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No Second Life Community Convention 2012 this year

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There really isn't a proper forum for this but since it involves "people" I will go with it here...

A friend of mine made the interesting observation that it appears there will not be a Second Life Community Convention this year, the first time since 2004. Just like the dead silence from Linden Lab when they stopped providing grid metrics, they and the convention organizers seem to think no one will notice if they don't say anything. In part though they are right. Except for one lone inquiry way back in January there has not been a peep from anyone anywhere on the web or SL about the convention not being held this year.

Has anyone heard differently? Does anyone have an opinion on this change? One person I spoke to said it seems to be in line with Linden Lab no longer being interested in community or customer development but instead wanting to become a server provider for a declining SL and future Sims-style game developer. What does everyone else think?

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SLCC really was only for a very few people.  I agree that Linden Lab is no longer interested in SL.  I don't think they've ever been interested in community or customer development, at least since the boom of 2006/2007.  I don't think their future products will be 'Sims-style' as that would be too complicated for them.  Maybe Farmville.

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Nuhai Ling wrote:

There really isn't a proper forum for this but since it involves "people" I will go with it here...

A friend of mine made the interesting observation that it appears there will not be a Second Life Community Convention this year, the first time since 2004. Just like the dead silence from Linden Lab when they stopped providing grid metrics, they and the convention organizers seem to think no one will notice if they don't say anything. In part though they are right. Except for one lone inquiry way back in January there has not been a peep from anyone anywhere on the web or SL about the convention not being held this year.

Has anyone heard differently? Does anyone have an opinion on this change? One person I spoke to said it seems to be in line with Linden Lab no longer being interested in community or customer development but instead wanting to become a server provider for a declining SL and future Sims-style game developer. What does everyone else think?

It'll be a shame if it doesnt happen. It was during the SLCC last year that I discovered SL & I met my sisters there, who were DJing the dance. I asked them if they were going to DJ this year & they said that they would if LL asked them to but they hadnt heard anything yet .. Seems like, tho, that I read somewhere it was supposed to be in Boston this year .. So .. dunno ..


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Thank you Brenda. The contact information you posted and last year's organizers' website was the first place I looked for information but as you mentioned it has not been updated since October 2011. All correspondence to the listed contacts has also been unanswered. :( Never hurts to keep trying...

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FYI as this thread continues: If any verifiable information about SLCC 2012 is located I will be more than happy to post it here. As it is now, this forum is the only thing popping up on SL and general web searches concerning the topic. Please keep responding and stay tuned!

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The only mention I can find is

Boston, MA, where the Second Life Community Convention 2012 and future conventions will be held in even-numbered years


This year we are excited to announce what we call the “Bi-Coastal Convention Plan”. Moving forward, we plan to hold the convention in the Boston area in even numbered years, and in the San Francisco area in odd numbered years, and always in the first half of August (the first or second weekend, depending upon venue availability).


First half of August is suposed to be the normal scheduled dates...

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The bad news is, living in Boston and trying to plan ahead, I contacted this listed contact directly via email over a month ago, and I got no response at all. Not a good sign :-( 

Chris M. Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque)

Vice President, AvaCon, Inc.

275 Winthrop Street

PO Box 618

Rehoboth, MA 02769-1819

(774) 654-0010


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I don't have an answer, but have some tips, as I am in the meeting planning (convention planning) industry. If the conventions were held in convention centers:

If it's in Boston, it will be held at one of their 2 convention centers.  1- the Boston Convention and Exhibiton Center or 2 - the Hynes Convention Center. Every convention center has a calendar section to their website that lists out all contracted events.  I'm not sure how large SL conventions have been in the past but that may be one way to check, since it's really rare to actually speak to someone at LL who knows whats going on.  :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

If they're not held at Convention Centers then it may be large meeting space (in a hotel) in the surrounding area of the convention center, as the meeting space at convention center hotels are large enough for a smaller group. I hope that makes sense and hopefully helps!

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The Hynes might be a little bit of overkill.

For that matter, the breakfast nook at the Saugus Day's Inn might be overkill.

(Admittedly, Saugus may not actually have a Day's Inn, with or without breakfast nook. Still, even as fiction, it may be overkill.)

I do wonder... is that organizer still involved in Second Life, not strictly OpenSim now? I don't mean to stir up trouble; I'm just getting a bit of a "Waiting for Godot" vibe.


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