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Okay so I just started firestorm because I heard it was better. I honestly don't see how. I've had so many issues...maybe you can help me with them.

1. My physics won't show & I can't see anyone elses.

2. I have a leash and it spews hearts, when I put it on I can't see the hearts but the script works fine.

3.I rebake and I come back naked O_O.....

I never had these issues with regular phoenix. 

Any ideas?

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Hello Nikki. A lot in Firestorm depends on ones graphic capabilities and of course settings. When one first loads it will set to standard default settings most common and that works best for "most" graphics. Its best to just read and then try what works best on your setup. Here's the link...


Might look under Troubleshooting guide. It is a good viewer just takes time. Good luck.

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Check your Preferences CTRL+P and most notably your Graphics :


  • There' s a slider on lower left for physics.
  • What is your value of amount of particles shown ( slider on upper right ) ? Increase if 0.
  • Did you clear your cache before starting Firestorm ? Always clear cache first before switching viewers.

Good luck.

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I can't use firestorm at all, for pretty much the same reasons. Phoenix works fine, even on high graphics, with absolutely no issues. But firestorm causes issue after issue. I have given up on even bothering with it at this point. Some of us just aren't meant for firestorm.

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  • 1 year later...

I would love to discuss Firestorm in a Firestorm forum, but if I'm not mistaken, there is none. 

I was a huge fan of Phoenix, mostly because it avoided the horrible V2 surface. However it technically timed-outed, so moving to Firestorm was inevitable. I needed a lot of time and effort to make that work on my computer. In the end I was quite satisfied, although there still were issues and I couldn't go any further than sky settings graphic-wise, no shadows, no depth-in-field. There were still some severe issues, like sound-streaming problems and texture blurring, but those happened in the Linden viewser as well. Now I was setting all my hopes on the latest Firestorm version, but it turned out a huge disappointment. Not only didn't it solve any of the issues, it provided a worse framerate than what I had ever experienced before.

So now my SL experience has come to a first halt after being a constant user for seven years. Neither will I use the horrible SL viewer, nor can I use an alternative viewer. My prediction, that SL would kill itself, if the company running it wouldn't concentrate on improving the viewer experience instead of going into all kinds of coul-de-sacs with fancy "game" features et al, seems to come true.

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1. Join the Firestorm support group in SL you /will/ be helped.

2. In your preferences, simply set the Firestorm's viewer UI to Phoenix and your client will look just like phoenix.

3. Before complaining actually go through your preferences. Everything you have issues with is in there. All it takes is 15 minutes of time, and reading comprehension. In fact, you could have fixed all this yourself in the time it took you two write your first post....


But okay, complaining instead of finding a solution yourself or through the proper channels is always easier.

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Moni Duettmann wrote:

So now my SL experience has come to a first halt after being a constant user for seven years.
Neither will I use the horrible SL viewer, nor can I use an alternative viewer.
My prediction, that SL would kill itself, if the company running it wouldn't concentrate on improving the viewer experience instead of going into all kinds of coul-de-sacs with fancy "game" features et al, seems to come true.

You must be using a different SL to the rest of us, because SL is very much alive and well.

LL's V2 was absolute garbage, but their V3 is excellent. Perhaps you haven't tried it? It does everything that a viewer should do.

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LL's V2 was absolute garbage, but their V3 is excellent. Perhaps you haven't tried it? It does everything that a viewer should do.

Yes, I tried it. I try every new version. But I don't see essential differences. The menu is still somewhat confusing, but I guess I could get used to it. It still has ONE button for both audio and media stream, f.i. There is no way how you can explain to me, why that is better than two. In the last version the textures would constantly swap between blurring and sharp; it was an issue, reported in the JIRA, but it wasn't fixed. Since I'm making films and photos in SL this was a showstopper. There were other issues as well, that drove me crazy, but I forgot which they were, because after 3 days of tryihg I gave up and went back to Fs. Besides that V3 seems to run quite fast, admittedly. 



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I don't know about media stream buttons because it's extremely rare that I make use of media.

LL's V2 and V3 are poles apart in terms of the screen itself. I found the V2 so obnoxious that I simply wouldn't give it a fair crack of the whip. It was that idiotic right-side thing that caused it, and such things as the enormous camera controls. It was designed by idiots. The V3 was so different that I started a thread to sing its praises as soon as I tried it. For me, the "essential difference" is what I see on-screen, and not the little things like button presses. The V3's camera controls are still too large, but I've got used to using SL without the cam controls.

I still use Phoenix when I want one of those little differences, such as getting the UUID of a selected object. It doesn't happen often, so I prefer to use LL's V3 as my viewer.

To be honest, I have the strong impression that most users of TPVs users use them just for the sake of it, or because someone suggested it, and not because they are any better for them. Example: there's a new thread in which a new user uses Firestorm because someone suggested it to her, and not because it was any better for her. There are some times when a TPV is better for a particular thing that a person does, and so it's understandable that the person will use the TPV all of the time, but, imo, for most people there is no benefit in using a TPV, other than being 'in with the in crowd', perhaps, which is no good reason at all,

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I don't know about media stream buttons because it's extremely rare that I make use of media.

