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Yep! Tamara .. guess youre right about ppls' dreams ..

Seems expensive tho .. paying LL to have one's dreams rezzed more tangibly than just in their heads. Glad they do or we wouldnt have such lovely places to explore around !!

LoL .. youre a cool perv tho .. guess we both are .. :catwink:


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Are you advertising the free hand cart? Are not many taking it up? I say this because in my crystal ball I see your name ends in linden, I could be wrong, I am some times.


As for the OP's question, its not my SL or anyone else's, its all about what others expect from you, most can't see that but that is what it is.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

My Second Life is for purely leisure and pleasure.  Sadly, I learned early on that my building skills were very basic, and the fact is, my concentration span is very short, so I tend to log in with an intention to do one thing, and then usually get distracted and do something completely different.

I do not enjoy shopping, except if it's for pyjamas.  I love to live in pyjamas, which I could not get away with in real life (although once they cart me off to my very own private padded cell, I am sure I will get a bit fed up with wearing pyjamas :matte-motes-wink-tongue:)

Yesterday I was thrilled to bits to find that Linden Lab have given all the premium members something that I have always wanted to have a ride on in real life.  It is slightly less perilous to travel in this way in Second Life.

Ahhh simple toys are often the best fun.

Yes, all things considered, my Second Life has to be about the fun, emptying the head of the real life stressful stuff for a little while at least.



handcar 14.jpg

I still haven't picked up my handcar but I'll get it one of these days. Never enough time :-(. In addition to "O Brother" there is a really funny short film in which Buster Keaton rides a powered version of a hand car from coast to coast across Canada.


It has some hilarious slapstick moments including at least one like yours. I found what looks like the whole thing (almost 25 minutes) on  youtube:  


My SL: A wonderful place where I explore, create (not that I'm anything to write home about in that department, but knowing how to do some things certainly gives me an appreciation for those that are really good at it), and most of all share experiences with my friends and friends-to-be.


Absolutely perfect - loved that youtube clip so much, and intend to wile away some hours looking for more similar stuff in there later on.

And to Tamara - walking through people's dreams - yes, we are. Sometimes they're nightmares :matte-motes-frown: and sometimes there is chaos, but exploring the ever-changing world in which we live, in a safe environment, in jammies if we so wish, at 2am in the morning, is purely blissful.

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I create stuff, IM a lot (not such a fan of open chat) like to meet people. All together this is my way of chilling! Besides that my SL is also about seeing my best RL friend (31 years already lol) every day, something which is not possible RL, there we see eachother once in about every 6 weeks.

SL is an extention of my RL.

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I am here to share my passion for history and experience the past.

I build and run the 1920s Berlin Project, a roleplay recreation of this amazing rl city during its 'golden age'.

I spend all my time there with my friends and the great community that has flourished in it.

Every day I spend some time behind the bar, chatting, listening to 1920s music, having a laugh.

To me working in the bar and building is just like relaxing.

I like to live a realistic historical life, so my avatar looks like RL me and in stead of living in a huge palace paradise, I live in a small dirty damp room above the bar :)

Berlin ID pic3.jpg

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Sorry, you told me a lot then, sometimes I am blinded by my arrogance and unjust sense of superiority, it is good to feel the ground on my feet, ty,  again I am sorry.


There are worse things for me to be called than the alt of a Linden :matte-motes-smile:

You have no need to apologise to me.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Most of alll    Play and have fun

yes. i think so as well. if is not fun. not fun meaning not happy in that way. when not happy then have a rest for a time. play something else for a while

cant be happy all the time. can be content tho. or just accepting maybe. i think that was what Dana was getting at. like the conflicts are mostly in our own heads. so if we can accept that about ourselves then can find contentment. peace even sometimes

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emmettcullen93 wrote:

what is your second life about tell everyone!

do you build

do you work

do you just chill

what is your second life?

Oh yes I build. A lot. Mostly stuff for parties in Bay City or whatever. Sometimes for my store. Oftentimes just for fun.

I suppose tending the store can be called work too, though I don'yt take it none too serious.

I chill sometimes, a and b do get in the way of that

I also help manage Bay City, sorta. Or at least am awful involved thate. I also end up involved with things like the Burn2 event and other things.

Oh, and I do a lot of exploring, as well as flying, sailing, etc. 

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For the last few years my Second Life has been primarily focused around music performance. I'm a musician in RL and use SL as a platform / venue for performance. Years ago I gained a soupcon of notoriety for building. I haven't got the time to build stuff *and* compose / record / perform so building has taken a bit of a back seat.

