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Wow, Bad Marketplace Review Removed, Unable to Post Another Review

Nikolai Warden

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It is extremely rare for me to post a bad review on the market. Usually, if I am disappointed in a product, it is because i did not read the description carefully and my disappointment is my own fault. Sometimes I have found a review to be so unfair that I will purchase the item just to see for myself and to comment or leave a good review. All that to say, when I post a bad review, well, the item must be dreadful to the point of uselessness.

Such is the case of a package of layers I purchased for creating body hair. I have been trying to make lower body hair, creating my own brushes for them, etcetera and after much frustration and producing what appears to be scabies infestations and leprosy, I gave up and purchased a set of over 50 messy body hair textures for just under 800L. The size of the files did not fit the standard template for the SL avatar, and the images themselves were actually WORSE than my attempts at creating the same thing with my own brushes. The entire package was useless and awful in quality. I left a one star reveiw yesterday. Today, the review is gone, and I am unable to write another. This seems to explain why this merchant has almost no reviews of any products.

When I make something and someone points out a flaw, well of course I get a tad defensive about it but I do my darnest to hush up and listen to the criticism and correct something if it is a flaw in what I have made.  I do not yet sell on the marketplace, I have been setting up my inworld stores, but I would like to think that when I do list my items on the marketplace, I shall have the fortitude to handle a bad review or two relating to the quality of my product. Now, if it were a bad review because someone did not read the description carefully enough or purchased something with the wrong perms than what they wanted, or were cranky because they rezzed a no copy item that poofed, I could see removing such reviews. But to remove a review regarding the quality of the product sold? In matters of taste there are no disputes, but quality is quality, and something that is of poor quality and not able to be utilized for what it is intended ... it is a poor sport indeed who would remove a bad review rather than say, re-examining a product to see if a criticism is valid or trying to improve on the product.

So why complain about it here? There is the frustration of having a review stifled, having my voice unheard, not that I know whether such reviews are read or taken seriously or not. However, more than that, there is the idea that some other individual could well waste their funds on something of such poor quality without reading at least one opinion of the quality before deciding to purchase. Perhaps I should have posted this in the creation forum as a warning to anyone looking to purchase good body hair layers for use in their skin creations.

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Howdy, Nikolai

There are many reasons why a review can be removed from a listing.  Most often, it is because the review is "off topic."  

Did you try to contact the seller to discuss your problems and see if a solution could be arrived at before you left a poor review?  I would hope that when you start selling on the Marketplace, you would want your customers to contact you if they had a problem with one of your products before they left a bad review, so you could fix whatever issue they discover.

Did you rant and rave about other things in your review?  Did you use foul language?

These are things that will get your review removed on the double quick.  Merchants have the ability to file a request with the commerce team to have a review removed.  There are several options we can choose from.  Then, someone from the commerce team goes and looks at the review.  If they agree with the merchant, away goes the review.

Obviously, the merchant filed a removal request, the commerce team read your review and agreed that it should be removed.  And so...it's no more.

Something else that COULD be it...the Merchant could have deleted the item, re-uploaded it as a new item with the same photos, text, etc.  If they did that, all reviews (good and bad) would be gone.  This is against the Marketplace TOS, so if THAT'S the case, you can file a report on that item with Linden Lab and it will get taken down.  

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You seem to write well, and diplomatically in your thread. If the review you left has a similar tone, then I agree, it should not have been removed. My question for you is, you mentioned not being able to leave another review. Is it on that particular product only or at all? If only on that product, then what I think happened is the merchant went against the TOS and created a new listing. Which means you did not buy this particular product and cannot leave a review. That, I would report. Merchants are not allowed to do that.

As a merchant, I am embarrassed and amazed at their actions.

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Something else that COULD be it...the Merchant could have deleted the item, re-uploaded it as a new item with the same photos, text, etc.  If they did that, all reviews (good and bad) would be gone.  This is against the Marketplace TOS, so if THAT'S the case, you can file a report on that item with Linden Lab and it will get taken down.  

This sounds VERY possible considering the OP can no longer review the product.

Having your review earased for whatever reason does not take away your ability to review the same product again.

I strongly belief it's a new listing. What you, the OP, can do is to check your MP order history. Click on the link to the product that you reviewed. If that link is leading you to a dead end, and not to the correct listing then it's a sure giveaway the creator deleted and re-listed their product.

