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Group Photo idea

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We'll see what others say about it. Only logo I want there is our Groups one lol.

Idea in my head is to show the beauty of diversity you can find in SL, specially if its done how Knowl said, like a life-size wall with countless number of residents, so when you have a visitor walking along that wall its going to be more interactive.

I would not want someone to think I am promoting any of my friends businesses, and if we allow residents to submit their own logos/group photos with anything they want written in it, that would be a promotion imo.

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Thanks Tamara! I'll be in in a while, and will read your not a bit more thorough this time :) I also misunderstood how you set up the picture until you posted the steps. I'll try something out with the same dimentions/resolution. I agree on the white, also.

One thing, though, with your shot is the transparency. Peggy mentioned it in an earlier post. There is a possibility for some unwanted alpha sorting issues this way, which may not be a problem. There is a chance it will be if we decide to go for a maze solution in stead of the wall.

Regarding logos and info from residents (from a later post than the one I'm replying to :)). I tend to think well of people in the sense that I assume they will follow the guidlines set out, but I can clearly see that some probably will use an opportunity to add their own info to the picture to promote their own or their friends businesses. I wouldn't like to se this happen.

- Luc -

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Luc Starsider wrote:

No, it's not just you, Charolotte and Dilbert who likes the shot. I do too.

I like it too, because it hasn't been done before... but I have my concerns about it as well.  As Peggy pointed out, alpha textures are going to add to rez time and, depending on how we decide to install the finished product, there could be alpha clash issues as well.

Speaking of decisions, I think we need not rush through the formative stages of this project... we're going to have to have all of our ducks in a row or things could go haywire quickly.  We need to keep brainstorming ideas, but, at some point, someone needs to start making decisions about what ideas are not gonna work so we can start narrowing down our options... I'm thinking Knowl should be the one that has final say, since it was his idea. So unless he wants someone else to take over that position, he'll need to start weeding through the ideas and making some decisions.  We absolutely need to have everything ironed out before we even start collecting pics.

Speaking of collecting pics, not only do we need to figure out how to collect pics, but we need a system to keep them all organized and a way to share them with each other outside of SL.... I'm thinking this is where Dilbert's gracious offer of server space would come in very handy.  I'll be thinking about ways to organize this stuff today and would appreciate any suggestions.  My main concern is that this doesn't become a logistical nightmare.


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Luc Starsider wrote:

Regarding logos and info from residents (from a later post than the one I'm replying to
). I tend to think well of people in the sense that I assume they will follow the guidlines set out, but I can clearly see that some probably will use an opportunity to add their own info to the picture to promote their own or their friends businesses. I wouldn't like to se this happen.

- Luc -

I agree... this should be about the avatars, not people's inflated egos.


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Just caught up with all the posts.. wow ideas are flying in here! I'm using up my few free minutes of comp time just catching up here.. I won't have much inworld time at all this weekend.. so I'm not much help really :smileyvery-happy:

The suggestions everyone has all sound good to me, and I havent had time to play with any of my own as of yet. I agree with whoever it was that said it should't be rushed. This is a huge project. Taking some time with it isn't a bad thing. When it comes time to make decisions, if the group can agree on a route to take, great! If not, Dres is right I think, and the final say should be Knowl's since this is his brain child.

By the time I get back in SL, someone will have probably already played with Peter's suggestion.. or I would, cause I had a face palm moment when I read it :matte-motes-nerdy:

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UncommonTruth wrote:

... already played with Peter's suggestion.. or I would, cause I had a face palm moment when I read it :matte-motes-nerdy:


;-) I'm a scripter and I think particles are often overlooked where they could provide a low-prim, versatile and attractive way to display things.  A little reminder is the least I can do.  A script to make a wall or forest of pictures from a single prim is also quite possible (each one takes a fraction of a second to generate but can last up to 30s so a single particle-projector can cycle through and maintain around a hundred or so)