Other than that I mooch around the grid looking at builds that take my fancy and shamelessly steal their ideas ;-)


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From about week 3 in SL I have been doing the same thing: creating stuff like a maniac. So far in 4 years I have filled up 4 sims. There is no end in sight, but I am telling myself very sternly that I cannot have a 5th sim, I must just delete stuff to make way for new stuff.

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Tamara Artis wrote:

My SL... atm I am making 30 wedding photos for Lady, one vampire themed for Elvira, and one d/s style for my avi. That should be done by the end of this week. Longer projects are 7 deadly sins for Ella and Avatar Photo project that you all could read about in this forum.

I have tons of houses in my inventory and I don't use them, tons of friends but I always chat with strangers, have no home, ho fav sims/shops/clubs, no bf, gf or a lover, no pets lol. 

I guess I'm attracted to the feeling of being all alone in the world, sometimes if I find the right time to login, I can wander around different places and its like the end of the world. Tons of shiny places, beautiful scenes and not a living soul near;)


i dont plan mine that way it just happens. hehe

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Pamela Galli wrote:

From about week 3 in SL I have been doing the same thing: creating stuff like a maniac. So far in 4 years I have filled up 4 sims. There is no end in sight, but I am telling myself very sternly that I cannot have a 5th sim, I must just delete stuff to make way for new stuff.


LOL sounds like you have used up loose time.

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16 wrote:

cant be happy all the time. can be content tho. or just accepting maybe. i think that was what Dana was getting at. like the conflicts are mostly in our own heads. so if we can accept that about ourselves then can find contentment. peace even sometimes

Not content as I'm always pushing forward. The word is secure... secure with myself, even as flawed as I am. I recognize that even with all the tools I have to accomplish some pretty great things, there still exists only one person in the world who can precisely and systematically undo all that I strive to create, and that person is me. My own worst enemy is always the closest to me, but she's predictable and that gives me the advantage.

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Good thread emmett!

When I am in Second Life I like to hang out in my Linden home, which I really love. I mean I really do love that thing and the neighborhood and all of it. Strange huh?? My first 'real home' that I bought in Second Life was similar. It was a 512 I paid 3500 Lindens for (Shows you how long ago that was!!) and the seller built me a low prim house on top and threw in a security orb too. He had just come out of owning a lot of casinos and apartments and homes in Second Life and had a ton of those left over. He had been a casino owner and landlord. He was a really nice person. He even built me a teleport pad, up to a little balcony up in the sky. I used to love to sit there and look at the SL stars.

That was long ago. Now I have a Linden home. I used to like to listen to music there or watch the SL tv. Yes I have ways to do that in real life, but sometimes it was more immersive to do that in SL. See I am an INFP I looove to immerse into something beautiful!

Now that the streams are all dead for tv and most streams are dead for SL radio too, I still kind of chill there sometimes while I listen to music from RL. That's my 'me time' in SL.

My 'other time' in SL is for other people. For that I spend time making shapes so people can put an avatar together easily. I have tried to offer a little something for everyone. There are different body types, races, ages, and both genders. Of course I can't literally suit everyone but that's why they are modify. Despite it being insulted by some, I'm proud of my craft. 

I also make bouquets which I allow to be used as gifts elsewhere on occasion in thanks for the free land I get  ;)  I hope to put some of those in a flower shop one day. I have the land and the empty shop. Unfortunately I find building a bit boring Lol.

I'm at ease with pencil, ink and paper in real life but on computer I am not. I still pine for a way to learn really good stuff (TM Zoolander) by photoshop. I want to make mesh avatars of all kinds. My imagination is out there, and my skill set is wayyyy beneath. And that sucks.  :(

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Dana Hickman wrote:

16 wrote:

cant be happy all the time. can be content tho. or just accepting maybe. i think that was what Dana was getting at. like the conflicts are mostly in our own heads. so if we can accept that about ourselves then can find contentment. peace even sometimes

Not content as I'm always pushing forward. The word is secure... secure with myself, even as flawed as I am. I recognize that even with all the tools I have to accomplish some pretty great things, there still exists only one person in the world who can precisely and systematically undo all that I strive to create, and that person is me. My own worst enemy is always the closest to me, but she's predictable and that gives me the advantage.

yes can see now. "secure with myself even as flawed as I am"

makes sense to me this does. more than: content with myself even as flawed as I am




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