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TP to button in viewers radars

Marmar Karu

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I honestly feel this tp to button only allows for more griefing in Second Life. The button should be either removed or at least have a drop down that will allow you to agree to them tp-ing to you. Its about respect, which at this time i am seeing an increase of people with no respect for others privacy at all.

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The functionality exists, and the concept is simple. Anyone who wants this feature will continue to have access to it, simply by design.

The sim knows where everyone is + The viewer allows you to TP to any co-ordinate = TP to any user on the sim. There's nothing else to it.

Respect isn't something that software understands.

Making this function any more difficult to access would only create the illusion of a type of privacy that has never existed in SL, and never could.

Moreover, a required use-case for this function is obvious. It helps people every day (customer service, moderation, land rental, socialising, building assistance), I would imagine at least as often as it upsets people.


With that said, Exodus Viewer allows people to send and recieve TP-to-me requests via the mini-map, provided both users are running Exodus. It won't ever prevent anyone from using the direct TP method, but it may be worth considering if you want to encourage 'polite TPs'

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Marmar Karu wrote:

I honestly feel this tp to button only allows for more
in Second Life. The button should be either removed or at least have a drop down that will allow you to agree to them tp-ing to you. Its about
, which at this time i am seeing an increase of people with
no respect
for others
at all.

Griefers are going to grief and a**holes are going to be a**holes no matter what you do or don't do.  And if I want to get to where you are I can think of several ways with the official viewer (and I just checked them out to be sure) to do that.  Just about any tool can be abused.

But to be flat out honest, most of the incidents I am aware of, where people have endured continued griefing, the "victim" was doing or did something to make themselves a target.

I love the feature and I use the feature because it makes my Second Life simpler and easier and I'm glad that I have it available.

The best advice if someone is being annoying is to ignore them.  Plain and simple. 




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As Perrie said, there are other ways of doing the same thing without the button in any viewer.  If we start removing everything that could potentially be used to harass someone, we'd be left with very few features on a viewer.  The problem lies with the behavior of people and how they use tools not the tool itself. 

There is nothing in the TOS that says you have to grant permission for anyone to tp to you, anymore than someone needs your permission in SL or RL to walk up to you.  At least in SL, if you are on your own land you can control this using ban lines, security systems and access lists.  However out in public areas or on someone else's property in SL or RL,  you have no expectation of control, or indeed any privacy.


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:matte-motes-impatient:  Well that seems to be where things are wrong. Cause in RL no one has a right to come into your home without permission or an invitation. So where should SL be any different, Cause i know i sure have not invited them or gave them permission to enter my Home on SL. Ahhhhhhh thats right.. SL is a game to the majority,so the majority rules RIGHT!!. Its funny how it is a game ,Until they get hurt by someone in Game. Then it becomes something different then a game. It becomes VR. VR= Virtual Reality, which means Almost Reality. Which links it more to RL(Reality). Wow what a concept!

As for behaior. You are correct. Many show exactly who and what they are in RL in SL. And if  it was allowed to do the things they do in SL in RL. Could you image what the RL world would be like.Wow there goes peace and common sense and well lets add the so called Godly Morals. There is no respect in either world as far as I see. Cause of people and their behaviors. However they are the first to **bleep** about things when it hits their pockets and makes them struggle harder to survive.

As for ignoring them!! Wow yeah you can mute them all and not be able to talk with pretty much a majority of people on SL. However that will not stop the individuals from being disrespectful griefers/arse-hats. Also it sure is not going to stop the RL under sexed Arse-hats from dropping in on you, in your moment of pleasurable fun in your own home on SL. Because they can not get someone to play with their whanky,wuzzy and so that means they should just have free reighn to just drop in on anyone they please. Because the so called g-dly morals,respect and common sense does not exist in SL,because SL is a game. Right!! Can I ask what happened to common sense,and respect? Did they go out the window when they agreed to TOS.

OK correct me if i am wong on what i am saying and seeing here. Because i am not afraid to admit if i am wrong and nor am i afraid to educate myself further in life. To achieve a more peaceful and loving life.

Oh and btw there are some of us that come on SL,for other reasons then it being a game. With some of us,we are either disabled,missing limbs, or have other ills that prevent us from doing somethings in RL,that we can do in SL. So with that said those of us like this deserve no respect by others. right?

