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When Politics Collide with Virtual Realties

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Anyone see this? I hope it's not a double post. If so, just give me the link. I tried to search it in the forums. How scary is this? I mean... dang. 

Scary in what way?  Scary that it's an issue?  Scary that she plays WOW?

What I find scary is that a person can lie, steal, cheat and deceive us about where our tax dollars are going (referring to our representatives here) and still hold their position but a person can lose their public sector job over a perfectly legal activity because it wasn't quite morally proper:




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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world. Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar. Ha!

I'm in the same soup



I can see the headline now:

"Candidate Believes He Is A Little Green Man From Mars"   :D

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world. Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar. Ha!

I'm in the same soup



I can see the headline now:

"Candidate Believes He Is A Little Green Man From Mars"


Headlines for me: 

"Candidate acts out the persona of a snooty know-it-all, who disdains bad grammar and crass language.  Plus, touts some political stuff that almost no one else likes"


Person reading headlines

"Wait a minute, that's how she is in real life too!  Ha, either way, she doesn't get my vote!"


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I can, sorta, understand why you might think it's apalling that someone's WoW character could be used to attack/defame her RL character, but I don't really think it's at all surprising. People have been finding out almost from the day Twitter went live that their most offhand remarks to friends can become World News. Facebook users have faced the same sort of issues. Why should gamers, or virtual worlders like us, be any different?

Anyone who wants to be a public person in this world, and it doesn't get much more public than running for major political office, should be well prepared to have all secrets revealed. Is forming an opinion of someone based on what you've read about his WoW character a valid thing to do? I'd say no. But then, forming an opinion based on what you read in one or two newspapers or blogs isn't a valid thing to do either.

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It does say that she gets political in her blog posts.  So although I don think playing WoW should be an issue, the blog posts are certainly fair game.  Now a days, everything the oppo can dig up on anyone seems to be fair game, but that goes for all political parties.

For me, the biggest disqualifier for anyone running for political office is if they intend to run for more than one term.   The biggest problem with politics is the professional politician.

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My point of the post wasn't what else she was doing as a candidate, but that they're showing her avi on the TV news tonight and talking about the *character* she plays being who she is in real life. They didn't dig as deep as you people have. I saw it on the news and found this article to link it as a reference. The spin was, virtual world, real world--is the same. So forget her blogs and crap and whatever else.  Think about being an SL avatar and you're like King of some BDSM resort, or WHATEVER, fill in blanks, and you go for a job interview, and they got your leather and lace, tied and whipped avi in front of them on the screen---- ok, so they get this info about you. Or whoever gets it. We post on FB and Twitter Knowing it's out there, but we don't use SL to be OUT THERE. Do we? Are we all sharing our avatar experiences with our families and co workers? No. We're not. 

ALL I was saying and thought it would be more thought provoking (guess not) was, do people want this shared, who we are in SL?  I'm not that hidden, my pic is on my blogs, etc., but plenty don't want things know. Like the school official I know who has interesting peccadillo in Second Life. 

When are they going to post their Internet history? That's what I want to see. Then we're in major league baseball!!! The day will come. 

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Certainly, I think that criticising her for her WoW activities is a bit below the belt (to be fair, so, apparently, did the rival candidate, at least in the interviews I've read with him -- the decision seemed to have been taken party managers without reference to him, and he didn't seem too comfortable with it).

However, I think that if you do blog about something, particularly in a column in The Daily Kos, you can hardly complain that people read it, and treat what they read there as being publicly available information, because you've caused it so to be.   Similarly, if you go into politics, at least in the UK you're aware it's a rough old game; the advice people are given here is never do or say anything you're not prepared to have plastered all over the front of The Sun and The Daily Mail, 

So, while I disappove of her opponents' actions, I don't really think she's got much cause for complaint.     I don't want work colleagues to find out what I do in SL, so I take care that they shouldn't, and that includes not writing a blog about it in my real name.    

Having said that, I'm just waiting for it to transpire that one of her opponents plays this game:

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world. Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar. Ha!

I'm in the same soup



I can see the headline now:

"Candidate Believes He Is A Little Green Man From Mars"

You mean You're NOT REALLY FROM MARS????...oh my life is shattered...*sobs quietly in the corner

You're plain mean Perrie *scraps her email to SETI

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world.
Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar.