To be honest, I have the strong impression that most users of TPVs users use them just for the sake of it, or because someone suggested it, and not because they are any better for them. 

See? I guess there are a few other things, you dont even use, and that drive me crazy.


As for your assumption, people use TPviewers out of oppotunistic reasons, forget it! That just says you think of them as being stupid. Even if there are some (I don't know anyone), why should someone take the effort to do that, if s/he's perfectly happy with the Linden viewer? That does not make sense. You seem to ignore the fact that MOST people use TPviewers, which certainly is not a sign of trust reg. the Linden viewer. It all started with V2, when people all over the communities begged Linden, prayed on their knees, cried bitter tears, to stop that madness. Since that time, I went for the viewers that still provided the V1 Ui structure, tried them all and arrived at Phoenix as the best. I always tried the new Linden viewers regulary, they were never better. Sometimes they would simply crash, sometimes they had ridiculous issues, sometimes they would just drive me mad with their unintuitive UIs. Unfortunately Phoenix now times out due to changes in the technical infrastructure of SL. 

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I agree that the V2 was a very big reason why many people switched to a TPV.

I don't know where you got the "opportunistic" idea from, but it wasn't from my post ;)

My post doesn't suggest that I think of TPV users as stupid. A lot of people avoid anything to do with Microsoft as much as they can. They have their reasons but they are not stupid. The way that people use TPVs in SL reminds me a lot of the Microsoft thing.

I am not forgetting that the majority of users use TPVs. What I am saying is that most of the people don't use TPVs because they are necessary, or even useful, for what they do in SL. They use them because 'it's the thing to do' and other similar reasons. That's my opinion, and I firmly believe that it isn't wrong.

Incidentally, I didn't suggest that LL's V3 is better than other viewers. I don't believe it is. It isn't any worse though. The V2 was worse - much worse - but the V3 is perfect for most users, whether they use it or not.

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Phil Deakins wrote:


To be honest, I have the strong impression that most users of TPVs users use them just for the sake of it, or because someone suggested it, and not because they are any better for them.

Hi Phil, you can count me out from those supposed "most users".  :matte-motes-nerdy:  :smileywink:

I don't use TPVs just for the sake of it, nor because somebody suggested some of them. I have tried lots of different viewers out of curiosity to find out what more they can offer besides the Linden Lab viewer.

I mostly use Firestorm nowadays.  It has lots of extra nice features what I do use regularly on daily basis.  Sometimes I use the latest Linden Lab viewers (the official release, beta release and project viewer release) to see what's new in them.  But my main viewer so far is Firestorm due to the handy extra features in it.  When using Linden Lab viewers I always have a feeling that many tools have been taken away what I'm used to use.

On the other hand, there might be many users who may not need any of those extra features provided by TPVs.  For them the Linden Lab viewers will possibly suit perfectly well.




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Just out of interest, Coby, what are the extra features that you find useful? I know some extra features are useful to some people. There are couple that I find useful when I'm doing certain things, but I rarely do those things these days, and they are not things that your average would do. I'm curious to know if the there are some things that the 'average' user would find useful. Not that I'm suggesting that you are average, of course. I love you and I don't love just any old average user :)

From what I've read here, I know about the necessity of RLV viewers for some people, of course.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Just out of interest, Coby, what are the extra features that you find useful?

There are many useful features what I regurlarly use.  For example:

Phototools.  I often take snapshots and with Phototools it is a snap to try different settings.


Chat distance rings on the minimap (for normal speach distance and shout distance).  Nice in sailing if somebody says "Ahoy" when meeting I can see from the minimap is the person still in close enough for normal speech or do I need to shout.  Also in live concerts with lots of people I can see in a glance who are withing normal speech distance.


Configurable alert sounds for various things (such as: incoming group IM, incoming personal IM, region going down, friend coming online/going offline, and many many others).  I was always annoyed as the group IM and personal IM had the same sound.  Now in Firestorm one can set different sounds to those.  Handy if I happen to be away from the computer; I can hear from the distance is it a friend who's IMing or is just a group IM.


Area search

Quick preferences. With one click one can open it and there are many things available in the window which pops up.  For example draw distance, name tags on/off, Max particles, Max avatars, Windlight settings (huge collection of them, they are also in the Phototools).

Enhanced radar (the People window).  With this one can perform various actions easily.

Old style profiles. One can use web profiles too if one wants to.  (Personally I don't like the Linden Lab web profiles at all in a viewer).

Old style legacy search in addition to the Linden Lab style search.


Those are the extra features what I use the most.

Phil Deakins wrote:

I'm curious to know if the there are some things that the 'average' user would find useful. Not that I'm suggesting that you are average, of course. I love you and I don't love just any old average user

:heart:  :smileywink:




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camera 3.JPG  Firestorm

compared to


camera 2a.JPG  SL Viewer


Camera controls are resizeable and everything is in front of me in Firestorm with out having to change the window.

It is beyond my understanding why LL has not at least made the Camera Control resizeable.  This has been talked about and complained about so much it is ridiculous.


But the single most feature that sells me on FS is command line for changing draw distance.  All I have to do is type what I want my draw distance to be and it's done.  I can change it on the fly to adjust for where I am.


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