As for giving others a reason to grief me. Been an Anti-griefer in SL for 4 years now. So if reporting someone for breaking tos or being harrassing by way of tos. Gives these people the right to grief me. Then wow i have tons of people on SL that would just love to be arse-hats to me for reporting them for age play,child porn,Harrassing others and Spamming to the point of harrassment. Oh and lets  not forget,  bringing a sim offline due to BS or as some would have others believe, it was only roleplaying.

Shakes head in dis-belief.

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If we take it out of the viewer, I'll just use llGetObjectDetails("your UUID", [OBJECT_POS]); and TP to you anyway. If you don't want people in a sim to teleport to you, leave the sim.


If it's your parcel, ban me from the parcel.


There's two solutions, and we didn't even have to recode any viewers!

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So gadget


Would that mean i would have to contact my LANDLORD everytime someone does this to have them banned. I mean as i have stated. I RENT THE HOME..NOT THE PARCEL.. So i do not have rights to land rights. All i can do is place out an orb with eject only.. wow truly am shaking head in disbelief at how important a button is to so many. When as you point out,you an do it by other means. How about allowing those others to slowly find it out. AH NM this only proofs that many truly do not think about anything but their own self interests. Not how it could help and I did say could help many from being griefed. Oh and also if I AM PAYING for the home. WHY should i leave,because someone thinks they can come on SL and do whatever they damn well please.

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Seems to me, quite apart from this feature, you should be asking your landlord to give you rights to ban people from the parcel you rent.     After all, in general, if someone wants to invade someone else's privacy in SL there's plenty of ways to do it that don't involve this particular feature;  tenants needed eject and ban abilities for the parcels they rented before Emerald (as then it was) introduced this feature, and they would still need if it LL banned the "TP to Avatar"  button.




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Funny how everyone is bound to keep the button. Which i don't have a problem with that to a degree. Let me bring up what i stated in my initial post..

"The button should be either removed or at least have a drop down that will allow you to agree to them tp-ing to you"

At least give people the CHOICE and I am saying the CHOICE to allow or not allow someone to tp to you. An added feature to possiblely stop the BS.

Again allow people to have the CHOICE to allow or not allow someone to tp to you.

As for asking the Landlord for rights to ban people on a parcel,done that and he has even gone as far as reporting these individuals to LL. He has been very kind,however does not feel comfortable about giving rights on his parcel.Which i can understand his point to a degree. So how many landlords are out there in SL land, that is going to give that right out to renters of their Apartments or Homes? Please send me their names and LM's to those rentals. Cause at this point i am willing to move if this continues.This has become an everyday occurance and It has been about 5 people in a 20 minute time span.


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It's pretty standard to give tenants land rights, I think.  I do, and I always had land rights when I was a tenant.   You ask for recommendations -- as far as I know, Linden Homes give the ability to eject and ban people from your home, so maybe you  could investigate that.   But, as I say, to my mind, most landlords will give you some sort of land rights.

As to this button, as far as I know, it's only there in Phoenix and Firestorm, so it might make more sense to take up the matter with their devs -- it's not an LL feature and, as I said earlier, I think it's only those two viewers that have the button in the form that's so intrusive (it's certainly not there in Catznip or RLV, the two viewers I use most of the time).

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Marly Tomsen Rentals: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Junlong/131/184/50

Ravenglass Rentals: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alston/115/23/37

Ravenglass is self service: Pay rental box at the parcel you want to rent, join group the parcel is in,
then IM Prokofy Neva for upgrade to Resident.

Both landlords allow setting of Media, Autoreturn (Important!) and Ban-lists.

Remember to read the covenant/notecards provided from the rental boxes / offices.

Oh, and removing the TP-button from the Radar solves exactly? Nothing. Why?

There are enough inworld devices and HUDs available, showing the way to the avatar,
so walking or teleporting there is no problem. And the Minimap has the functionality as well,
just double click next to the dot representing the avatar you want to visit.
That takes you close enough to find the avatar quickly.
And none of these methods ask the destination avatar for permission.
I suggest to see your presence in SL as similar to having a public website on the internet.
That's, how I see my presence here.