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That's prettly much my thoughts too, Irene.  If we're going to do a "group shot" type photo (similar to the Hippystock example posted earlier) then group submissions by residents could be incorporated into the final images (there will be more than one or two with the numbers that have been thrown out in this thread).  I have no problem with editing for a "group shot" but there is much much more to it than just removing the background of the images and then placing them on another image as a group of avatars posed for a single picture.  The angle of the shot, distance from the camera, quality of the video card's color and rendering, the resolution the picture was taken at (that is very much determined by the monitor's resolution and the video card's ability to render at that resolution), and, of course how the image is saved ..........if those seemingly small details are consistant, the final image is going to look like a hodge podge of cobbled together cut-outs (or grafetti).  I don't think we want that.  But unless the pictures presented for inclusion (editing) are very close to the same size, color, distance from camera and angle, no matter how good an editor is the final image is not going to look very good or professionally done.....you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

I love the group shot idea..........but, on this scale it just won't work very well.

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I wish it were possible for something like this...

rot 2.jpg

(but using SL-related pictures of individual avatars or group photos)

Could be made into something like this...

rot 1.jpg


(taken from around the boarding that was used to cover up an unsightly demolition area in my home town a little while back).

And I wish I could do it.

Alas I have no photoshop skills at all. Or the patience.



@ Tamara, I hope you don't mind I borrowed your example group shot to make me a new profile photo.

@ Knowl, I am pretty hopeless at any of this, but will pass the word on to friends and associates via methods at my disposal.  You've not got bad turnout already for the couple of days since you started this thread, and it's nice to see all the enthusiasm flying about. :matte-motes-big-grin:


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A mural could be done.  In fact, I believe a collage is still on the table which is very much like a mural.  Everyone has their individual ideas on what would be best (I know I do) but the idea is Knowl's so I think we should try to do what he wants.  I've sort of arrived at my idea of what Knowl had in mind but I'm still not sure everyone is on the same page.  That needs to be hashed out yet and I'm with the folks who have said not to rush it.  I would like for the project to be done well and not simply look like a group scap book that just happened.......but that may wind up being what everyone wants and I'll go along with it if so.

I'd like to be able to look back next year and be proud of our efforts. If we do this correctly with thought and planning (as much as planning can be reasonably done........plans will change quickly as the project develops, I'm sure) the display could look very professional and be a nice experience for anyone interested in Second Life.

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Yes, Marigold, that is the photomosaic idea I have been suggesting.

There is a free program that will do that for you, I am still trying to get a presentable image developed, the more pictures it has the better the end result is, here is the link for the download if any one wants to give it a try.


There may be others, but that one seems to be able to do what I have in mind. Although I must point out that on a few test runs, the results weren't pretty, but there are settings that can be adjusted and it needs more pictures than I used to make something lovely, like the example you posted.


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I have sent the Notice to the Group.

I have decide to post the Notice here at the Forum, for Members who may not be able to visit in SL at this time.

I will reply to previous comments shortly.



This Group has been Founded and Chartered with the objective of collectively creating shared works of art for use or display in Second Life.

Our Goal is to attempt to create the concepts that have been presented.

I have decided that we will not place any declared restrictions on the Photos collected.

What we should do is, to encourage, recommend and suggest our Ideal Image size and type, and then respectfully accept the photos Residents send us.

Group Members can collect photos by allowed methods, and store photos at locations they prefer. I only request that the Photos be made available to the other Officers in the Group.

I will send each Group Member a Notecard. The Notecard will have several questions, please fill in the blanks with your answers, and return the Notecard to Knowl Paine.

There is an L$ Fund established to compensate Officers for Photos they collect for Group use.

We will attempt to construct (3) SL displays. (2) PG displays and (1) Adult Display.

#1 The wall, or mural, as I have described in my concept.

#2 A Collage; the image type will be defined by the results of the inquiry Notecard.