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iCade wrote:

Something else that COULD be it...the Merchant could have deleted the item, re-uploaded it as a new item with the same photos, text, etc.  If they did that, all reviews (good and bad) would be gone.  This is against the Marketplace TOS, so if THAT'S the case, you can file a report on that item with Linden Lab and it will get taken down.  

This sounds VERY possible considering the OP can no longer review the product.

Having your review earased for whatever reason does not take away your ability to review the same product again.

I strongly belief it's a new listing. What you, the OP, can do is to check your MP order history. Click on the link to the product that you reviewed. If that link is leading you to a dead end, and not to the correct listing then it's a sure giveaway the creator deleted and re-listed their product.

Ah Ha!  I forgot about this, Cade.  Good point!  To the OP...do exactly what Cade says here and let us know what you find out. 

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I know how how you feel. I RARELY leave a bad review. When I do it is because of constructive criticisms and not because I didn't understand the product and I want to throw a baby fit. It is never attacking or demeaning. Just the issue I am having and why I think the product is horrid or as I say, "Not for me"

I wrote a review on a product that I purchased several of because I believed it was me who was having an issue a few thousand linden later I realized it was the product it self. So I wrote a review reflecting my issue. I was stalked and harassed by the creator for a year! It was ridiculous. 

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I can count on one hand the number of 3 star and under reviews I've made in the last 4 years. The rest have all been 4 or 5 stars-usually 5. A 3 would be mediocre product that I also had a problem fixing because a merchant wouldn't help me-also usually not left until I had no other recourse, usually weeks after I purchased because I give benefit of the doubt to most. So leaving a one star review is a pretty serious thing for me too. I had the same problem you're having now with one not too long ago though. The seller refused to work with me in-world. He downright refused to answer me, despite multiple messages and notecards being sent. It wasn't until I wrote a review that he finally contacted me. After leaving a reply to my review of course. My review was not mean spirited, didn't include foul language and discussed both the product and how he was handling the issue. It was really straightforward. I even offered a suggestion on how to make the product function the way he says it should. Since it was a hud that emoted from time to time, grammatical errors and poor context made it seem like it was created by someone who didn't really care to put much effort into it. I thought my review got removed too when I went back to add an additional reply after he finally refunded me the money. But I couldn't, because my review wasn't there. I rechecked the listing through my transactions and lo and behold, he had relisted it. He's done it twice since, too. Because I saw another less than stellar review left recently that's also no longer there.

I tried to report it, but LL doesn't seem to care. So you can try reporting the new listing, but it won't likely do you any good. LL probably won't remove the listing. I agree it's not fair that merchants are able to basically stifle any customer they want to whenever they want to. I wouldn't dream of doing it myself. I guess it's just something we have to put up with. I personally think the whole review system is crappy at best and I can't even say what it is at worst. I wish they'd give it an overhaul.

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VonGklugelstein Alter wrote:

Magnet Homewood wrote:

This is why each listing should display a 'Listed on...' date stamp.

Along with the number of total sales.



Why would the number of total sales matter? 'Listed on...' would be more than sufficent.

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>>Beacuse it tells a lot about the activity of an item. There are certain items that seem to sell more frequently than is natural. I am not going into details but there is a bunch of really shady crap going on and this would show which items obviously have large numbers of phoney sales.<<



Yeah... I wouldn't be happy with that and here's why. My top selling item would look "shady" to someone then when in fact it's not and it would give people just one more reason to doubt honest people. I have in fact sold that many.


Total Sales 2,536
Total Revenue L$XYouDontNeedToKnowX
CasperVend Sales / Revenue 40 / L$XYouDontNeedToKnowX
SL Marketplace Sales / Revenue 2,496 / L$XYouDontNeedToKnowX
3rd Party Vendor Sales / Revenue 0 / L$0


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Hello Nikolai


I have had two negative reviews successfully removed as they were "Off Topic" 

It's a tricky complex issue by and large.

For example, in the texture industry, a customers expectations can be warped by a misunderstanding of building techniques for example. 

Alpha Flicker/Alpha Sorting is not a texture fault but rather a "glitch" in the game engine SL uses (And indeed many game engines used) This is the most common complaint I get due to the lack of knowledge on the subject by the customer.

