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Landing Point disasters

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I won't name this shop to save the owner embarrassment but view the photo below to see where her teleport in Search took me just now, yes, inside a solid square of posters in the middle of the shop with no way out (well, there was a chair nearby that I could sit on to escape but really, I don't think this is any way to treat prospective customers and many people I'm sure just teleport out and never visit the shop again.


It's not the first time by any means that shop owners have unceromoniously dumped me in places I don't want to be when trying to visit their shops. I have ended up in or under water countless times, even landed on phantom staircases and floors that I fell through and so on. I do IM the owners (some of which have been well known creators), as I did here, to tell them and nearly always get a reply thanking me and saying they didn't realise as they themselves don't use the landing point in Search. I shake my head when I hear this. Surely getting the landing point right is fundamental and should be tested to ensure a good first impression, especially after making changes to the shop as I suspect happened here. Landing me inside a box does not create a good first impression!

Any other good landing point disasters out there?

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It's happened to me numerous times over the years I've been in SL.  It used to irratate me to no end.  However, I finally figured out that those landing point mishaps are really and truly oversights.  What prompted me to that conclusion is a couple shops I frequent quite often (or used to in some instances) when the arriving was quite nice (right smack in the middle of the shop so that any way you turn you could see what was there).  Then, suddenly, I would wind up inside some box or under the floor or half in, half out of a wall.  When I got free from the "trap" I noticed that the shop had been remodeled........things were arranged differently, new displays, stairways moved, walls moved, new floors added (all those things to "upgrade" the shop). 

Typically, the owners of shops set a landing point when they open the original shop.  It's very easy to forget exactly where that landing point is located inside or adjacent to the shop and inadvertantly put something there during a remodel (not even thinking about the landing point).  Once a landling point is set most people just forget about it.......it's already "taken care of".  I started cutting the owners some slack after that.  Though I do try to let them know about the minor issue.

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Yes, I think you're right Peggy, most are oversights on the part of owners after remodelling but such a basic error to make. In the instance I posted above, she probably though a central poster display would look good not realising she was imprisoning her customers teleporting in. :smileyvery-happy:

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lol, my 1st thought was a big sign inside there saying please rez before proceeding with another right beside it saying please move off the landing point and a 3rd that gives a list of rules as long a short romance novel requiring the avi to  agree before being released from the box!

Yea I've landed in all the classic oddball places like enderwater, in the air, inside a rock etc. The worst was a place where ownership had changed and the new owner had turned off public. It caused a richocet bounce effect with a neighbors security orb and bounced me around for 5 minutes until SL crashed lol.

Fortunately my avi is pretty resilliant. :)

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I teleported to landmark that wasn't that old.  Unfortunately, in the short time I had the LM, the land was sold and someone was building a house.  Ooops!

I teleported to some land for sale.  I was then ejected and banned by the security orb.  Want to sell land?  Make sure to disable the security orb, lol.

In the viewer's address bar, you can quickly teleport to altitude by typing in a new z-coord.  Today, if you type a z-coord over 4096, it will try to open a web browser.  There was a time, though, when it would actually teleport you to any Z.  On some land I wanted to keep private for my home, I had a landing point billions of meters in the sky.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Any other good landing point disasters out there?

I've had many such mishaps, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest.

A friend of mine had just completed a significant build of an information and referral center for battered women. It was a heartfelt endeavor and very well done, welcoming, informative and peaceful. She did not want to have her effort marred by the sorts of issues that plague us in SL. She had built the display on a different sim and moved it and was interested in viewer related differences, server lag and traffic handling. So she invited many of her friends to critique the build, expose issues and report general impressions.

She tp'ed us all to a gathering space where she explained the purpose of her display and the kind of feedback she wanted from us. There were perhaps 30 of us in attendence. After her prep talk, she dropped notecards on us en-masse, containing a welcoming message and the LM to her display. This was the prototype for notecards to be given by a greeting kiosk that would be installed at her group's general welcome area.

Now, I should tell you that I get a perverse pleasure out of standing at the edge of skyboxes and tp'ing friends to me, so I might watch them fall, arms flailing, to their death. Anticipating that they might try to return the favor, I have my viewer set to "Fly on TP".

I've never been one to actually read welcome notecards, so immediately upon receiving mine, I took the LM. I found myself hovering in the middle of an endless expanse of cloudless blue. Realizing that I was the first, and would not be the last, I moved forward a bit, then turned to view my arrival point. Over the next minute or so, I watched a good many of those 30 friends appear out of the blue and plummet into the abyss. The joy I felt is indescribable. Eventually one of the hapless victims IM'ed my friend to tell her of the error, bringing my near religious experience to an end.

After being individually teleported to the correct destination, everyone dusted themselves off and perused her work. As the evening drew to a close with glowing approval from all, I revealed that I'd been the first to the erroneous destination and had watched at least a dozen women fall to their death, and that the irony of this happening on the eve of the debut of her battered women's resource center was so delicious I just had to savor it again by retelling.

Nyll, thanks for giving me the opportunity to share that experience. It is one of the high points of my four years in SL.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  /me stops to breathe    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I imagine that was quite the experience, Maddy.  It seems to have had a lasting impact on all future time you've spent in world. Heck it may have made you the woman you are today.  I am guilty of tp'ing my friends while standing at the edge of a drop off too.   Ahhh - many enjoyable moments to be relived in SL. 