#3 An Adult display; the design will be determined by the types of photos received. Only Adult Verified Residents may participate.   Edit: (onhold, waiting for Group approval) 7:54 pm

Group Officers can Deed Land to the Group. Set up and display signage, pursue and promote the Group's initiatives in a manner or fashion preferred by the Officer.

Residents, who submit their avatar Photo, must be informed, and agree to, allowing us to use their photo. This can be done formally or informally.  

I will send the Notecard questionnaire as soon as it is prepared. I believe that the Notecard will get us all on the same page, and provide a clearly defined course of action.

As our objective will be a multi-task, we will need photos of all shapes, sizes and colors. General Photo Collection can begin now. The results of the Questionnaire will define any specific types or sizes of Image.   



This Group Reserves its Rights. Group Members are to maintain compliance in and of the Second Life Terms of Service.


Sincerely, Knowl Paine




 Edit: typo

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I don't see Knowl meaning a "sexual project".  More like some avatars dress on the rather sexy side to maintain their SL image.  I know back in the day when I was a dancer, I dressed like a dancer or, at the very least, in provocative outfits.  Some of those outfits may not be appropriate for minors or the easily offended.  Having a section separate from the more accepted styles is something I would endorse........if for no other reason, than to be on the safe side of the ToS.

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Well, it does mean sexual, and violent, and druggy.

Dressing provocatively I think is considered standard dress in Second Life. I don't understand a need for an adult project unless it is sexually explicit, intensely violent, or depicts illicit drug use.


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To: PeterCanessa, using particles is very interesting, I was not aware of that option. ty
I believe that as a Group, we can find more than one use for the Images collected. It would be a shame, to organize this many skilled Residents, and then only produce 1 work of Art. I will consider particle projection as an option for displays.

To: Dilbert, Proper consent to post names does add some work, but it does not invalidate the idea. Getting consent to post names, could be a definition of what is an Ideal Image for a concept that displays names. None of the Group members have submitted an example of that concept. It doesn't discount the idea, but pictures with names might be it's own project.

To: Irene, I agree, I support single images for now. A display showing groups of Residents could be it's own project.

To: Tamara, I thought we discussed that you would make the insignia for the Group. Make a logo you like, post it in the Group. If the Group thinks it should be changed, you'll have to redesign it. If everybody likes it we keep it.

To: Luc, I'm partial to my wall concept, but We're a Group. I can go with the flow. I'm a much better at Building than I am at Texturing.
I want each Member of the Group to get what they want, including myself.
I visited with Dresden at his land, and viewed his example, his avatar photos are very good, and I do like the idea of the maze his example shows.

To: Dresden, After putting some thought into Photo Collection, and our discussed Concepts, I realized that collecting and using the Photos for only one project, might not be the best use of the resources. As we discussed Inworld, we can agree that if we just asked for photos, we will get a variety of photos. Let's use that to our advantage.
My concept requires very specific photo sizes, a Collage will require many shapes, sizes and colors.
I agree completely with not rushing things. Our Group Motto: Haste makes Waste

To: Luc, I agree with creating a scheduled completion date. At this time, I do not have that data. I will put some thought into that. ty    

To: Uncommon, Thank you for your support. I have realize the need to provide clear direction. I will endeavor to fulfill this need.
Peter did offer a very helpful way to display, I will continue to consider his suggestions for the other projects the Group may agree to work on.

To: Peggy, You are Correct, hodge podged and cobbled is not acceptable. I am very close to being able to provide exact Ideal Images size for the concept I have presented.
Our Lead Manager for a Collage, will tell us what photos we need for that, I'm guessing any and all photos. A lead Manager for that project has not yet Volunteered.

To: Marigold, I am pleased with the level of enthusiasm, and I hope that others are sharing in that feeling.
The Photo of the Church and the Tree is beautiful, thank you for sharing. We will be making a Collage. I have several ideas about how to do that as a Team. With so much info to communicate, I haven't got to that part yet.

