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Moni Duettmann

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  1. I have been experiencing poorly loading textures, some blurry, some almost not rendering at all, and all of them loading and unloading all the time back and forth in the current Linden viewer. I tried some fixes with texture debug settings et al, but nothing helped to improve the unsatisfactory performance. I changed then to the latest Firestorm viewer and found none of these issues there. Everything performed fine. Now, I don't believe the Linden viewer can't do it right. It must be some kind of settings problem, but I can't figure out what it could be. I'll stick to Firestorm, until I find a solution. May someone here in the forum has an idea where to look for.
  2. I figured it out now. Space Navigator won't work in Firestorm, but it does work in the Linden viewer. Not really solving the problem, but I can live with it.
  3. Ok, thx, wow. Moving the sun somewhere... that's interesting. I actually did not know, that is possible in SL. Gotta check it out. Sounds like it can be very useful, when you take photos or film videos.
  4. What does "sim sun override" do? It's in the world pop down menu in the developer settings. What I really want to know: how can I override the daylight settings a sim provides, while I'm there?
  5. 11 years later.... For the first time I got a computer with satisfactory capacities: the new M2 Mac mini.
  6. I got a new Mac Mini m2 computer and while the performance is overwhelming, there's a downside: I don't get the SpaceNavigator working. I downloaded the latest driver software, which is for MacOS 12, but I'm not sure, if the 13 can possibly be the reason it doesn't work. What happens is, that my avatar swirls around uncontrollably, flies to the sky or slips into Mouselook mode. I read a few comments on such issues in different fora, but the suggested "solutions" didn't work for me. They included, not download any driver at all (because it isn't needed - wrong!), and warnings regarding running other joystick devices on the same computer. Which I don't, unless a graphic tablet counts as a joystick. At least that has never been a problem in the past; I always had a graphic tablet running. So I'm already on my wit's end, how to approach this problem. SpaceNavigator is crucial to my SL experience: I can't build or film without it. Would be interesting to hear, if anyone has the same problem, any solutions, or about people who successfully run a SpaceNavigator on their new Mac, and how they managed to get it running.
  7. I observed something today: while on my desktop Mac, objects and textures often do not completely rezz, resp. it takes a very long time, today I tried logging in with a new Macbook I just bought. While the overall framerate wasn't very diffferent, the rezzing was really fast and complete. BTW: the desptop is connected via a LAN cable, while the Macbook uses WLAN (Wifi). Both have a similar amount of memory. So what's really the difference? It's not the router, it's not Wifi vs. LAN, it's not a much better graphics card... there seems to be something in the configuration of my desktop, that stops it from finishing the rezzing in time. Of course I also tried to delete cache and all that, but that never made a difference. What is it??? Perhaps it's the graphic card itself. The Macbook has a 750 NVIDIA, whlile the desktop only has its inbuilt intel graphics.
  8. I deleted all previous notifications. Nothing changed. But I intentionally let an object being returned from a different parcel and the notification came under notifications, not via the IM chat with the parcel owner. So this is weird behavior on side of the viewer.
  9. I will. Meanwhile, do you have an explanation, why these notifications happen in the chat with the person who auto-returned the objects? Is that normal?
  10. Exactly. I did just that and there was nothing in the official SL viewer. So I assume it's a Firestorm bug then. Perhaps I will try a clean reinstall, once these messages begin to unbearably go on my nerves. Thanks for your helpful answer!
  11. For a couple of weeks now I am getting false notifications, in IM chat with the new owner of parcels I had previously built, about objects returned to lost & found due to auto-return. The thing is: there are no objects left by myself, nothing disappears from there and nothing actually arrives in my L&F inventory. But these chat notifications come every day. What is this? We can't seem to develop any reasonable idea about this.
  12. The two Shermerville sims have different sea levels at their sim border. That's pretty annoying and does not make any sense. But support has long gone. You don't get anything done here anymore.
  13. Can anyone help? Although activating voice, I can't get avatar lips to animate. The mic is all connected correctly, I can see the incoming signal in the prefs panael. But the avatar lips won't move. I desperately need this for machinima. Please, any suggestions may help! Thanks in advance!
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