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What is the difference between Second Life and Inworldz?

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I was one of the first avatars there. Must have been more than 3 years ago. In the begin there was a massive lag and  I crashed all the time.
I bought land there, much much cheaper than in SL and much more prims.. But I did not stay long. There are hardly any residents online. Never more than 150. And there were no physics for vehicles or boats so no sailing, no horseriding, no surfing. Maybe it is a nice place for builders or roleplayers who never leave their land or sim.

I logged in last week.The place has not changed very much. Still 150 residents online and no sailing....
For me it is a boring place.


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Inworld use OS sims, these are free that you can put on your own machine, but they are not anywhere as good as second life, the reason being that they have software that was first used by LL, LL have developed their own and is very different for os sims, some say that it is the lindens that own open grid and the os sims development and deliberately hold it back so people come here, i have os sim on my server, but forget vehicles or anything you can do in sl as it wont work in inworldz, they disable a lot of things hopping no one notices, if your just into hanging about and talking then os sims are for you, but if you want function then forget it, you will find if you ask about function then the helpers there will get very hostile and boot you before you can say to much.

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  • 3 months later...

Well I think difference is Linden Labs works very hard  creating new features here is article that states

the Research Head of one of these smaller grids Inworldz reversing secondlife  technology for there benefit,

I might be mistaken but I believe in TOS as a business agent they are suppose to register as that?

If I was to work for Honda and get a job at Toyota just to see the tech with plans to reverse engineer it

would that be moral I have to ask ?



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Drakeo wrote:

in worlds is not a friendly place. if you ever wanted to know what it would be like if a drama queen run out of SL got her own grid, talk  to people like me that invested thousand of dollars t0o go there and promote. talk to the peopl that have been hurt. There is 73,000 users and 150 online right now. there is no retention do to the .

Your biggest competitor is the founders. they throw huge events that last all week . Now that may sound like fun . But the fact is if you go there open a place and you you have a club any time the have a event your place will be dead. I will say we made a little money there but never made much. it is pretty dead most of the time.

 there is good things there but the truth. The <mentors have abused people in the forums while the drama queen the founder has taken there voice away .

   Let you know this inworldz looks friendly from the outside. You are warned it is trying to grow but the founders have spoon fed a small group of people and now they are  defending them  as they abuse you.


This is what I experienced in 2010.  I was enthusiastic and was looking forward to being a "pioneer" in a brand new world (although, as noted, it had been in existence for two years prior) that another poster mentioned.  I was appalled at all the "I hate SL" posts on the IW forums at that time and expressed my opinion that some of us enjoy both worlds.  One poster/IW resident who owned multiple sims was one of the most vocal SL haters.  I posted that by continuing to spew his hatred re: SL on the forums, this could result in some people not checking out IW if this turned them off which was the opposite result he and the IW founders seemed to want.  His response on the forums to me was: "If you like SL so much, then leave IW."

I had pretty much come to the opinion by that time (had been in IW approximately 2 months) that I wasn't great at trying to run two shops in two worlds and there really wasn't anything compelling to keep me in IW so I left.  My "mistake" was sending an IM to the person who told me to leave IW and let him know I had decided to follow his advice.  In minutes I was IM'd by the founder of IW accusing me of "harassment" and that "she would not tolerate that."  She continued by saying how many people had been hurt in SL and it was normal for them to have a low opinion of SL.  WHOA!!!  I was likely not wise in sending that IM to the resident (and that is all I said; he did not respond nor did we get into any kind of discussion in world) but harassment?? That's a fairly serious allegation.  The way the founder jumped in to defend another resident 1) made me appreciate the wisdom in LL's policy of not getting involved in resident-to-resident disputes and 2) that I would have nothing to do with IW personally again.

There are two people in IW that were/are wonderful - one is a friend I already knew from SL and has been so very kind and generous to me in many ways, including offering free space on her land for me to have a home on IW, complete with a gorgeous Japanese house she built (and which I still wish she would sell on the SL MP *Hint*Hint*).  The other was the man who offered a shop to me rent free on a lovely sim.  He tried to talk me into staying in IW, noting that the person with whom I had the issue was a known jerk.  He has now returned to SL and, as far as I know, splits his time between both worlds.

Bottom line for me: There are two people who I greatly enjoy in IW, but I have other ways of interacting with them.  The founder's attitude, on the other hand, was less than professional and bordered on harrassing me.