It's unfortunate that most customers only feel compelled to leave a review if they're angry or disappointed by way of a Negative Review. 

Further more, they rarely contact the merchant but rather "vent" with emotion rather than facts and that's when the review falls into "Off Topic" 

As you have explained that you actually went back to check your previously bad review then found it had been removed and then tried to leave another negative review again,  this suggests to me you were driven by anger and revenge (sorry!) and that might also suggest your initial review was written with negative emotion over factual observations. (I have not read your review so I can only speculate) 

Perhaps this would be justified if the item had other neg reviews and/or you contacted the merchant BEFORE you left a review.

However, as this is content that is saved to your PC I am guessing there was a No Refund policy in place because this is not an item you can transfer back to the merchant such as a No Copy item.

As I say, it's complex and without knowing what was written as well as seeing the actual product itself it's hard to give an honest opinion.

Chalk it up to experience and don't buy from that merchant again :( 




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  • 2 months later...

I won't quote it here, but please read Lillybeth's comment, because this is a big problem with the review process on Marketplace. I have only a few items for sale there, and by and large, the response has been very positive. I've had a couple of thoughtfully stated, critical reviews, which I've appreciated. I've also on occasion seen absolutely ass-hatted remarks, generally in comments, which have been over the top, emotionally driven projections of the buyer's particular state of mind in that moment. 

That to me reflects more poorly on the commenter than anyone else, or should anyway. Unfortunately, because a comment is part of the prospective buyer's exposure to the product's reputation, it has a very real potential to affect sales in a patently unfair way. We ought to have more editorial control over the comment section of the review entries. I understand Linden Lab's delicate approach to managing this, but the current approach enables anyone to slander a seller, whether they've purchased the product or not, via the comments.

People far too often default to the review process, and the comment section, to vent their anger, and that is too often the first communication to the seller that there was ever a problem. That's not why the review process is there.


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For those of you that have had a review removed for legitimate reasons...are you filing a ticket or just using the flag review option? The flag review seems to be completely useless since you can't add notes to explain or anything other than the 1 reason listed in the drop down. I also have one negative review from someone on a product that is negative only because they didn't read the ad apparently.

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Deja Letov wrote:

For those of you that have had a review removed for legitimate reasons...are you filing a ticket or just using the flag review option? The flag review seems to be completely useless since you can't add notes to explain or anything other than the 1 reason listed in the drop down. I also have one negative review from someone on a product that is negative only because they didn't read the ad apparently.

Deja, when you flag a review, your comments on the review are the explanation.  You can also flag comments. 

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  • 1 year later...

Sephina Frostbite wrote:

I know how how you feel. I RARELY leave a bad review. When I do it is because of constructive criticisms and not because I didn't understand the product and I want to throw a baby fit. It is never attacking or demeaning. Just the issue I am having and why I think the product is horrid or as I say, "Not for me"

I wrote a review on a product that I purchased several of because I believed it was me who was having an issue a few thousand linden later I realized it was the product it self. So I wrote a review reflecting my issue. I was stalked and harassed by the creator for a year! It was ridiculous. 

I just went through that recently myself. The seller's tactics at making me look like the devil were very successful, as I have documented my experience here.

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entity0x wrote:

Sephina Frostbite wrote:

I know how how you feel. I RARELY leave a bad review. When I do it is because of constructive criticisms and not because I didn't understand the product and I want to throw a baby fit. It is never attacking or demeaning. Just the issue I am having and why I think the product is horrid or as I say, "Not for me"

I wrote a review on a product that I purchased several of because I believed it was me who was having an issue a few thousand linden later I realized it was the product it self. So I wrote a review reflecting my issue. I was stalked and harassed by the creator for a year! It was ridiculous. 

I just went through that recently myself. The seller's tactics at making me look like the devil were very successful, as I have documented

@Sephina:  Why did you keep buying copies of something that wasn't working?  And did you AR the seller for harrassment?   I know sometimes people can lose their fruitloops over things, but stalking and harrasing for a year?  WOW. 

@entity0x: We only have your side of things here because we don't know what you wrote in the review (both your original and the second one you wrote) nor the entire conversation you had with the Seller.  You've got us at a disadvatange here with this.

I am not saying it was this in your case but I have read enough reviews that it was the buyer who really was wrong.


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