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New Payment System Questions?


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soo .. same as all the rest of you ... so i raise a support ticket .. a few transcations that i havent been paid for .. bah blah blah .... and the answer to my queries according to linden labs , is a link to this thread .. way to go LL .. what i actually wanted  was the missing funds returned to my account .. not to have to read a whole thread  to find out  the problem is actually worse than i had feared and from what i can see nothing is being done about it .. am i right in that presumption?

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Shortly after the launch my co-creators stopped receiving their distributions. This has resulted in a large loss and so far all I know is the case has been triaged. It's been over a week.

Aside from that I have noticed one or two double purchases and almost made a double purchase as well after my basket was refilled with items i had just purchased after I payed. It just seems the new system is riddled with bugs that cost merchants and customers lindens.

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I guess I might as well add my name to the list, just to add weight to the problem.   Thankfully it looks like I have only lost the income for one sale, however I opened my support ticket, and submitted my JIRA posting about it.  The support ticket I got a response stating that the commerce team is working as fast as they can to resolve the problem and get merchants reimbursed.  So I left the ticket open....  it was closed three days later, before I was reimbursed my missing funds.   Being the stubborn dragon I am, I reopened it politely explaining that I did not reply because I had not yet been reimbursed for the order, and therefore the issue has not been resolved, and asked them to not close the ticket until reimbursement was made.  Then I got a repeat of the first message, and a link to this thread.   I'm waiting to see if they are just going to close it again because I don't respond, we shall see.  I do wonder if there is any communication between the support team and the commerce team at all.

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Since this is going to be a regular thing, making a list of missing payments, I have streamlined it a bit by pulling up several days of the transaction history, then doing a browser Find of "Commerce Linden", which highlights each MP transaction. Speeds it up a little bit.

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Great idea Pamela - thank you for sharing :).

I just had a response:

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by the technical issue that you are having on the Second Life Marketplace web site.

The Marketplace Team is aware of this issue and they are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible and get affected Merchants credited.

You may read more about the issues along with an updated post from CommerceTeam Linden on the Second Life Commerce Merchants Forum thread, located here:





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Or you could just load both csv/xls downloads into excel and data sort on column "Type", then delete the rest.  You're left with just the MP transactions when you exclude all those not sitting nicely together as Commerce Linden.

Either way, this is NOT our task!

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Yes,I am having many problems with marketplace...yesterday I sold a thing no copy...700L,and didn´t receive my money,but the item the boy received...today another guy bought my item...200L,he lose the money because the MP accept the payment,but don´t give him the item and money...I give him personal...waitting the support give my money back not just a e-mail telling are having issues...

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Previous practice with you was to file support and Jira for refunds, except for the time with enhancements when you blanket refunded and people got multiple charged after the refund. And then refunded, and then multiple charged again. That problem persists to this day.

And your initial response to this particular issue was: "We’re working on a process to make payments to Merchants affected by this issue, which will happen once we have released the fix for this. If this has affected you, please file a JIRA and let us know which orders were impacted, and we will make sure you get your payments.".

You can see how this can be interpreted in one or the other, or both ways.

Hopefully you're seeing the larger problem of inadequately tested releases making their way into production with no way to immediately halt a release from making further time consuming transaction errors.

This is not our first rodeo with financial errors, as you know.

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Can you give us any idea when we will be credited with our payments? I feel like crying here, this is over a weeks income for me, and i have tier to pay, and i have hundreds of transactions that i havent been paid for and its still growing. Every day i check the sales against my transaction history, it keeps growing.


Im sure we are all in the same boat, I really hope this isnt going to drag out for weeks, im really hoping to be able to see some income very soon.



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I'm thankful that Merchants affected will receive their money at some point.

However, I do have to say that the phrasing of your comment "we welcome your help in troubleshooting the root cause of this issue via the JIRA process." says to me that the Commerce Team/Devs have not identified why the payments are failing in the first place (not very reassuring regarding a fix).  The Merchants here have helped many, many times to troubleshoot issues with the MP, but honestly - we can't see the code, so how are we to help? We also can't see the JIRAs anymore, so how are we supposed to know what's been reported?

The only two other consistent "oddities" that I see following the conversion are:

~ The L$ Balance in the upper right hand corner of the MP pages constantly disappears - since I can't see the JIRA/Bug Reports, I don't know if anyone else has reported this (I have to believe they have)

~ When I purchase something, my transactions say "Currency Linden". When a customer purchases from my store, the transaction is from "Commerce Linden" - maybe I misread the blog announcement, but I thought that everything was supposed to be from "Currency Linden" now.  - I don't know whether this is expected behavior, or if it qualifies for a JIRA/Bug Report (again, I can't see what others have filed)

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I wrote a system years ago that auto cross checks orders vs payments received and spams my email when I am not paid for something so that I can take care of the problem.  Ive been getting a lot of spam the last 4 days..


LL, this is COMPLETELY unacceptable.  Imagine if newegg or amazon did this to their customers?  They would be sued and or out of business in no time flat.  Fix your horrible system and stop abusing your customers, fire the incompetent people responsible for this and hire some people who know wtf they are doing.

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BTW in continuation to my previous reply, the marketplace has been stealing money from people for years, just at a very low rate.  I wold not have noticed the thefts if not for my auto detection system I made.

Ive had to submit many tickets to get money I wasnt paid for several years now since the marketplace came into existence, it has just been happening much more frequiently since their new payment system was implimented.

I would imagine they have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from people by now that was never caught due to their incompetence.

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

The only two other consistent "oddities" that I see following the conversion are:

~ The L$ Balance in the upper right hand corner of the MP pages constantly disappears - since I can't see the JIRA/Bug Reports, I don't know if anyone else has reported this (I have to believe they have)

~ When I purchase something, my transactions say "Currency Linden". When a customer purchases from my store, the transaction is from "Commerce Linden" - maybe I misread the blog announcement, but I thought that everything was supposed to be from "Currency Linden" now. 

I experience exactly the same as you state above, actually I didn't notice the Currency Linden vs Commerce Linden until you pointed it out and I checked. Added it to existing JIRA too.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

We’d like to clarify that Merchants
receive their failed payments
whether or not
they file a JIRA for this issue.


As always, we welcome your help in troubleshooting the root cause of this issue via

You previously stated that we all should file JIRA for failed payments. Now, I just got my JIRA closed (!) with the reason that it was a duplicate?! What do you want us to do here, really? Now, we should not file JIRA but just sit and wait for a vague we will be paid without even approximation of time when?

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Emma Krokus wrote:

Ok, so we don't file a JIRA for missing payments but do we have to open a support case for them instead?

So confused... 


I opened a support case but was told to file a JIRA and the support case was closed. Now, also the JIRA is closed. Perhaps, I should open a new support case now and see the latest advice for the day? Really this is getting ridicilous. At least, give some information on what steps you are in the process to resolve this issue and give coherent instructions to us merchants.

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