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Well if they stole anything i'm sure the Lindens will catch them sooner or later

 Also might just be an act of desperation on Inworldzwhatever grid:smileyvery-happy:

I guess they give new meaning in a big way to Copybot Grid!:smileyvery-happy:

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Drakeo wrote:

in worlds is not a friendly place. if you ever wanted to know what it would be like if a drama queen run out of SL got her own grid, talk  to people like me that invested thousand of dollars t0o go there and promote. talk to the peopl that have been hurt. There is 73,000 users and 150 online right now. there is no retention do to the .

Your biggest competitor is the founders. they throw huge events that last all week . Now that may sound like fun . But the fact is if you go there open a place and you you have a club any time the have a event your place will be dead. I will say we made a little money there but never made much. it is pretty dead most of the time.

 there is good things there but the truth. The <mentors have abused people in the forums while the drama queen the founder has taken there voice away .

   Let you know this inworldz looks friendly from the outside. You are warned it is trying to grow but the founders have spoon fed a small group of people and now they are  defending them  as they abuse you.


As the thread is revived anyway...

These founders came from OpenLifeGrid and are egocentric control freak drama queens.

As Lovin said in the comment near the bottom: "What happens when the biggest Drama Queen of all gets to play God? She wins everytime!"

When she left in a giant drama bomb, me and some friends waved Mrs God goodbye and saw all this crap coming as it is her nature.

Your creations are as safe as your money in the bank, the only thing they care about is their own arse&interrests.

Sure, wasn`t a saint either in OLG, but i was making noise against unkept promises over months by the grid owner Sakai untill i just threw my hands in the air and gave up spoiler.png


As bad as the lab treats us some times, it is a better then some other grids...

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Hi folx-))

I just saw some new entry stats on my blog Drakeo led some ppl to, and then I found I can easily log in here so I figured I might as well add a comment.

If you do go to my blog please look at the other pages as they are much more interesting [at least to me...lol] than this old one....I only did it to vent and bring some closure for myself, mainly....and never really posted it much...tho others have.

Not sure I will add more as my own issues with inworldz are old now and I have moved on and found the Metaverse to be cool and fun again.

I call Metropolis my home but have a free region in Kitely and hypergate around to places and enjoy some other commercial grids in various regards.

I still even come to sl sometimes and was never one of the sl haters at all.

I had not been aware that Sakai was an owner of that grid mentioned, but it makes sense. As my blog noted by Drakeo has a few sentences related to her. And it appears she has left inwz now also....tho I dont go in there so I can't confirm this.

I would never go to the inwz grid again due to comments made here and my own experiences there. But, as with all grids, there is always going to be some of the mean people with mental issues, it is the nature of the beast.

I do have friends who I met there but most left and the couple I still know there I can email with or communicate with on google+.

There is so much wonder and fun in the Metaverse there is simply no reason to be a part of any grid where one does not feel relaxed and welcome...because, after all is said and done, most of us simply wish to find them entertaining and stress free.

be well, peace-))

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My friend say to tell what fell on us in that land place

we go there exploring but always love secondlif always we acted adult also humble in inworlds but we  was told by a mentor that we no longer welcome in place was told gorean not allowed and gay Japanese gorean get us banned that we was in a land of general and sex was adult we needed to respect there school grid but when we join said we must be adult human so why must we be treated as children we was humiliated in inworlds after we quit they charge my credit 6 times I have bank of Tokyo file charges for taking 300 Yen we could not even close account I burn viewer from my apple lappstop

Japanese or gorean they kill you or you will be you become hunted animal

please forgive my poor english worded sentences but must say cannot let other be tricked it would be dishonored as they not secondlife but house of tricksters in inworlds gridd

At least in 2010 for the couple of months I was in IW regularly, the Gorean, BDSM, D/s issue seemed to be originating from the founder.  I know of one couple who practiced one of those three and met another couple who were among the original residents and sim owners of IW who participated in D/s.  The welcome area where new avatars rez is called IDI.  There used to be an area very nearby called the Coffeehouse where mentors would hang out to welcome new residents and, back then, the founder was present a lot of the time.  I recall the founder telling people not to wear Gorean, BDSM, D/s tags while in that area.  This resulted in a number of people questioning that.  Then the founder said that she wanted the IDI to be neutral and not "scare off" or "turn off" people who might not be into that.  There was quite a discussion on the IW forums about the issue.