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Let's say the button in the radar goes away.  Fine.  I open my world map, click the box that shows people, chose a random green dot, and TP right next to it.  Removing the button in radar will do nothing to stop random people from TPing into your space.  The only thing that can prevent random people dropping in is making your land private.  If keeping random folks from TPing into your property is important to you, perhaps you should consider renting land where the landlord allows you to make your parcel private.

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I'm only going to say this once ...

The button you are raging over simply looks up positional data and inputs it into a far more standard teleport command which functions similarly to standard warp teleport arrays. They don't ask for your permission nor should they.

Sorry - the function was aded in as a means to aid estate managers, group security for malls/clubs and other cases where the ability to teleport to the exact coordinates of a paticular avatar far outweighs the issues you're facing. Someone griefing an estate or any other venue isn't going to grant permission to be teleported to.

The function is here to stay as it is presently implemented. Take measures to counteract those who abuse it and move on.

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Marmar Karu wrote:

So gadget


Would that mean i would have to contact my LANDLORD everytime someone does this to have them banned. I mean as i have stated. I RENT THE HOME..NOT THE PARCEL.. So i do not have rights to land rights. All i can do is place out an orb with eject only.. wow truly am shaking head in disbelief at how important a button is to so many. When as you point out,you an do it by other means. How about allowing those others to slowly find it out. AH NM this only proofs that many truly do not think about anything but their own self interests. Not how it could help and I did say could help many from being griefed. Oh and also if I AM PAYING for the home. WHY should i leave,because someone thinks they can come on SL and do whatever they damn well please.

Everyone whom you see answering you here is Anti-Griefer.  So it is not that we are "against you."

Linden Lab gives us two things here, tools for navigating through the World and tools to give you privacy.

As has been stated by many here there are more tools to accomplish the "TP TO" than just the silly button in a Viewer.  If you take away that button, the griefers will just use the other tools. Really, the Viewer is not giving you anything that LL has not made available for us to do.

If your Land Lord or Lady has failed to make available to you the privacy and security tools that LL has made available, then you should take it up with them.

In an ideal world, both SL and RL, it would be wonderful to never have to deal with idiots.  But both RL and SL are not ideal worlds.  I have lived on the Mainland for over five years now and can count on one hand the number of times I had trouble because I make use the tools that are available.  And in all those instances I was able to deal with them swiftly with the tools.

But on a side note, if your home is in a Moderate Rated SIM, and your Land Lord or Lady allows you to boink in your home, and they DO NOT have parcel privacy enabled, then they are in violation of the Adult Content policy.  If you can see what your neighbors are doing or if they can see you, it's a violation.

So the real issue here is your Land Lord or Lady failing to provide you the tools to be private in your home.

As far as public places go, we have the Abuse Report, which all of us here I believe will agree LL needs to act more swiftly on.  But that is an issue to take up with them.

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If I may add one thing to the comments above ...

Most people (and 5 in 20 minutes is very extreme) that pop into your private space uninvited will do so because they think there is something worth seeing. That means they've opened your Profile and find it interesting. So you can possibly decrease their interest by adjusting your profile a bit.

Add some text in the Description field to the effect of "I'm taken, I'm not interested in you or your issues. I AR anyone that pops in unannounced." You may also consider a photo that shows your land, your home, a favorite place .. with you in the background.

It may take some experimenting to find a combination that reduces the number of lookie-lous. But 5 in 20 minutes? That's extreme in every measure and must be due to something beyond the ordinary.

Lastly: http://islandoasisproperties.com/available-land.html Full property control including media and ban lists. Very reasonable prices and top-notch staff.

(With apologies to all the other excellent landlords and landladies I know and work with. I had to choose one and the dice chose for me.)

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Marmar Karu wrote:

I honestly feel this tp to button only allows for more
in Second Life. The button should be either removed or at least have a drop down that will allow you to agree to them tp-ing to you. Its about
, which at this time i am seeing an increase of people with
no respect
for others
at all.

