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Everything posted by DreamingofDreams

  1. The time and history between your posts shows your someones sockpuppet So You and Inworldz Jimmy Swaggart ARE SO MUTED also banned from any sims I work in as your on DJ list Oh is that not fair? if not maybe you sould contact the labs huh?
  2. Well maybe you sould send inworldz founders here instead of having sockpuppets and good friends like you defend them yes Also if someone is an alt it is very likely they do not not want a Loontoon such as yourself stalking them As with age many bots in secondlife older then you and after what you wrote here I could respect them more But your time here might have been a good playing card friend but your smack against secondlife and linden labs even in this thread is noted so looks like you burned that bridge but you could go back and edit its your choice
  3. Going to amuse you and say time and actions are two different things example would be what he was written not me so I will find no need to defend what I have said Your example fails to reason with me as Secondlife is more then a brand or video game so its not the same as comparing fast food brands
  4. You don't sound like you care about secondlife but it does sound like your a big friend of inworldz Just finished reading your past posts you have a lot of arrogance maybe you don't see it but thinking most do, Reading your online posts confirms this but I really suspect your more then someone here to chat I'm sure you know this too.
  5. Well I think difference is Linden Labs works very hard creating new features here is article that states the Research Head of one of these smaller grids Inworldz reversing secondlife technology for there benefit, I might be mistaken but I believe in TOS as a business agent they are suppose to register as that? If I was to work for Honda and get a job at Toyota just to see the tech with plans to reverse engineer it would that be moral I have to ask ? http://www.kitely.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=199
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