IMO this is again an issue of a heavy-handed founder who espouses her way or the byway which is, of course, her right as the founder, owner, payer-of-servers, etc.  It is also the right of those of us who disagree with her to not inhabit her world. ;)

Edit: Clarification

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best to ignore that grid anyways....if you wish to seek out new adventures you might try Metropolis for a free opensim grid with no currency or Kitely which is the goto grid for commercial interests, or both.

You can see on Maria Korolov's site how this is going.


and she post new stats on the 15th or 16th of each month.

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Would you live there & sleep on that sofa 


Would you sleep on that sofa? the founder of inworldz does Cockroaches and all and is even posted in her profile



Been here along time now what can be said is secondlife is turning around and gets better everyday and new management has really jumpstarted more innovation as the new features are going to make life here much nicer

Indeed SL10th BB was a smashing event highlight how far we as a grid & virtual home of ours has came

My friend bill pointed this forum out to me as success will always have Imitators as example would be inworldz copying all of Linden lab's, resident's & volunteer's hard work passing it off as the work they created

My own private research last few day's point's to this

Inworldz for last 2 year's has actively sought out former linden lab employees with incentive to pay to gain indepth knowledge of secondlife's advanced internal workings seeking those employee's and former developers across the globe thru sources of online hiring a good example of this former employee Qarl's Linden and his selling of secondlife sources to inworldz and selling out our grid

Jim Tarber , Head of Inworldz research today quotes as saying "Materials support is planned and coming" another invention by secondlife & its residents being stolen & used

Now I have no hard facts if trade secrets have been taken or not but there objectives and motives are very clear as to there desired goal just following on bing the hope is to "destroy Secondlife" and try to fill its very big shoes

Point across is this secondlife is the real grid as per inworldz they hope to mimic secondlife enough to get you to come over so they can rob you as we all sould think long & hard if they are willing to steal out of the linden's cookie jar then stealing from you will be a piece of cake.

Best Regards , M.Desoto

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inworldz was like going back to 2006 in SL for me.

i spent a couple of hours there a couple of times and said to myself...

i already did 2006..i'm going back home to the future..


what are their logins at right now? have they reached 5.k yet?

that's about what the OS projects top at most times from the ones i see that did well..

there is just too much you can't do there that is basic stuff here that we take for granted..


you really notice those things in those places..



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Qarl Linden selling LL secrets?  You mean the Mesh Deformer project that LL didn't implement when mesh was introduced?  The project that was devised and funded by independent residents who asked the ex-LL employee Qarl to develop?  The project, which when finished was offered to LL for free, but yet they have still not implemented it?  And now you get all pissy because somewhere else has offered a home for it when LL drag their feet?  Furthermore, LL didn't invent materials.  It's a graphics feature that is used widely in all video games and LL have now decided to implement it when I would suggest that it was not on the top of many residents' priorities.  

And that final point exemplifies where the crucial difference is between LL, IW and many other grids.  IW et al have smaller customer bases and have to respond more quickly and inline with their residents' demands if they are to retain them.  From my knowledge the only grid that came near to LL's customer service was Avination and looked what happened to them, that is though my personal opinion and YMMV.

Moreover, many other worlds are not tied to LL's developments and their infrastructure and have made a point of not going down routes LL have for the betterment of their own grids.  The InWorldz physics engine, nVidia's Physx, is reputedly far better than LL's Havok engine.  Kitely's price structure (pay as you use) is a novel change on how people use and pay for their land and their customer service and interaction is widely thought of as one of the best.  The basic lowdown on all grids is that they use the same opensource code, which they are free to do with as they please within certain parameters and restrictions.  If it's not broke then don't repair it, which is not necessarily the same as, "they are stealing out the Linden's cookie jar."

Your "couple of days" research also omitted the facts that IW and most other grids don't charge for content upload and that the price of land elsewhere is considerably cheaper than it is LL.  Only last month figures were released that showed that there is now more virtual land owned outside of SL than in it for the first time.  One could imply from this that if there are more people joining the virtual worlds then they are preferring to own land elsewhere or if the virtual world population is still stable then people are choosing not to own land in SL, but elsewhere.  Either way LL are losing marketshare and money and it is going to IW and other grids and probably for good reasons.  If you want LL to improve and all other grids then this is a good time, LL's primacy has at last some kind of challenge and other world's are catching up fast with the experience that LL can provide.