As a massive fan of the TP to feature, (especially when I am touring events such as Burn2 with friends), I would be extremely sorry to see this useful feature go. The majority of people in SL do respect the personal space of others. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Marmar Karu wrote:

So gadget


Would that mean i would have to contact my LANDLORD everytime someone does this to have them banned. I mean as i have stated. I RENT THE HOME..NOT THE PARCEL.. So i do not have rights to land rights. All i can do is place out an orb with eject only.. wow truly am shaking head in disbelief at how important a button is to so many. When as you point out,you an do it by other means. How about allowing those others to slowly find it out. AH NM this only proofs that many truly do not think about anything but their own self interests. Not how it could help and I did say could help many from being griefed. Oh and also if I AM PAYING for the home. WHY should i leave,because someone thinks they can come on SL and do whatever they damn well please.

Everyone whom you see answering you here is Anti-Griefer.  So it is not that we are "against you."

Linden Lab gives us two things here, tools for navigating through the World and tools to give you privacy.

As has been stated by many here there are more tools to accomplish the "TP TO" than just the silly button in a Viewer.  If you take away that button, the griefers will just use the other tools. Really, the Viewer is not giving you anything that LL has not made available for us to do.

If your Land Lord or Lady has failed to make available to you the privacy and security tools that LL has made available, then you should take it up with them.

In an ideal world, both SL and RL, it would be wonderful to never have to deal with idiots.  But both RL and SL are not ideal worlds.  I have lived on the Mainland for over five years now and can count on one hand the number of times I had trouble because I make use the tools that are available.  And in all those instances I was able to deal with them swiftly with the tools.

But on a side note, if your home is in a Moderate Rated SIM, and your Land Lord or Lady allows you to boink in your home, and they DO NOT have parcel privacy enabled, then they are in violation of the Adult Content policy.  If you can see what your neighbors are doing or if they can see you, it's a violation.

So the real issue here is your Land Lord or Lady failing to provide you the tools to be private in your home.

As far as public places go, we have the Abuse Report, which all of us here I believe will agree LL needs to act more swiftly on.  But that is an issue to take up with them.

Very nicely put, Perrie.

To the OP, I am sorry you are going through such a miserable phase in your SL. 

This issue with the 'TP to' facility though, are you absolutely sure this is how the griefers/visitors are entering your personal space?

If you are living on an Adult-rated sim, it might just be that people are clicking on the world map, and aiming for your green dot.  Or maybe you are living somewhere where there used to be a club, and they still have an old landmark for it.  In your shoes, I would consider moving. As with Perrie, I have lived on mainland for most of my five years as resident in SL, and can count the griefing/invasions of my personal space on one hand.


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I don't think you need someone else to tell you why the feature being removed would do you absolutely no good, it's been pretty well explained. But I do want to that that, even among those who use this particular viewer(well viewers), I don't know a whole lot of people nor have I come across them, that actually know the button exists. So it's actually less likely that the people popping in on you are using that feature, than it is likely. From my experience only, of course. I'm by far no expert on the viewers but I have had tons of conversations, and watched tons of threads here and elsewhere about them. You might be surprised to know that by my calculations(a guess, at best) less than half the users even know about most of the extra features. I have a hud for example that has a radar, spanker and all kinds of other features, that lets me tp right to people. That came out long before these viewers did. I've been using it since 2008.

Also, I don't know why you added in the blip about some people being disabled, and why on earth is has anything at all to do with why you deserve respect. All people deserve respect, no matter what. Whether you are disabled or not. I'm legally blind and you don't see me demanding some kind of extra support from fellow residents simply because I choose to participate in a world thta might not always treat me the best-regardless of my disability. Actually, had I not said anything, you wouldn't even know I'm legally blind, now would you? What makes you think griefers(though I would not lump everyone who pops in unannounced as that, this is just a  difference of opinion) are either targeting you(or anyone) because of some disability? You must think that, or bringing it up would make no sense. Of everything said, that bit probably bothers me the most. Call it a pet peeve if you will, but I hate when people toss things like that into conversations where they have no business being tossed and are completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. It's almost insulting to people, actually to me it is insulting. We all have our burdens in life, some more than others. We're still all human...save for maybe the chipmunks and martians of the forums. I know, stupid rant of mine, but, there ya have it.

