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Everything posted by herofire2020

  1. i kept asking this question for months ... maybe years ... and all what i get is summarized in those replies in this topic ... mostly there is nothing like this .. but there is special cases .. that's all i get from people .. but i wish to find someone responsible in linden labs to answer us
  2. how this will be correctly if it's against the rules of the language itself !!! ... we don't ask about what is the right for the English ... I need to read Arabic language sooooo well in Second life ... how I will enjoy SL with my arab friends with this way ?
  3. السلام عليكم ... هل هذا الجهاز يسمح بالكتابة العربية العادية ؟ فالشات الخاص أيضا أم فقط فالشات العام ؟؟
  4. everytime i speak with arabic letters it becomes reversed in nearby chat or private chat .. how i can end this ? it's so boring for me to speak with flipps letters like this
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