd make a big deal about anything.  The other side of the coin are the comedians using it to garner laughs at the royals expense.

From this side of the pond its the Brits who seem way more obsessed about it.  While I wish the parents and new baby no ill will, I could care less and I assure you that the subject has never even come up among my friends or family or indeed anyone I have run into. 

There you are then. From what you see on the news over there, it appears that we Brits see it as a very big deal, whereas, from what we see on the news over here, it appears that you U.S. folks are very into our royal family. The truth is probably that it's the news companies on both sides of the pond that are into the royal family. I do know that this event has been given much more news coverage here than the people in general want. It certainly doesn't reflect the level of interest of the people. It's way over the top.

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