I don't know why your landlord won't let you ban people. That seems so backwards to everything I've ever seen, it's not even funny. I understand why some don't want to allow a sim-wide ban for tenants, I suppose. But parcel bans? Yeah, that doesn't make sense and it's a pretty crappy landlord if you ask me. I can count on one hand how many landlords I've run across that don't allow bans, and they were/are terrible landlords. <shrugs>

I have people pop in my house all the time. I always have, no matter what sim I lived on. In some cases it very well may be that my location used to house something else. I'm ok with that. I can't even tell you how many old lms I've come across over the years that now put me in someone's house, store, under water, whatever have you. Eh, such is life in a moving, thriving, ever changing, virtual world. I'm glad not everyone is offended when you pop in somewhere unannounced-since we can't really announce ourselves. I don't consider it insulting when people pop in on me and hubby. Unless of course they actually ARE there to grief. 95% of the people who have popped in on us, at any given time, are not, though. Sometimes it's because they're looking for my store-which is up above my home. Sometimes it's them using an old lm to somewhere else. Sometimes it's just them being curious. There's a club on my sim and I've had a crap ton of visitors pop in on me from there too. I don't know if they're using that feature, or not, nor do I care. If I don't want them there, I ask them to leave. Usually I let them be. People explore all the time, and I'm ok with that. If you're not, and I respect that many are not, then you have ways to stop them, so you should use them to your advantage. I'm not in any way saying people should be ok with visitors at any given time. But you've got lots of ways to stop them, and you're using absolutely none of them. I have all my stuff, furniture and whatnot, set so that only group members can use them, most of the time. Mostly because, like many, I don't really always want to let everyone use everything I have. They can still visit and whatnot, usually, and will without needing to use every piece of sit-upon stuff I've got. Most aren't there for that anyway. Sometimes I take the group only thing off. Like if I am gone for an extended period of time. I figure, why not, let them use it. As long as people are respectful of others who may or may not be there, I'm cool with it.

But, again, I don't consider simply popping in on someone as being disrespectful. I know others may not agree, you're bound to run into differing opinions here on that one. Even if it's pixel nakey time, I don't necessarily consider it disrespectful of me, hubby, or our land. Like I said, if I don't want them there, I can stop that from happening, pretty easily. Not everything we find to be a slight against us, is something I'd qualify as griefing. But, we all define griefing differently too.

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If they are using it in a public area like a Welcome Area on SandBox its exactly that public Free to All no matter how much you like it or don't like it.

TP to function just saves me the ability from having to wear  one of those laggy multitools that takes up lots of time and lags the sim you are in, so start restricting my viewer functions I will start wearing them laggy multitools again when I enter the SandBox's you visit.

If you are worried about privacy and own the land then...

1.Uncheck the box that says allow others to see your avatar and chat on the parcel who are outside the parcel.

2.Set a landing point below this will disable the TP to function and make them land at landing point.

3.Access Lines on those sims that allow it.

4. Set voice to its own channel.

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Marmar Karu wrote:


As for ignoring them!! Wow yeah you can mute them all and not be able to talk with pretty much a majority of people on SL.

Just replying to the part that jumped out at me.. WOW! Where in the world do you hang out at? o.O You should find different spots if the ass-hat ratio is that high.

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1: I live on an adult sim. Yes there are 3 clubs on the sim. 2 are fairly slow.not so many going to them. However the one in the sky is an adult club that is well very active.Might be due to the fact it is a sex club.

2: I have now set my radar to announce people entering and leaving sim.Entering and leaving draw distance.I have also now learned how to take pictures with the print screen button.Have been taking pictures of those entering sim and where their starting point is. The starting point is at the club above. I have also done the experiment of tp-ing to someone by way of MAP. By way of map you are not landing directly in the middle of the person. You are offset a ways. Also have now purchsed a few huds, that have the tp to button. Those too have shown to offest the avatar a little ways from the person i tp-ed too. However found it interesting that the tp to button in the viewer. Seems to land you directly in the persons avatar that you are tping to. Took picutres of the whole thing to prove my points.

3: Very true about the profile. Aparently people see either the picture or actually read something that catches their attention. However do have in their that I AM MARRIED

Here is my sl profile. Maybe a suggestion to make it not so inviting for the drop ins.


about: 1: RL= Biological Molecular Pixelized human
2: SL= Pixelized Avi that is 98.5% a look alike to #1
3: Ego's= gets you no where attitude
4: wanna f's= gets you nothing
5: A-S-L= Nonya F-in Business
6: BI= Likes Both genders-however prefer Males

read more in picks  -  then feel free to IM Me.


