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Research on why people play Second Life


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Hey all,

I am writing a research paper on why people play Second Life and what they feel they obtain from playing Second Life. I  began to play Second Life this week to help me research but I wanted the input of people who play Second Life on a daily basis. 

I am researching the different reasons people play online virtual worlds, specifically Second Life and I would greatly appreciate your opinion!

The questions I am asking are:

1. How long have you been playing second life?

2. How often do you play second life?

3. Why did you begin playing second life?

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

Only reply to this message if you feel comfortable with me using your answers and username in my paper; as you respond to this blog, please state that you give me permission to use or quote you in my research paper, thanks!. I greatly appreciate everyone's input and answers! Thanks! 

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caligirl07 wrote:

Hey all,

I am writing a research paper on why people play Second Life and what they feel they obtain from playing Second Life. I  began to play Second Life this week to help me research but I wanted the input of people who play Second Life on a daily basis. 

I am researching the different reasons people play online virtual worlds, specifically Second Life and I would greatly appreciate your opinion!

The questions I am asking are:

1. How long have you been playing second life?

2. How often do you play second life?

3. Why did you begin playing second life?

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

Only reply to this message if you feel comfortable with me using your answers and username in my paper; as you respond to this blog, please state that you give me permission to use or quote you in my research paper, thanks!. I greatly appreciate everyone's input and answers! Thanks! 


I don't play it.

Do you think this is just a game?


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1. How long have you been playing second life?

Six years.

2. How often do you play second life?


3. Why did you begin playing second life?

To research why people play Second Life

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

A research paper. But it's only been six years, so I'm just getting started.


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caligirl07 wrote:

Hey all,

I am writing a research paper on why people play Second Life and what they feel they obtain from playing Second Life. I  began to play Second Life this week to help me research but I wanted the input of people who play Second Life on a daily basis. 

I am researching the different reasons people play online virtual worlds, specifically Second Life and I would greatly appreciate your opinion!

The questions I am asking are:

1. How long have you been playing second life?

You might be better off asking "How long have you been a resident of SL"

2. How often do you play second life?

Ditto "How ofen do you log in, etc."

3. Why did you begin playing second life?

See above

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

Only reply to this message if you feel comfortable with me using your answers and username in my paper; as you respond to this blog, please state that you give me permission to use or quote you in my research paper, thanks!. I greatly appreciate everyone's input and answers! Thanks! 


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1. How long have you been playing second life?

* Have never 'played'

2. How often do you play second life?

* see 1

3. Why did you begin playing second life?

* see 1

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

* the ability to be very wary of people who turn up purporting to be "writing a research paper" yet offer no credentials/organisation details or even bother to even carry out the most fundamental prior research, often leading to a statement very like "I apologize, that was bad wording on my part."

Such basic research would have told you of the likely reaction of residents here - even for a brand new account =^^=

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caligirl07 wrote:

I apologize, that was bad wording on my part. Could you explain to me more about Second Life and why you interact in Second Life. Thanks!

Could you explain to me in 100 words or less why you have chosen to research this?




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Greetings, caligirl07

Look towards the top right hand side of this screen, and type into the search box "Research" without pressing enter, and you'll see why you're getting the responses you are getting. Many many MANY times we are asked these questions.

If you really are interested in Second Life, and the residents within, you MUST spend time carrying out your own proper research, and not pick the brains of the relatively few residents who visit these forums.


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i have been using second life since may 2008, almost daily. regularly about 10 days a month i dont use second life, i begin playing second life because i wanted to find an internet novelty, i didnt play massive multiplayer games before, after studying my alternatives i found Second Life as the best option in terms of possibilities and because it was free, i didnt want to spend money on a product i probably wouldnt like, the Second Life advantages i have found over the real world is that you can fly, teleport and create things out of thin air without any special equipment, the economy is cheaper than most countries, and the customization of the world and your avatar is practically unlimited.

i hope this helps.

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Hi Perrie Juran,

I apologize for not giving any credientials or background information on my research. I  am a junior in college and we have to write a 12 page paper on any topic of our choice. I chose to write on trust in virtual communities and specifically narrowed  in on Second Life. I have spent many hours researching why people become a resident and participate in Second Life. I began to study this because it is extremely interesting to me. I definitely did not mean to insult or upset anyone with my research question. The reason my question is so basic is because my topic is basic and I wanted the opinion of residents on Second Life. The way I chose to word my questions was not meant to be exclusive or meant in any way specificially. I apologize if I insulted anyone because that was definitely not my intent. I greatly appreciate everyone's responses and help! Thanks !

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caligirl07 wrote:

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

This is a bit of an odd question. The last time I checked Second Life was a real product and thus already exits within reality. If it didn't then we would not be having this converation about it.

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I was not implying that the game is not reality; however, I was asking what do you get in the virtual world that you don't get in the real world. Not implying that the virtual world is not a real product; I was just asking you to compare the virtual community of Second Life to real life community.


Sorry for the miscommunication, thanks for responding!

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I'm looking for the part of my account plan that says I get to feel like a lab rat for assorted people to write their college final exam papers in "Psych 201: deviant behavoir of freeks, geeks, and people we think are just plain weird."

I'm not finding it.

Is this one of my Premium account benefits?


caligirl07 wrote:

3. Why did you begin playing second life?

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

Accoriding to the founder of SL I'm a disabled lonely rural housewife with no ability to cope with reality who wishes to live in a cartoon version of a Malibu beach house and 'pixel grind' with big muscle bound furries...

- One part of that is true, I like my cartoon virtual world - though my portion of it looks nothing like Malibu.


Do note that "researching" the lab rats is difficult in online worlds, that get way too much attention from people out of touch with the modern world who still think they're relevant...

