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The Nicest Person on the Forums


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Being "nice" is a matter of perception by each individual. To some I'm the nicest person they know, to others I'm the wicked witch of the west (the nicest thing they say) hehe


There may be a "nicest person on the forum" however it would be difficult to find a person everyone agrees with.

Very true; it gets into what personalities jive, etc.

In some cases people even change their opinions. Stanger things have happened on this forum :matte-motes-silly:


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Ok. Names are still being suggested, so I'm going to make my suggestion. There are many truly nice people in the forum but I'm going to name the one who I gave a clue about in my first post, when I said that she is "sweet". Her name is 16 - sweet 16.

I can't recall ever seeing her be anything other than nice (and often humorous). Even when she is writing something negative about someone, she always writes it in a nice and helpful way.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Ok. Names are still being suggested, so I'm going to make my suggestion. There are many truly nice people in the forum but I'm going to name the one who I gave a clue about in my first post, when I said that she is "sweet". Her name is 16 - sweet 16.

I can't recall ever seeing her be anything other than nice (and often humorous). Even when she is writing something negative about someone, she always writes it in a nice and helpful way.

This is who I had in mind when I started this thread. 16 is the nicest person here in MHO. 

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to be nice is one human quality but there are a lot of other ones that i can enjoy... Like ability to listen, cleverness, being openmind, tolerance, humour, honnesty, loyality, integrity, generosity,  etc....

While i apreciate a lot kindness, this isnt usually my main request for liking someone, im more asking for loyalty and honnesty and even frankness.

That said, for every of these qualities above i could nominate someone different i met via the forum. But the ones i already met knows it already. 

ive always thought its better to tell the person directly, not wait you loose this person, and either, useless to tell in the person's back. 

The pp i appreciate knows it bec i never hesitate to tell them (life is too short for this). Of course this is for the ones i had the great luck to meet.

I also apreciate some other forumers i never met in SL but posts are not enough for me for having an idea about the person. Must be the language barrier idk... Sometimes, i see some post from someone who make me think the person is worthy, and some days later, i can be disapointed by a new post... or vice versa... so well, i need more to tell if sm1 is the nicest person here. Btw, i usually dont like hierarchy and rankings, that must be why so....


edited : language corrections.... (yeah i know, there are still some to do :smileywink:)

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*Waves at Suspiria*  (from one oldbie to another, gee we used to be here all the time, eh?)  Anyway, I agree there are many nice people here, they evolve, come and go.  Melita is one of my favorites, always unfailingly kind even when she's mad, lol. 

I admit I cringe and move on when I see:  "What, you again, saying that again?  Are you not quite bright?'  and such things, and also 'Can I AR for this?'  (when it's over and over again, like a person is only in SL to search out things to AR).  Other than that, I read most things pretty amiably and with an open spirit and mind. 

This is a nice topic though.  Kudos!



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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Phiiilllll ! you are already cheating me ? and with 16 ?

/me slap the door and looks for her lawyer phone number.

I thought we were divorced. And I was never married to 16. Come to think of it, I don't remember you and I getting married so how come we're divorced?

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Too be honest with you, it's hard to find a nice person on this forum because all the regulars here then to be jerks at times (thankfully, it's not as bad as the first forum).  THe only regular I've seeb on this forum doesn't flame or result to name calling Marigold. 

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thanks (:


is lots of nice people on here. if we have to have a list then i think Aunty Valerie be at the top as well (:

she unfailing helpful and tolerant. and patient with people. is the patience she shows that sets her apart


i think of her as my Aunty bc i got some RL aunties like that as well. i i try learn off them. how to behave and that. it don't always work tho. i need practice more (:

i think of most everyone on here in the same way. like they part my family. and everyone kinda self select their own place in the family after a time. like these ones aunties and those ones uncles. and over there is Gramps and Nana. and here is some older brothers and sisters. some younger ones over by here. and some 1st cousins who not see much off but they come over to our house and play sometimes

so is all good (:



am not going to start saying what other peoples roles in the family are. lol not. i maybe get in big trubbl (:

just say about Aunty Valerie bc she have the mana (honour) that accord with that status (:


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

16 is very nice, but if I had to vote I would still vote for Val just cause 16 is super sneaky

one more voter agree. i vote for Valerie as well (:


yes lol agree. is true i can be pretty sneaky

like i been sneaking up on them lindens at the moment over in the Server forum. bc i want them to fix my simboard. and i want to beat Hugsy and Phil in the SL Rally before they wake up to my cunning plan  q; (:

i got no shame either sometimes about these things. like i can be sneaky as when i want something really really badly. in a nice kinda way as best i can tho

but i not let go until they say absolutely No Never Ever Never. then i go: are you sure? and they go YES!!!!  then i go: ok don't have to yell you know. i can accept a plain old no. was just checking in case you maybe change your mind? maybe? no? sure? oh! ok then. as you are really really sure about not giving me. so i can accept that you don't want to give me

then i go: so anyways about this other thing i want

am pretty terribl me sometimes. jejejejjeje (:


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honerken wrote:

Too be honest with you, it's hard to find a nice person on this forum because all the regulars here then to be jerks at times (thankfully, it's not as bad as the first forum).  THe only regular I've seeb on this forum doesn't flame or result to name calling Marigold. 

You're a sweetie, but even I have had my moments (and when I get to the stage I am a bit snarly, I do tend to take myself off for a few days to wander through meadows full of sweet-smelling flowers and pretty butterflies).

I've been helped by so many fabulous people on these forums, and I love it when people pay it forward, go from being newbie to helping out themselves. Isn't this how an ideal world should function (RL too?)

valerie, however, does get my vote - I have never known her to be unkind or vicious, and has a pure heart in RL for sure.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

One of the nicest, kindest, warmest, intelligent, and sincere people I have ever had the privilege to meet on this forum, and call her a friend, was Sole Demina.  

PS Too bad I somehow screwed-up that friendship.  My loss, and it is a big one.  


I got a warm and fuzzy feeling when I read this admission from you, Stormee.  I hope one day the bridges can be glued back together. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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I had promised myself not to stick my nose into this thread. Since my name was mentioned several times, I would have considered an intervention on my part as immodest, or even inappropriate. I sent a few people personal messages thanking them for their kindest words. But when I woke up this morning, seeing your message, 16, awarding me the delightful name of "Auntie" (and also reading your lovely posts, Marigold and Ceka), I thought it would be unfair not to thank you for your wonderful comments. You have no idea how they touch me and fill me with joy. :smileyhappy:
So many of you here (and so many other posters) are wonderful beings, helpful and friendly. My personal list, if I had to make one, would be almost endless.
16, sweetie, if I am to be your "Auntie," I am extremely honored and touched. I could not ask for a better "niece" as you! :smileyhappy:

I wanted to express to you all my affection and gratitude. Hugs you all. :heart:


ETA: Still, there is someone I want to name here, as she is greatly missed: my thoughts go to Irene Muni, one of the most wonderful soul and human being we've had the chance to meet across these forums. Irene, wherever you are, if you ever get to read this, be sure that you are loved. 

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I never said there was anything wrong with giving credit to a poster. I mentioned that because of some of the replies and you did say that others could learn from this one person, so it's going to give you diversity. I am not sure if I am convinced about your expected and desirable diversity. It sounds like when someone talks out of both sides of their mouth and started after another misunderstanding thread. Everyone contributes, no matter who they are, some are much more pleasant and patient and even helpful in certain eyes than others. I commend those who take the time to help especially when someone jumps in and says ""oh not this again" followed by a bunch of ridiculous lolcats pics and videos. I don't recall saying anything was a mystery either, you can read whatever you choose to into my posts, that's your decision. It's not anyone's imagination when another poster goes off on some as mentioned above. I am just thinking of the timing of this thread and it makes sense to me as to why this "kind" thread was created. Again good luck in your ventures :) 

eta: spelling

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