First life tab :

√ married - 2 - Bleeping the name
 Age Verified
 Voice Verified
100% percent female. RL and SL
Not escaping reality.Enjoying Virtual Reality.

Now IM me to know me - Cause the rest of my RL is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!


4: Have tried talking with the club owner about this issue.Even showed proof by way of pictures that they are coming down from his club. All get is he feels that, i take this game to seriously. Have also talked with the landlord about this issue. Since these are apartments that are stacked one on top of another and on 1 parcel together,with the land settings set so no one can see into them that are outside of the area. He has also put in an orb to eject them imediately. That If by allowing me and others to ban individuals who pop in on us. It could/would as he feels slow down his ability to get potentional renters in his apartments.

5: Everyone has their reasons for being on SL. Mine are different then most i guess. I do not view SL as a game. Enough said on that. I am just tired of hearing it is a game.When clearly it is not to some.At least respect their reasons for being their.

6: I don't have a problem with people using my apartment for their own fun. Just not when i am there and diffently not when i am in the middle of my fun with someone. I sure don't want to see someone standing right in the middle of me,as my ass is sliding up and down. rofl!! That is why the IM button was placed there. So you can IM to see if the person is available or to at least have a conversation with.

7: As far as moving, as some of  you have suggested.. Well i guess it is just time to remain on my own sim and lock the doors. It is already a group only sim and those that come their. They do not tp to anyone that is paired up. Its just sad to see that on most adult sims, the respect is not the same. Nothing wrong with watching someone either. As long as it is at a distance and not interrupting the couples pleasure.


Am i so wrong to think that respect should be a given in a place like SL, as most would respect people in RL for their privacy? I mean do so many walk up to or flawk to a person RL window to see what they are doing inside. Just cause of curiousity is killing the cat.. I don't know maybe it is just my time to leave SL. I am beginning to feel I don't belong there either.  I am not  enjoying SL as I did in the beginning. However wasn't always hearing the wanna blank ?'s alot nor did i at the beginning think that SL would help at all with my RL situation.However SL did help with certian things and I was started to feel i belonged somewhere in a life. I brought up the fact of disablity in hopes that some would graps an understanding to the many reasons people come to SL.. It was not intended to offend anyone or cause anyone to feel pity. Just have a little more understanding to the many reasons why some do come to SL.. Anyway this is my last post here. Cause it doesn't really matter anyway. I am coming to realize people are the way they are and making things simple is the way to be. The button makes it simple for many, even though it can be a pain for those who do get griefed. So leave the thing in and live life.Take care all!!

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I think your experience just differs from others and you're having a hard time accepting that. Not everyone is going to agree with one another on issues. I have a feeling you're actually just looking more for validation than anything else, because you already know this. Your feelings are always valid, whether or not someone else agrees or has the same experiences. All feelings are valid.

I can indeed use my HUD and the map to tp directly on top of someone's head. I do it all the time, lol(to people who don't mind, of course). Actually some of my friends and I have made a game of it-the whole flying falling thing is hilarious to us at times. I'm not certain why your experience with that bit is different, but, like I said, we're not all going to experience the same thing. I can also intentionally tp right next to someone too, using the same map.

Respect should be a given anywhere in life. I don't think you'll find many here who disagree with that. What it seems you're finding is that people will define respect differently. Me, for example, I don't find someone tp-ing in on my head(no matter what/where/when) as disrespectful unless their actual intent was to BE so. Kinda hard to determine that without them saying it though, lol. You on the other hand, see this as a slight against you and a disrespectful act. Nothing wrong at all with thinking that, you just can't expect that everyone will agree. It's just not going to happen.

