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who's the '' genius'' who thought SSB would be a good idea?

Shania Adder

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Ok..since SSB was launched i noticed that  my outfit was  not changing when i do change. I mean, how long will we have to suffer til the LL head office  geniuses decide we had enough?

If it ain't broke don't fix it and if it work well don't change anything, for god sake!


seriously, it's annoying as heck especially since we all knew how to fix baking issues when our viewers were doing it.

A word to LL, your servers need roling restart to keep going and you expect them to do baking for all avies in SL?

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I've had the same issue today BUT my home is not on a SSB enabled sim.  A relog fixes the issue.

When and where SSB is enabled it cuts out a whole step in the texture rezzing process,  Pre SSB your viewer has to wait for the textures to download to bake them.   SSB cuts out this step . Obviously one less step will mean faster baking and less lag.  It also is supposed to fix issues like you are having, your avatar getting blurry periodically and the occurrences of going to another sim where you see you have clothes on but most other people see you naked or with different clothes on.  Since the viewer is cut out, you and everyone else will see the same thing.

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I also have had this issue today. I worked through some useful advice from the Firrstorm team but in the end a simple sim restart fixed it for a while, after that I used the "go into appearence" trick instead of relogging.  I did also TP to a Le Tigre sim to see if it was an SSB problem and I have to say I rezzed properly within seconds. SSB is going to be great, I can't wait till it rolls out all across SL :)

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Yeah, I wonder why it's such a popular scapegoat. Of course, pretty much every week when there's the slightest change in the sim code, there's a rustling of tinfoil, but this time it's full-on bat attack. I'm thinking it must be the need for a viewer-side change, too, that rouses the masses.

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Shania Adder wrote:

Ok..since SSB was launched i noticed that  my outfit was  not changing when i do change. I mean, how long will we have to suffer til the LL head office  geniuses decide we had enough?

If it ain't broke don't fix it and
if it work well don't change anything,
for god sake!


seriously, it's annoying as heck especially since we all knew how to fix baking issues when our viewers were doing it.

A word to LL, your servers need roling restart to keep going and you expect them to do baking for all avies in SL?

Genius Plan. Flexi only skirts worked well. Why change that by intrudcing mesh and sculpties!? Why update anything EVER. We should go back to how SL was in the beganing. Updates? Who needs that? Why advance technology in anyway EVER as long as it's still working. GENIUS!

You sound like those old people shouting get off my lawn at young kids. Things change the current baking system was terrible and they updated it. It's better to chance it and fail then never try and just leave things to stagnate and die. The fact that anytime theres any kind of update people like you show up frustrates me. This is part of the reason why this game (and don't get me started on the SL isn't a game crap that's a whole other psycholgical discussion) isn't anywhere near as advanced as it could be. You can't throw a fit everytime someone wants to try to make things better it's ridiculous. At this rate nothing will ever improve. of course to be fair people like you are only part of the problem...the other part SL isn't as good as it could be is LL....because LL is LL 'nough said.


Edit for typos

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Shania Adder wrote:

Ok..since SSB was launched i noticed that  my outfit was  not changing when i do change. I mean, how long will we have to suffer til the LL head office  geniuses decide we had enough?

If it ain't broke don't fix it and if it work well don't change anything, for god sake!


seriously, it's annoying as heck especially since we all knew how to fix baking issues when our viewers were doing it.

A word to LL, your servers need roling restart to keep going and you expect them to do baking for all avies in SL?

It was meant to get rid of problems like those faced by THIS person...


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Quite right.  Notice, too, the time-honoured shills and apologists leaping upon your post. How dare you have the temerity to criticize the dynamic, customer-orientated force that is LL!  

As far as the shills lament that SL is improving tech-wise, and progress is going on in Rod's pockets and all that stuff, they omit to notice how the viewer is now a heavy pudding, sapping all but the very high end computers and graphics cards.   

The TPV's are also - surprise, surprise - sinking fast, as they are obliged to use the turgid code and comply with the CHUI shambles and now SSA - which will be a damp squib, par excellence.   

LL could tell this lot anything, and they would tug their collective forelocks and acquiesce.   

I often wonder just how bright SL could have shone, had it only been given the leadership and staff it deserved.



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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Quite right.  Notice, too, the time-honoured shills and apologists leaping upon your post. How dare you have the temerity to criticize the dynamic, customer-orientated force that is LL!  

As far as the shills lament that SL is improving tech-wise, and progress is going on in Rod's pockets and all that stuff, they omit to notice how the viewer is now a heavy pudding, sapping all but the very high end computers and graphics cards.   

The TPV's are also - surprise, surprise - sinking fast, as they are obliged to use the turgid code and comply with the CHUI shambles and now SSA - which will be a damp squib, par excellence.   

LL could tell this lot anything, and they would tug their collective forelocks and acquiesce.   