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Any other good landing point disasters out there?

I've had many such mishaps, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest.

A friend of mine had just completed a significant build of an information and referral center for battered women. It was a heartfelt endeavor and very well done, welcoming, informative and peaceful. She did not want to have her effort marred by the sorts of issues that plague us in SL. She had built the display on a different sim and moved it and was interested in viewer related differences, server lag and traffic handling. So she invited many of her friends to critique the build, expose issues and report general impressions.

She tp'ed us all to a gathering space where she explained the purpose of her display and the kind of feedback she wanted from us. There were perhaps 30 of us in attendence. After her prep talk, she dropped notecards on us en-masse, containing a welcoming message and the LM to her display. This was the prototype for notecards to be given by a greeting kiosk that would installed at her group's general welcome area.

Now, I should tell you that I get a perverse pleasure out of standing at the edge of skyboxes and tp'ing friends to me, so I might watch them fall, arms flailing, to their death. Anticipating that they might try to return the favor, I have my viewer set to "Fly on TP".

I've never been one to actually read welcome notecards, so immediately upon receiving mine, I took the LM. I found myself hovering in the middle of an endless expanse of cloudless blue. Realizing that I was the first, and would not be the last, I moved forward a bit, then turned to view my arrival point. Over the next minute or so, I watched a good many of those 30 friends appear out of the blue and plummet into the abyss. The joy I felt is indescribable. Eventually one of the hapless victims IM'ed my friend to tell her of the error, bringing my near religious experience to an end.

After being individually teleported to the correct destination, everyone dusted themselves off and perused her work. As the evening drew to a close with glowing approval from all, I revealed that I'd been the first to the erroneous destination and had watched at least a dozen women fall to their death, and that the irony of this happening on the eve of the debut of her battered women's resource center was so delicious I just had to savor it again by retelling.

Nyll, thanks for giving me the opportunity to share that experience. It is one of the high points of my four years in SL.

It sounds to me like your friend set up her sim correctly. Being a center for battered women, any LM easily accessable in a public display should be no more than a decoy and the actual people recieving her help would recieve dircect teleports to private areas with much higher levels of security. I'd guess the note probably contained a contact name that would lead people needing her service to the right place.

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Sometimes SL is to blame for such tp mishaps.  Its been known to happen

Landing in a box sure beats the old days of landing with your hair shoes and any other prims you were wearing stuck to your butt, or landing naked, or even having to strip naked to tp anywhere!  Ah the laughs we used to have...


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I have a little turbo boost attached and can jump through walls, ceilings and vendors. Happens regularly. Some ppl should test their landing points with an alt.

Another good one is the security orb luring at the landing point giving you 5 seconds. Often encountered when checking out old LM's.

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

I won't name this shop to save the owner embarrassment but view the photo below to see where her teleport in Search took me just now, yes, inside a solid square of posters in the middle of the shop with no way out (well, there was a chair nearby that I could sit on to escape but really, I don't think this is any way to treat prospective customers and many people I'm sure just teleport out and never visit the shop again.


It's not the first time by any means that shop owners have unceromoniously dumped me in places I don't want to be when trying to visit their shops. I have ended up in or under water countless times, even landed on phantom staircases and floors that I fell through and so on. I do IM the owners (some of which have been well known creators), as I did here, to tell them and nearly always get a reply thanking me and saying they didn't realise as they themselves don't use the landing point in Search. I shake my head when I hear this. Surely getting the landing point right is fundamental and should be tested to ensure a good first impression, especially after making changes to the shop as I suspect happened here. Landing me inside a box does not create a good first impression!

Any other good landing point disasters out there?



ya i have that happen with a lot of old landmarks..i get stuck in walls or stairs or someplace where an orb kicks me..the ones i hate  are the invisible ones where you have to feel your way to he opening..i usually just give up on those and TP..

but if i can see a way out i'll do that and still shop..

that comes from the scuplt days of waiting for malls to rezz then finding out you are in an inviso box lol

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

There is no doubt that SL has had a lasting impact on me. Never in my life have I had the opportunity to share in the kind of joyous playfulness I find here in the company of truly intelligent and thoughtful people. It's an amazing place, Cinn.

Exactly - it IS an amazing place.  I nearly always logout with a smile on my face and joyous playfulness is perfect wording.  Even with all the SL quirks - tp disasters, partial rezzing, crashes at inopportune times, chat lag, missing inventory.  Many times the quirks add to the fun because you never see them coming.  I may disappear for a while at times, but the fun always brigs me back - even with the playful threat of freefalling off highrises or possible fireballs.  :matte-motes-wink-tongue:


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Depending on the type of people you associate with, it's also good to get a sense of just who can be relied upon to send a personal TP invitation that won't result in your embarassment.

One St. Patrick's Day, a friend TP'd me into a live music event—directly onto the head of the entertainer. On stage. Looking out at a great many people most of whom I'd never met in my life.

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

I think the worst is when your tp'd to a landing point 1500 meters in the air, then faaaalllllll!

This is always made even better when the shop itself is 1501m up, and flight is turned off... You can flip flight on from elsewhere and try again, but after the hassle its kinda like "ok... what was the second result in search?"



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