People come to SL for all kinds of reasons. I see people saying that others need to respect their reasons all the time, but what I don't see, is a two way street. Maybe some of the people tp-ing in on you are simply in sl to explore the whole grid(or as much as they can) and perhaps don't see their act as being disrespectful. Shouldn't we then respect their reasons for coming in too, even if it might annoy that they have "invaded our space"? If we want them to respect our reasons, we've got to give too. Or maybe I'm just reading that part entirely wrong, it's quite possible. For me, the reason(s) for someone being in sl don't play much of a part, or rather, shouldn't, when it comes to issues like this. Mostly because the reasons are so widely varied. Not everyone views the avatars in sl as "people" as it were, despite their human controllers. So seeing you, or someone else, bumping pixels with another is not quite the same as walking in on someone bumping uglies in rl. There are lots of people who view sl as something "not real" and they should be just as free to do so, as you are to believe otherwise. Neither of us can, or should, say the other is right or wrong. It's just a matter of opinion. You'll find tons of people on either side of that argument. But that's again where that two way street of respect comes into play for me. I respect that some separate themselves from their avs entirely, and I'd expect that others would respect that I am not one of those people. Truth of the matter is, people on either side, fail to have that respect.

I highly doubt that most people tp-ing in on you are doing so to grief. That would mean they're intentionally causing you some kind of harm. Which means they'd have to share both your definition of griefing, and your definition of disrespect(or harm). It would also mean you'd have to converse with them to find this out. Since not all are likely doing it on purpose, they may not even answer if approached. I've run into that before too. Mistakes can be embarassing for some. Of course some also probably wouldn't care less either way, too.
 When I've tp'ed in on someone's head before unintentionally, I've never once done it out of disrespect. I am sure that it's possible someone who shares the same opinions as you on the matter, might have thought so. They'd be completely incorrect, though. The people who pop in on me from the club on the other side of the sim, don't even always do it on their own. Sometimes they clicked something they shouldn't have. For a few weeks I had people pop in like crazy when they were trying to tp tot he club. We still don't know why, LL wasn't helpful, and neither was the sim owner. It's not been a problem for ages though. I chalk it up to some odd quirk, since I can't really explain it. It would have made more sense if the club were above me, but it's waaaay on the other side. So, who knows. Heck I've accidentally left on auto pilot or double click to tp before and accidentally sent myself somewhere I didn't want to be. It happens, lol, so that might be what happened in some cases too. I don't know. No one does.

I'm sorry you feel SL isn't for you. Only you can decide that for yourself, of course, but if it were me and something were annoying me as much as it seems to be you, I might think the same. If, however, it weren't annoying me this much constantly, I might just find other things to focus on while I do what I can to prevent the acts driving me batty. Even if it means having to move so I can take advantage of the free tools available to me elsewhere. It's annoying to move, I've done it way too many times myself. But if something is really that bad, there's no point in sticking around anyway. You won't be able to fix the problem, from the looks of your reply. So maybe it is time to go somewhere you CAN fix the problem. The grid is pretty darn big and I am betting you can find some place that suits you perfectly and fills all the needs you may have :)

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The club is the problem. However, the club owner cannot be held responsible, what his customers do outside the premises.
But with a club comes traffic. Aside from the ever curious, you've got misjudged teleports, outdated landmarks and overshoot.
Especially near sim borders. I even managed to land INSIDE banlines thanks to overshoot after a sim crossing.
No, I didn't got ejected. :matte-motes-agape:

Question: How much do you pay for your apartment? Around my property, there are parcels in the range from
L$300,- to L$450,- available. Plus a nice cottage for L$150,- with 150prims free. Seafront/seaview.
Advantage of rented land: You can set some necessary land options yourself. have Ban & Eject rights and you can have a skybox. It is a quiet sim and at 4000m ASL it is really quiet. Since it is mature rated land, adult rated things/doings must be
taken inside a home, but since you are doing it already, I don't see a problem with that.

In your situation, moving seems to me indeed the best option as it takes you out of the fly-in corridor.
I'll send you a few landmarks via PM, so you can look around and can think it over.

Marmar Karu wrote: "Am i so wrong to think that respect should be a given in a place like SL, as most would respect people in RL for their privacy?"
No, you're absolutely right. But, the way SL is constructed, you cannot expect the privacy you have in RL.
If I want to spy on my RL-neighbors, I would have to work quite hard (quadcopter, fat telephoto lenses, long ladders,
drilling holes into walls, etc. And the police coming to an unannounced visit 10 minutes later.)
In SL, you simply use the camera controls. And noone will notice you peeping around.


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