I often wonder just how bright SL could have shone, had it only been given the leadership and staff it deserved.



There are also Luddites like you that don't even know what you are talking about but scream at every change.

TPV don't have to comply with CHUI, as not complying does not change the 'shared experience' only the individuals experience.  FYI the newest Firestorm still has the regular chat interface. 

If you had been here for longer than you have you'd also know that SL always required a better than average computer to get the most out of it.  But even now I know people still can still run it on 5+ year old machines.

Have you even been to a SSB enabled sim?  If you had you would have seen much faster avatar rendering.  SSB is actually a good idea that should have been implemented a long time ago.  It will actually put less work on the viewer and hence your computer.

Most of the people you are calling shills here have plenty of criticism for LL  - when it is warranted.  Not one person you are calling a shill that has posted here has not criticized LL at one time or another, and most a lot more than one time. 


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

TPV don't have to comply with CHUI, as not complying does not change the 'shared experience' only the individuals experience.  FYI the newest Firestorm still has the regular chat interface.

I believe Firestorm has yet to merge with the CHUI coded viewer.  I do hope that, when they do, they give us the option to keep it the way it is now.


Amethyst Jetaime also wrote:

Most of the people you are calling shills here have plenty of criticism for LL  - when it is warranted.  Not one person you are calling a shill that has posted here has not criticized LL at one time or another, and most a lot more than one time. 

This is most definitely the case.  I can't understand how saying SSA isn't a failure, can get twisted around in someone's mind to mean that we support every crap decision that LL has ever made.


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Strange, I have whined at LL for many things over the years but this one does not fall into the category. The only thing I noticed from SSB was an improvement in FPS. Yes, I do see this type of thing as while 5 year old machines run SL mine is 10 years old except for the video which is circa 2008. Perhaps you need to explore how to set up your machine for this game. Perhaps get off wifi and plug in a cat 5 cable )) this makes a lot of difference. I run an old p4 3.4G overclocked to 3.6 and a very dated ATI 3850 AGP. Since the change over it seems that textures pop a little faster and my time in the 5 FPS well while waiting for them has been reduced. I run high settings without the shadows since they do absorb a few FPS but actually turn them on with advanced lighting from time to time on my Island. I consider 20 FPS very useable and try to maintain that level of performance. Of course on a sim with 40 or more av's I have no chance but then there are very few machines, if any, that can take that abuse. On my build platform at 1000 M I am able to generate 40 FPS, in my crowded retail facility 20 and on the island depending how many left over sculpted items I run into 15 to 30. All in all I have noticed a continuing improvement in the performance of the game. It has come a long way from the days of the long mud walks ))


on another subject the library does not learn new werds ))

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Prompted by this thread, I have resolved to be a shill and Linden apologist at every possible opportunity going forward* just to f_ck with the inveterate malcontents and Linden antagonists.

That way, we'll perfectly offset each other's effects -- which are precisely zero to begin with.

*To the irony-challenged: Believe It Or Not™ and, either way, imagine how little I care!

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Prompted by this thread, I have resolved to be a shill and Linden apologist at every possible opportunity going forward* just to f_ck with the inveterate malcontents and Linden antagonists.

That way, we'll perfectly offset each other's effects -- which are precisely zero to begin with.

*To the irony-challenged: Believe It Or Not™ and, either way, imagine how little I care!

That's the spirit! :P

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Prompted by this thread, I have resolved to be a shill and Linden apologist at every possible opportunity going forward* just to f_ck with the inveterate malcontents and Linden antagonists.

That way, we'll perfectly offset each other's effects -- which are precisely zero to begin with.

*To the irony-challenged: Believe It Or Not™ and, either way, imagine how little I care!

You should be getting the PM about your new Rank in the Forum later today.  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

WHile i will be the first to claim that Linden Labs has an uncanny abilty to screw the proverbial pooch 75% of the time, the implemenation of server side rendering is not one of them. Normally, i ignore these  posts, but the OP was so ill informed and more than a bit rude, i had to interject.

Server side rendering has improved the performance od SL across the board. Their are issues, the fact that it tends to lose my avi's shape and make it unusalbe for one, but as a new project it has perfomed remarkably well. Things rez faster, Avitars do not fade in and out all the time. I live on a magnum sim that was terribly laggy and lsow to rez, largely due to my love of not wastinga single prim. Now it littrally snaps into view in seconds!


For the old farts whining about how they don't want to haveto upgrade to a "high end computer" (which seems to be the term for any desktop built after 2009), you more than anyone should love server side rendering becasue it is taking work off of your computer and putting it on the servers!


I will applaud  anyonewho wantsto complain about Pathfinding and CHUI till the cows come home, becasue things like that work just as they were intended, which is what makes them horrid. But if you are goingto complain about something not working correclty, at least educate yourselfa little and know what you are talking about.

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