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Being A Good SL Citizen


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Our avatars are what we make them. Our fantasy, desire, creativeness, and time all play a huge role in what we are presented in our viewer.  Our avatars, much like our real life, are bound by laws (TOS) and patterns that are accepted by us as a community. However, following those patterns does not necessarily make us good citizens.

To be a good citizen first you have to be a good person. By that I mean that you need values, principles, ethics, etc.  When joining all these aspects together you will find out that there is nothing else needed.

I try very hard to be kind to others that I meet.  I help where needed, and where I am able.  I like for others around me to enjoy their time and experience in-world... I am respectful of other citizens in our community.

What is your definition of a good citizen, and how are you a good citizen in second life?

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I agree with this! I'm nice to everyone I meet I find it pointless being mean in Second Life.

But I think to be a good citizen in Second Life you need to have an open mind, I cannot believe how many people I've met who finds it acceptable to walk up to a child avatar, a furry or neko, or anything that isn't a 7ft bronze male or 5ft big breasted bimbo and tell them that they are disturbed :-/

I have experienced this I'd say around 20 times in Second Life but I brush it off like "least I'm not a douche ^^" 

I think another key point would be to respect everyone regardless off gender, ethnicity etc. I met someone who said he has trouble with remarks on his RL race and I felt so bad for the guy! 

What people need to realise is Second Life is a place that opens the doors to different corners of the worlds with culture and religion and it's pretty amazing and what's more is what these people imagine have come to life in Second Life so not only do you need to respect people, respect the environment around you aswell because what you see could be someone elses child hood dream finally built in this great platform :D

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Well said, sadly you can't be a good citizen by just being a good openminded person. The SL TOS at times is rather narrowminded after all.

Of course ethics, principles, values, etc. differ wildly between people. What I find perfectly acceptable and reasonable may well (and indeed at times does) conflict wildly with what others think such, including LL (and would thus get me banned from SL were I to practice it, especially outside Adult rated zones) even if it harms no one (e.g. I'd love to be a fulltime nudist, can't do that as many sims even where the TOS allow it don't accept nudity even in a non-sexual context, same as rl btw, but with the benefit that it's never too cold in sl).

Respect for others is a great thing, and I practice that. Yet respect has to be mutual or it is worthless and to me that means respect other lifestyle choices, sets of values etc. as long as they don't harm you (and no, seeing someone naked never hurt anyone).

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Thank you for the popcorn!

Great question, Storm.  I am kind to all those I meet and extend a helping hand when I see a need.  In that spirit, I reached Helper role here in SLF many months ago.  I also visit areas where new residents hang out to offer help and give away transferable items (mostly clothing).

I also DJ at a club and I greet patrons with kindness and humor.  I want their time with me to be fun and relaxing.  I get plenty of positive feedback so I must be doing something right.

Inworld, I respect the property of others.  That is, I do not enter homes and otherwise snoop about where I have not been invited.  Likewise, I will report when I see griefing. 

The TOS and Community Standards are there to provide us with the curbs, so to speak, of the road.  There is much more to being a good SL citizen than strictly following the TOS and Guidelines.


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I'm not friendly to everyone and I don't like everyone. Sometimes its due to their behavior, sometimes its just me having a really really bad day. Am I now a bad SL citizen? No, I don't think so.

I never did something like griefing or some other serious breaking of the TOS. Most people will get to know me as a friendly or at least neutral person. I don't search for enemies, but when they find me...I'm ready for a battle. I tend to help newcomers, but I would never lend someone money. I rather give them advise on how to get started by themself.

All in all I'm just a normal resident. No angle and no devil.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Hello citizen.

I mostly live like an animal.  I follow my instincts.  "Run from shadow,
underground" is my motto.

Also I try to read one of the 18 TOS documents each month.

It is my dream that one day man and chipmunk can live together in absolute harmony.  In the meanwhile, I just want to say may all your "dives" get a '10' from the judges. 

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First of all, welcome back Storm!  Your voice has been missed on the forum.

Sometimes I wonder if people will get tired of me quoting him but this quote from Thomas Jefferson is something I constantly find myself coming back to.  And while yes it was spoken by an imperfect man, that still does not change the truth of what he spoke.

"Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual."

Like you I try to be kind and respectful toward others.  I try to be helpful with my knowledge and ability.

I love and will engage in open discussion.  But I do avoid fights like the plague.  The one thing I will not tolerate is an unkind person.  I will separate myself from them and will have as little to do with them as I find possible.  In RL, one of my best friends and I are at complete opposite polar ends politically. To listen to us 'argue' sometimes you'd think we hated each other.  Yet we both know that we could call on one another at three in the morning and we'd be there for each other.

The thing is, for all our disagreements, I have never heard a prejudiced or intolerant word come out of his mouth. 

Bob Dylan wrote, "Equality, I spake that word, as if a wedding vow..."

So to me, being a good citizen is remembering that at the other end of that internet connection sits a person who has hopes and dreams, fears and hurts, wishes and desires just like I do.

Do I fail at times?  Yes.  But I try to succeed more than I fail.


Again, welcome back Storm.

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being a good citizen is a difficult task, on the level of following the TOS its easy, but the treatment to other persons is when it gets dificult, you are going to be evaluated by each person you interact with depending on what they consider a right or wrong beahviour, for example (*munch some popcorn*), some consider you a not so trustable person if you have very different beliefs on how to approach a situation, you could use your own set of values to determine if you are a good person, but that only will make you a good citizen for yourself.

ps: glad to see you

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Accept each individual exactly as they are when you meet them. 

Accept them again tomorrow when they change.

Celebrate and encourage differences.

Walk away when acceptance is not enough to overcome negativity.

Hope to leave everyone a little happier than they were before you spoke to them.


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

I can't believe my eyes!  Stormy!

Are you a good citizen Pam?  I think you are.  I know of your building and creating, your kind words directed at others... a good egg.  


I fall somewhere in the mid-range, between those people who are utterly selfless and exist to help and benefit others (I am in awe of them) and those who not so much enjoy making others suffer but just really do not care whether they do or not.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

I can't believe my eyes!  Stormy!

Are you a good citizen Pam?  I think you are.  I know of your building and creating, your kind words directed at others... a good egg.  


I fall somewhere in the mid-range, between those people who are utterly selfless and exist to help and benefit others (I am in awe of them) and those who not so much enjoy making others suffer but just really do not care whether they do or not.


You have my full admiration.

@Storm:  I would say that it's nice to see your friendly face here once again... but there's something obviously missing from your badge, so reading your kind words will have to suffice.  Glad you're back!


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Our avatars are what we make them. Our fantasy, desire, creativeness, and time all play a huge role in what we are presented in our viewer.  Our avatars, much like our real life, are bound by laws (TOS) and patterns that are accepted by us as a community. However, following those patterns does not necessarily make us good citizens.

To be a good citizen first you have to be a good person. By that I mean that you need values, principles, ethics, etc.  When joining all these aspects together you will find out that there is nothing else needed.

I try very hard to be kind to others that I meet.  I help where needed, and where I am able.  I like for others around me to enjoy their time and experience in-world... I am respectful of other citizens in our community.

What is your definition of a good citizen, and how are you a good citizen in second life?

Ppl play sl for all sortsuv reasons .. Some may want to rp being way meaner than they can geta way w/ in rl .. Others can ignore em or fite w/ em .. Is being mean in sl an more illegitimate than being nice? Why or why not?


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LuciaRiley wrote:

this is pretty much me, and it already got be banned from one place. I was in a bad mood and took it out on them, but couldn't help it.


Been there, done that, more than once. Not (yet?) in sl though. Maybe I've grown since those days, learned to control my temper better (though I'm still far from being politically correct, and that lack is what caused my bans from most places I've faced them).

That said, my current un-PC, unconventional lifestyle as I practice it in sl makes such things exceedingly unlikely. I'm more likely to get thrown out of sims for being improperly clothed after stumbling into them looking for something else :)

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Agreed.When I see new people with no AO or with the preset avatar I give them my freebie male or female clothing that are trans(sweters and pants),help them to make their profile nice and everything.

Its feels so nice to help others.Beign a good citizen is to respect others privacy,be gentle but know to be firm when needed,and not spamming pornographic flying pictures on a sandbox(scarred for life lol).

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