P.S.. If your best arguments against another virtual world is a picture of a dog on a sofa and the admittance that, "You have no hard facts" then maybe next time you should do a little more than a few days private research.

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(Quote) P.S.. If your best arguments against another virtual world is a picture of a dog on a sofa and the admittance that, "You have no hard facts" then maybe next time you should do a little more than a few days private research


My fine feathered friend no arguments nor was your facts related to any other grids off topic and yes i will defend secondlife and defend our home & residents if you consider that pissy well that is to bad as well also we already have one confirmed inworldz employee who has posted more then 2 times in this thread i have no time to feed trolls will let our dear readers decide.

Best Regards , M.Desoto



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i agree LL are dropping the ball and pretty much let a lot of people down over history..

i'm looking at my fingers wondering if i have enough of them to count them out without running out of fingers and having to use my toes lol

my opinion was when i stopped pretty much being in sl a lot..it was like we were left here stranded..no blog communication or communication from all those branches of communication they had just gave us..

residents paid like around 5k  to get the deformer going and it's what? more than a year later now?still nothing and always an "IF"  for them on if it would be used anyways..

right now i pop in sl so far ths summer once a month to pay the tier on my little piece  of land i have..the only reason i am doing that is because  i had a brain fart and decided instead of paying qrtly i would pay for the whole year..

so i have this silly obligation feeling  and kind of hoping they will pull something off in this year that draws me back in..

i hate that i don't love being in world anymore..and i hate that they could give two damns and an oh sh!t about it..

i never liked it when they went from actually participating with their user base to this cattle type feeling  i have gotten from them since M was CEO..

i went to other virtual worlds to see what was out there..because i felt  the ones running this couldn't care less if their grid colapsed or not..


inworldz was something i just checked out because it made me curios to see if just maybe someone did something  that i liked better..

but going to the same kind of virtual world..that wasn't the answer..it had to be a total different  kind..something with a new learning curve that was exciting again..


LL loses users at the gate because they really don't see that first impressions are one of the bigimportant things to falling in love here..

and for some reason it's remained a mystery to them this whole time no matter how loud it's been said over and over to them..


well i hope they pull something off this year..otherwise i'll be staying in the other virtual world i have been in as well for the past year..and it's not from their open source..

but it's a new learning curve and has some pretty cool people in it as well..


7 years ..

that  i think is too long for me to sit in one spot anyways lol

my horses put me on a guilt trip to ride them everytime  i walk out of the house or look out the windows and they see me looking hehehehe

so maybe that..



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Hello I must as why is an Inworldz employee is posting here as a head mentor of inworldz  pardon my directness you are considered an employee in the state of California as Linden Labs is based out of California and online volunteers in the state still are considered employees regardless if they ever receive compensation, Laws were put in effect to protect employers & employees regarding Workers' compensation regardless if you a resident or not of California you are still accessing services with its services located in California accessing from in California or outside online accessing linden labs services would still be seen as an employee even as a volunteer unpaid,

Above is a legal standpoint if the lindens ever decided stop this sort of thing from continuing to undermine everyone efforts as would be linden labs choice to pursue that if they choose


Just to make it clear she is an employee of another service provider using settled methods to attempt to undermine secondlife so her posting would have a bias also to post here to be so bold one could imagine what might be done inworld to disrupt our world if this was done in any other type of business it would not be legal and possible criminal not to sound like an old legal harp but at end of day linden labs has to pay tens of thousands of dollars each day to power & maintain its servers these inworldz folks are trying to run up the electric bill in a different view if I might say


Another poster said I did not have enough facts well I dislike all the legal things myself but to confirm my standpoint looks like everyone is getting more facts now If I do say .


Best Regards, M.Desoto


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I didn't say you were "off topic".  I said that you were wrong, misrepresented the only two facts that you put forward, were woefully incomprehensive in your assessment and showed a lack of knowledge about the entire topic.  I hope I've made that clearer for you now.

Although all movements appreciate their zealous defenders I think it could only be embarassing for any supporter of LL/SL that your main feature is a personalised ad hominen attack on owner of another grid.  Add to that your erroneous facts, lack of knowledge and it's hard to look at your post other than something of a pissy rant.

Just so you know, I have accounts in SL, InWorldz, Kitely and Avination and have enjoyed all of them to varying degrees and still do.  I wouldn't go into bat for one against another because none of them are perfect, but there's a bigger metaverse outside of SL's gates now, which is growing faster than SL.  And telling lies about it and hurling personal insults will do nothing to stop that or influence any knowledgeable reader's opinion.