These really are social communities, and your best bet is to get embedded like an Anthropologist would - and then just like said Anthropologist you can go on to write all sorts of false conclusions about the tribe of your choice and slander them left and right as you collect your paycheck, even calling the very members of that tribe idiots about their own traditions when they seek you out and call you on it...

(This is the part where I mention being half Native American, and having a particular dislike of being "studied" by outsiders as a result.)


Here however, you are welcome to "join the dark side" and become one of us - but it won't get you that B- in Mr. Anderson's Psych class, you might be able to write something in about two years...


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I apologize for upseting you, that was definitely not my intent nor is my research anything like that. It is about why people become a resident to Second Life and the benefits people get from interacting in Social Virtual Worlds. It is a positive paper about the benefits and reasons of why people join virtual communities; I apologize it seemed otherwise.


I apologize for upsetting anyone, that was definitely not my intent nor am I making anyone a lab rat, I apologize again.

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caligirl07 wrote:

Hi Perrie Juran,

I apologize for not giving any credientials or background information on my research. I  am a junior in college and we have to write a 12 page paper on any topic of our choice. I chose to write on trust in virtual communities and specifically narrowed  in on Second Life. I have spent many hours researching why people become a resident and participate in Second Life. I began to study this because it is extremely interesting to me. I definitely did not mean to insult or upset anyone with my research question. The reason my question is so basic is because my topic is basic and I wanted the opinion of residents on Second Life. The way I chose to word my questions was not meant to be exclusive or meant in any way specificially. I apologize if I insulted anyone because that was definitely not my intent. I greatly appreciate everyone's responses and help! Thanks !

I don't have the time right now to reply in length but will try and get back to this tomorrow.  :)


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I apologize again for upsetting you. My intent was not to "study" you; but mearly to get your input and opinion on why people partake in social communities (whether it be for fun, to obtain something (like the ability to fly), etc.) and the benefits of being a part of this community. I apologize for the way my research came off for I did not intend to insult you or anyone. I am truly sorry. 

I apologize again and I hope you understand my research was one of positivity and writing about the benefits and positive reasons people join social communities. 



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Thanks! I greatly appreciate it! I apologize for insulting or upsetting anyone; for that was definitely not my intent. I just want to let everyone know that my topic is one of the positive reasons why people join social communities (For example, a sense of community, support, etc.) and the positive benefits of social communities.


Thanks for understanding and taking the time to write back! 

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1. How long have you been playing second life? I have been a resident since 2007.

2. How often do you play second life? I am in world just about every day.

3. Why did you begin playing second life? The rest of my family are big gamers and they attempted to get me in “game” with them. The one big problem is that I would not kill anything and as soon as I logged in a “game” I would be killed. Second Life gave(edited game to gave) me a place to “play” and not kill.

4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality? I go to live events in Second Life. In Real Life I have been to concerts and never have I been welcomed by name by the performer telling my how glad they are that I am there. That happens almost all the time in Second Life. Yes there is a lot more but that one stands out to me to answer your question.

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caligirl07 wrote:

Hi Perrie Juran,

I chose to write on trust in virtual communities and specifically narrowed  in on Second Life. I have spent many hours researching why people become a resident and participate in Second Life. I began to study this because it is extremely interesting to me.

The real paper to write here is the one on how and why there is -no trust- in virtual worlds and similar "fringe communities" of attempts to study them from the outside. But the answer is one that would seriously anger a lot of 'anthropology and journalism types' because their historic dishonesty and outright lies about the people they study are the roots of such distrust.


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seems to me that at least you trying so i will try answer your questions


just on the word play first tho

SecondLife is the construct formerly known as a game

in the beginning it was a game. a creative game same like Minecraft and now even Patterns the new game from LL. Minecraft/Patterns/etc still referred to as games. LL in their alpha vid call Patterns a game. same like they did way back when they first made SL

like you play the game in a creative way using a little toon as the pivot/focal viewpoint

but what happened in SL was that the toons had human-like features (avatars) and as the users become more familar with the concept and their construct, and the modding tools available were quite rich, then the users themselves extended the toon-to-avatar construct far beyond past what even the game makers (LL) ever imagined. unlike say can be done with the toons in Minecraft and now Patterns

as the avatar took on more and more aspects of the imaginations of their users/controllers then other human and beyond qualities began to imbue the avatar and subsequently the whole environment (the inworld). and therefore in the eyes of many users now, SL is not a game. not in the traditional gamer context anyways or in the toon context either

so you can sometimes get pokeback from some nowadays SL users when you use words like "game" and "play". but dont worry about it ok. bc for some is a game to poke college students trying to do their homework. their avatars are just imbued that way q; (:


1. How long have you been playing second life?

in total year/month timespace about 5 years. have had 3 different accounts at different times. 2004, 2007 and now since 2010. i am 3rd generation family (:

at some time in the future i probably stop coming again and delete this account and move on and do other things. same like the times before. but will most likely come back again one day even if i do 


2. How often do you play second life?

i log in most days if am not away RL. sometimes for hours if engaged in shopping, exploring/flying/simboarding, modding my avatar or chatting with other person. other times like only 5 minutes to do a quick check on something. i not have any regular schedule. just fit in with whatever else i am doing online elsewhere and real life stuff


3. Why did you begin playing second life?

no special reason. it was a game just like any other game i found on the interwebz. i do this with a lot of random stuff i find. just click and join and see what is


4. What do you gain from second life that you can’t get from reality?

well reality not quite the right word either. real life (RL) would be better to use when you write up your essay

the one single thing (if i had to pick only one) that keeps me inworld that i cant do in real life, and keeps me coming back since forever, is that i can fly

is something quite special for me to set the viewer to sunset and fly as fast as i can just above the endless blue sea straight towards the setting sun with my MP4 player cranking it

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