Are you sure about that? I'm a pretty good judge of such things, so I think it would be a good idea if our avatars got together for a while. Then I'll be able to give you an expert opinion. Free!

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A few reasons why I would still vote for her.

1. She is goal oriented

2. She is goal achiever and then some (she did have 2 level 85s didn't she?). She is a starter and a finisher. 

3. If she knows how to trash talk and survived her way through those elitist Leroys in WoW - twice, then she is mentally resillient and competitve. 

4. She knows where to dump her frustration and anger. 

5. She talks the language of 10 million players-world wide. Crit, DPS, HPS, PBoE, AoE, DoT, HoT, GG, WTB, WTS, LFG, etc... MMO players, they're worse than the medical workers. If she is in South Korea, it will be a landslide win.

One Reason I might not want to vote for her.

WoW is flooded with confused teenagers and 5 year olds nowadays... Unless she moves on to Rift, GW2, TSW and other MMOs, I'm afraid she will not be able to reach her voters effectively. 

By the way, would anyone of you be voting for the operator of Stroker Serpentine? 


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

My question is, How did they find out? I thought your RL was supposed to be kept private. Did she out herself?

It doesn't seem to have been a secret.   Here's a fellow guild member announcing her (Colleen Lachowicz's) candidacy in the Daily Kos last year, and soliciting donations:  Daily Kos World of Warcraft Guild Update: Santiaga for ME State Senate!

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Leia36 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world. Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar. Ha!

I'm in the same soup



I can see the headline now:

"Candidate Believes He Is A Little Green Man From Mars"

You mean You're NOT REALLY FROM MARS????...oh my life is shattered...*sobs quietly in the corner

You're plain mean Perrie *scraps her email to SETI

I did not say that I wasn't from Mars.

We must remember that the opposition and the Media always spread lies about the opponent's.

After all, Bill Clinton "did not have sex with that woman.' 

It was all made up.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Leia36 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world. Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar. Ha!

I'm in the same soup



I can see the headline now:

"Candidate Believes He Is A Little Green Man From Mars"

You mean You're NOT REALLY FROM MARS????...oh my life is shattered...*sobs quietly in the corner

You're plain mean Perrie *scraps her email to SETI

I did not say that I wasn't from Mars.

We must remember that the opposition and the Media always spread lies about the opponent's.

After all, Bill Clinton "did not have sex with that woman.' 

It was all made up.

Nod nod nod. Good point, "read my lips" etc etc.....got a cigar? :D

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You are quite ignorat and mean...yeah...10 milion players worldwide and sure....all confused teenagers and 5 year olds? Tell me more about how you can see the person behind an avatar. Thats silly. Every game has its weirdos and jerks. Not just wow. SL for example is also full of them, just like the internet at its whole. Feeling anonymous brings out peoples worst sides when they get angry or feel boundless.

And surprise to you: I have played other MMOs too, and people are all the same, no matter where you go. For one special example I can tell you I met the worst jerk ever in Swtor and saw her again in GW2.

So stop judging one MMO and present all others as paradise. Thats like saying all SL residents are sexuall frustrated weidos in RL.


What makes me angry about the whole topic is that you still get discriminated in this stupid society for having a hobby you enjoy and they don't even know a bit about. Society again tries to force people to have certain kinds of hobbies, wear certain kinds of clothes and behave just like they want it.
If you start to be any kind of different from the taste of the media you are brandmarket as a freak and have to explain yourself like if you had done a crime.

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If she outed herself and she's running for postion, then dooh...but still... the spin was like it's the "same." Are we the avatars we play?  Maybe a bit, yes!  I never viewed SL as a game. I imagine that if I was running for office, they'd quote me saying that! LOL.

I'm not from Mars, but Venus.

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Leia36 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Leia36 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Please. Scary that two a person is being judged by being in a virtual world. Hell, I'd be in big trouble if people started researching my avatar. Ha!

I'm in the same soup



I can see the headline now:

"Candidate Believes He Is A Little Green Man From Mars"

You mean You're NOT REALLY FROM MARS????...oh my life is shattered...*sobs quietly in the corner

You're plain mean Perrie *scraps her email to SETI

I did not say that I wasn't from Mars.

We must remember that the opposition and the Media always spread lies about the opponent's.

After all, Bill Clinton "did not have sex with that woman.' 

It was all made up.

Nod nod nod. Good point, "read my lips" etc etc.....got a cigar?

I didn't have sex with that woman either.  :(


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