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(Quote)Although all movements appreciate their zealous defenders I think it could only be embarassing for any supporter of LL/SL that your main feature is a personalised ad hominen attack on owner of another grid.  Add to that your erroneous facts, lack of knowledge and it's hard to look at your post other than something of a pissy rant.


This is secondlife forums as such would it surprise you to read from "zealous defenders" if being loyal here and pointing out issues that might be going on under the radar & responding to others comments is such a bad thing it can only be by those who hope to see things swept under the rug.

(Quote)"Why worry about the Illuminati when the Ignorati outnumber them by billions."  Is this how you feel about Secondlife residents or just a general life outlook ?

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Confused as to why your post is directed at me. I am not now, nor have I ever been, an InWorldz employee - just a happy resident - as I am a happy resident of SecondLife as well and I for one do not have any axes to grind nor do I see a need to bad mouth other grids- here, there or anywhere. When I have been upset at LL, I have been quite vociferous about it- if you search the archives you will find plenty of posts of mine as I am an old resident. When I have been po'ed at IW and any Founder I have been quite vociferous about it there as well. I have no qualms about stating what I believe - in other words - I can be quite opinionated. 

Frankly the majority of the uninformed opinions I have read here are exactly that- uninformed. And some are so ludicrous they don't even merit mention. I have been reading though because like most folks I enjoy a good laugh and the perennial trolls are always good for those. 

Am only commenting now in direct response to you since you took my rather kind and bland answer as some sort of personal affront or an insult to LL.

I have nothing but praise for SecondLife and the beauty found here- however, I choose to make my life elsewhere. It is a matter of free choice, nothing more.

Have a nice day :D

Edited to add that I am not any sort of mentor - head, feet, stomach or otherwise.

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Re: What is the difference between Second Life and Inworldz?

Reply to Ceka Cianci  - view message

‎07-09-2013 11:09 AM

Well I'm glad you're at least still posting here and that you are also happy wherever it maybe that you've landed; care to share where?  **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-wink.gif" border="0" alt=":smileywink:" title="Smiley Wink" />

Why worry about the Illuminati when the Ignorati outnumber them by billions.


Was just in a peaceful English garden but offline but no I prefer not to meet you for some kind of Testosterone infused malice in my life on the grid but did take time to mute you incase your 'firm' in your offer




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Your in the Mentors Group there and at mostly functions and events you are in the role of an Employee of Inworldz

now if you wish to hide your status that is fine as anyone here can Bing or Google your name with tags of Inworldz or Opensim and follow your comments right along with Inworldz founders as comments seems in most forums you are there to correct those with a different view then your employers and now here to correct me

I do not need corrected as what I have said stands you might be upset I am exposing you to a company you have been undermining and exposing it all to residents

Regardless I am here for secondlife you are here to defend the interests of Inworldz I need to not write another post to preserve that.

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Wow, you're a real whacko job aren't you.  You're really taking this, "Your world, your imagination" to heart.  I bet you still got some gems left though rattling around in that ol' head of yours.  Want to share them?  The floor is yours and I'm ready to be entertained as I can see now that we've reached the half-time show.

Lets have a quick reprise of your first-half performance shall we.  Well it didn't start too well did it with an early ad hominen opening attack, which I hope that you can substantiate, that basically showed where you were coming from for the rest of your plays and kinda revealed your game strategy.  You then tried to fake a fact past the defense and wham, you got clothes-lined by an inconvenient truth, tried the same move again and what do you know, you got whacked back again.  So it's 4th down and 40 and you go to your play book for the miracle play.  The crowd waited with anticipation for an unconsidered golden nugget of a verifiable fact, maybe a dazzling display of literacy and wit as yet unseen, at worse they thought they could hope for a copycat quote from a drafted in literary genius off the bench.

Sadly though the half ended as it began.  A lame fallback to the only offence the team was capable of pulling off, a lame picture pushed up front, an attempted scramble through with an unintelligent insult, a public fumble and an easy interception for a touchdown and you have to wonder if the kid is playing out of his league.

Anyway carry on because I'm sure that what you want to see is that what has been for the most part a supportive thread of LL closed down and to make all those off-worlders happy; so either way you've thrown the game for the rest of the team buddy.  

Nice playing with ya. :smileywink:

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