To: Charolotte, My fingers are getting tired. I type chicken style, hunt and peck. Any editing program that helps, is helpful. My only concern is that some of the programs will make any shape from the photos, regardless of how it looks.
There was a photomosaic of an Orange colored cat, it looked like it was hit by a truck.
The Adult concept is first based on having a sufficient quantity of Adult orientated Photos. If a photo is to racy for PG, it's Adult.
NO... we do not want porno or interactive photos of Adults. I would like to have a plan that includes all Second Life Residents. When thinking about the Variety of Photos we may collect, I considered that some photos may have Images that are not rated PG, because of the Outfit the Resident is wearing.   

Peggy is correct.


I will have additional information in a few hours, I will get that survey questionnaire sent, and... take care of anything I have forgotten, as soon as I remember what I have forgotten. :smileyhappy:



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A photo is no longer PG (what we call General now) if it is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity.

So, racy is one thing, adult is another.


Has there been an inworld meeting? You keep saying things that sound like there has been, like volunteers for positions and the more than one project idea. If there was a meeting, a notice should have been sent out.

I didn't see the photomosaic of the orange colored cat, I did however mention that some results were not pretty.

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I spoke with someone about a meeting, I think it was Peggy. We discussed holding two meetings at two different times. I will attempt to attend both meeting times. One for the USA, one for Europe. I think  3:00-6:00 pm Second Life time, is good for most of the USA, and I suspect that 3:00-6:00 am Second Life time may work for European Residents.

You , or Peggy can send a Notice of a meeting time and place, and I will be there. Hopefully others can make it. 

I have meet with a few of the Group Members, I'm making my rounds, a busy body. There have not yet been any Meetings. If you can set them up, that would be helpful.

If we have low turn out, schedule a meeting everyday at those times, we''ll eventually get them together. :smileywink: 

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A quick post before I jaunt off to my RL bed.

I feel all photo submissions should be PG, as in "Carry On" films are PG now, and there is a bit of "racy" rather than "adult" content. Fine line, but yardstick should probably be, if the SL mods would reject it (ie because it contains a butt crevice or a n1pple (1 used because I know that word gets bleeped out), then it shouldn't be used for this type of project that I'm sure we'd all wish to be viewable by everyone.

PG is the common denominator (or whatever word I should have used there - left eye already gone to sleep).

I can dress in slutwear like the next person (wowee, so what), but for this type of project it's easy enough to slip on regular day clothes or a pair of fun jammies.

I'm not trying to make a rule here, just using what should be commonsense. 

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Ok, I'll get with the group members and schedule our first meeting.


Post here if I don't get with you inworld on possible times, attendance is not mandatory but face to face interaction will facilitate the development process I'm sure.

Tomorrow is Sunday on my half of the globe, I am guessing that may or may not be a good day. I will say 7:00 pm Sunday the 15th tentatively. If not, lets shoot for Monday US time.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

A quick post before I jaunt off to my RL bed.

I feel all photo submissions should be PG, as in "Carry On" films are PG now, and there is a bit of "racy" rather than "adult" content. Fine line, but yardstick should probably be, if the SL mods would reject it (ie because it contains a butt crevice or a n1pple (1 used because I know that word gets bleeped out), then it shouldn't be used for this type of project that I'm sure we'd all wish to be viewable by everyone.

PG is the common denominator (or whatever word I should have used there - left eye already gone to sleep).

I can dress in slutwear like the next person (wowee, so what), but for this type of project it's easy enough to slip on regular day clothes or a pair of fun jammies.

I'm not trying to make a rule here, just using what should be commonsense. 

I agree. If all of Second Life cannot view this project, then I think we have failed the original spirit of the project, which is an all inclusive project.

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If common sense was common, we would live in a much different world than what we have today.

I'm expecting a low turn out of Adult rated photos, unless we ask for Adult photos.

A Display in Zindra could be a good thing.

I would like to include all Residents.

An adult display was an add-on. If we don't have enough images, or interest, We can scrap that project. :smileyhappy:


Rest well

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