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Permanent land ownership?

Sara Nova

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These are the only ways I know of to have land:

1) Buy some land on the mainland (requires premium membership)

2) Rent some land on the mainland (might require premium membership, not sure)

3) Rent or "buy" some land on a private sim (I don't think anybody lets you own land on a private sim without some kind of recurring payment)

4) Buy your own sim (VERY expensive, really only for rich people or businesses, requires premium membership I think, plus an extra monthly fee)

Is there any way to own some land that only requires you to pay once, L$ or US$? (And nothing crazy, like buying out Linden Lab. :smileyhappy:) I'd like to be able to get some land and know I'm done paying. But every method I know of for buying land involves some kind of recurring payment for as long as you want to keep it. Anyone know of any exceptions, or at least a reason for this?

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The reason you cannot buy land and never have a recurring fee is because the land never really belongs to you.

All virtual land is server space owned by Linden Lab, so in effect anyone that owns land is paying for server space.

There are exceptions, generous persons will let others live on their land for free sometimes. They of course are still paying recurring fees though.

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There is a saying, "There is no such thing as a free lunch."

Everyone who has land, who owns the land, either through premium membership or land rental has to pay recurring payments to keep it. The only way to not have a recurring monthly payment on that land is to maintain a premium membership, pay by the year, every single year (or quarterly or monthly) and buy a 512m plot of land that you are allowed with your premium membership, without any additional teir fees. Anything larger requires a monthly fee, each and every month that you own the land.

For example:

I maintain a premium account and pay quarterly. I bought a 512 plot of land and was lucky enough to find some on the water for I think I paid 3,999L. I don't pay anything else for that land, it is mine free and clear, BUT only as long as I maintain my premium account. So, not really free.

If I increase to another 512m, then I would have to pay $5 a month, each and every month.

No one gets land without paying the teir fees.


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Hey MyAlt! :)


The trouble with your request is that you aren't literally 'buying' something, even though we talk about buying land. What you do is paying a one-time setup fee (or transfer fee, whatever you wish to name it), then pay a monthly 'service fee' for maintenance, service and more. You can very well compare this to having a .com domain. You will have to pay for this on a monthly or yearly basis because of maintenance and 'usage right'.

I reckon someone would be able to seal a deal with you for permanent land-ownership if the stakes are high ebough but seeing as you pay (from the top of my head) 195 us$/month (so 2340/year), you'd have put down a couple of years worth of that on the table to be considered, from a business point of view... and let's be fair, it'd be better to do 195/month than a one-time payment of, say, 10k.

Good luck :)

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To clarify, note that I didn't say free land, I said tier free land.  A big difference.

There is no land available in SL that you can own for life without paying the cost of the server that runs it and that is what tier is.

What you may have heard and be confused about is that there is some tier free land in SL.  In the very early days of SL when LL needed to raise some money, they made an offer to the residents that if they invested money they would receive a lifetime premium membership.  For a rather large fee if you purchased one, you were allowed a certain amount of land tier free for life.  I believe the amount of land you got depended on the amount you invested.  That is why there is some land around SL owned by some very early residents that is tier free and will be as long as they own it.  If they sell it , whoever buys it has to pay tier. You missed the boat on tier free land by at least 8 or 9 years and a substantial amount of RL money.

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Short answer: No


The problem is when you "own" land here you're more accurately "leasing" server space from Linden Labs. Linden Labs charges a monthly fee for this service. Even when you're talking the free 512m entitlement given to you for a premium membership, this is "paid for" by reoccurring premium monthly membership fees. When you "buy" land from another individual here, and NOT directly through Linden Labs, that individual is paying the monthly fee for that land to Linden Labs, so they're not going to sell it to you for a one time payment while they pay the fee every month unless the one time payment is so large that they can invest it and pay the monthly fee from the investment earning, or, unless they're planning to scam you and take the money and later abandon the land so they don't have to pay the monthly fee to Linden Labs. Which, by the way, is exactly how people here do end up getting ripped off (they seek "deals" which are too good to be true).


As for the premium membership fees, you only need to be a premium member when directly owning mainland (your first method listed). You generally do not need to be a premium member owning or renting through a second party, either mainland or private. In fact, bulk purchase discounts (the weekly fee, also known as "tier", is lower per meter the more land you own) and the fact people renting/owning land through others don't have to pay the premium membership fees are the two biggest facts allowing the land "businesses" to make a profit here while still selling land to you at the same cost or less as you'd pay monthly directly to Linden Labs.


Hopefully, this answers your request to know the reason why you can't find land that only involves a one time payment here.


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Way back before my time there were Lifetime Accounts.  If I understand it correctly, people with those accounts can buy upto 4,096m² of land and pay no recurring fees to the lab.  No premium.  No Tier.  That ended a long time ago.

I can't find a reference to it now, but I swear I recall some years ago LL held a contest for something and the winner got a lifetime account.  Unless they do something like that again, and I doubt they will, there's no way to have land without paying some sort of recurring fee.

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MyAlt4099 wrote:

... But every method I know of for buying land involves some kind of recurring payment for as long as you want to keep it. Anyone know of any exceptions, or at least a reason for this?

There are no exceptions to this.  The reason is simple.  When you own or rent land you really are renting server space that is used to not only 'create' the land so you can see it, but also the prims and to run all the scripts etc.  This cost LL money every month.  Tier is your share of the cost of running the server and is based on the amount of land (ie the amount of server space) that is required to support your land and the number of prims you are allotted.

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  • 1 month later...

MyAlt4099 wrote:

But every method I know of for buying land involves some kind of recurring payment for as long as you want to keep it. Anyone know of any exceptions, or at least a reason for this?

The only way was if you had become a lifetime member back in the early days of Second Life, but that offer has long since passed. I think one offer was for a 512 meter parcel and one was for a 4096 parcel - for life. Once Second Life got going and got enough members, they didn't need to do that any more.

If you missed that boat you are out of luck, unless for some reason they decide to do it again. I doubt it would go for $400 something dollars this time, though.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

i kept asking this question for months ... maybe years ... and all what i get is summarized in those replies in this topic ... mostly there is nothing like this .. but there is special cases .. that's all i get from people .. but i wish to find someone responsible in linden labs to answer us 


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You have your answer. It won't change. The only "special cases" that I know about were for a few folks who were here at the beginning and (in theory) got "free land forever". That is long gone WAY over a decade. 

Other special cases were at one time anyway Linden Lab employees who seemingly got free land as a perk. Since I doubt you qualify for either special case, you are in with the rest of the populous. 

There is no way to buy land once and never pay again -- on this platform anyway. 

Here is Linden Lab's official info: 


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On 20-8-2017 at 5:39 AM, herofire2020 said:

i kept asking this question for months ... maybe years ... and all what i get is summarized in those replies in this topic ... mostly there is nothing like this .. but there is special cases .. that's all i get from people .. but i wish to find someone responsible in linden labs to answer us 


if you don't take our answers as satisfying... wth do you ask it on the forums? You have to send a ticket to support... or a letter to LL, the adress is on the main page.

and guess what?... you get the same answers!

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