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Linden Lab's New CEO

BK Linden


I’m happy to announce some very exciting news today: Rod Humble is Linden Lab’s new CEO. Our press release is here. You’ll hear from Rod himself after he starts in mid-January, but in the meantime, we wanted to share a brief introduction.

Rod has an impressive depth of experience in developing and leading fun, immersive entertainment experiences that have been great successes. As a 20-year veteran of game development, he’s worked on more than 200 games, and last year, the gaming magazine Edge named him #2 on their annual list of Hot 100 Game Developers. Rod is coming to Linden Lab from Electronic Arts, where he was Executive Vice President and led EA Play, including the best-selling PC game franchise of all time, The Sims. Prior to EA, he was a VP of Product Development at Sony Online Entertainment, where he led the EverQuest Studio.

Rod has a deep appreciation for what makes Second Life special. He’s already been exploring and experimenting inworld to familiarize himself with the pluses and minuses of our product and the successes and challenges faced by our Residents. He’ll officially start at the Lab in mid-January, and I’m excited for us to begin 2011 with fresh perspective, renewed energy, and creativity.

To give you a sense for Rod’s creativity, personality, and perspective, here are few links to his personal creations and a couple of press interviews he’s given:

Art games Rod has created in his ‘spare’ time:

Press interviews with Rod:

Happy holidays to you all from Linden Lab! We wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year -- it’s going to be a great one for Second Life!

Rod's bio:

Rod Humble is Chief Executive Officer at Linden Lab, and he leads the company’s strategy and the development of Second Life. Humble’s 20-year career in the game development industry has included work on more than 200 games. He joined Linden Lab from Electronic Arts, where, in his role as Executive Vice President, he led the EA Play label, which includes the best-selling PC game franchise of all time, The Sims. In 2009, he was ranked #2 on the annual list of the Hot 100 Game Developers from gaming publication Edge. Prior to his work at Electronic Arts, Humble served as Vice President of Product Development at Sony Online Entertainment for the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) EverQuest.


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This is funny. As soon as the blog is fixed to allow new accouts to post they complain about not getting access in-world. Maybe Rod should setup an addiction group to help those addicted to SL.

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So LL have a new CEO, is he already in charge? Where is the New Year's greeting/speech. Usually a CEO that takes over gives a statement, or am i wrong?

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Aww  Sascha there may be a new CEO  but this is still LL (falls on the floor laughing) I am not holding my breath for anything much less a greeting or statement!

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If you had taken the time to read the introduction letter to this thread, second line reads "You’ll hear from Rod himself after he starts in mid-January, but in the meantime, we wanted to share a brief introduction."

Today is January 11, not quite mid-january yet

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Heya new CEO - if you like it or not. You found a hard new job.... maybe you can try to make things better?!

Alot of shit is going on - the servers seem not work right? Even ppl with super-pcs have problems here.... I am on my way to go and leave SL again.... I dont give my money for a not working game.

I would love to see you again - inworld - when it works!

See you there  Nana

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Welcome, Rod....to make SL better and reduce lag.....PLEASE GET RID OF THE BREEDABLE ANIMALS! Seriously, im begging you...GET RID OF THEM

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Welcome Mr. Humble;

I certianly hope you live up to your credentials as every other CEO Linden Labs has tried has been a miserable failure. Oh and yes please do listen to the residents as we are the ones that give Second Life it's life. And lastly at least commincate and let us know what is planned and not just ram it down our throats and say like it or else.

Good luck to you and may 2011 and your new leadership role bring new life into our world.

Feliciana M. Zabaleta

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what surprises me is the lack of non English comments on this blog...as though SL was an entirely US or UK world. I think more foreign residents should give their opnions in their own languages. This is not a provincial anglo-saxon site. That said, welcome to the new CEO and hope he understands the global nature of SL

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Hoi Dave, Ik wil best in mijn eigen moedertaal iets schrijven. Het lijkt me echter voor de nieuwe CEO best lastig alle talen van de wereld te kunnen ontcijferen. Daarnaast is SecondLife uiteindelijk door Engelstaligen opgezet en is de voertaal in het algemeen Engels. Engels is natuurlijk naast het Spaans een wereldtaal en juist daaron uitermate geschikt voor een internationale omgeving als SL. Other than that.. don't forget our fellow Aussies speak English as well.. and I don't mind using the English vocabulary.

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Welcome to SL, Rod.  Please don't mess up SL the way SoE messed up EQ.  lol


Seriously though... welcome and lead us to beautiful new horizons!

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Welcome Rod,

Hopefully from having a game background you will start pushing some Avatar upgrades for SL, like a decent mesh and better Animations system, even if it means breaking 2003 based content, it is something many people recognise SL by, it's dated avatar appearance. Our economy needs some decent change regularly.

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"Rod has an impressive depth of experience in developing and leading fun, immersive entertainment experiences"

THe keyword here is "FUN". Sometimes(All too frequently)  both customers/players and lindens forget this simple concept. Thats why Secondlife became so popular. If we needed all these regulations, restrictions and pressures then we would just suffer in our Reallives. B est of luck to the New CEO hope you keep the word FUN in mind.

Duke McDonnagh

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but the xbox would lag because of the amount of stuff in second life the detail in it is too inpradictable so its best it just stays on pc, speaking of xbox any chance of a halo pc port thats actualy good "i hated stearing the banshee with the mouse it was far to stiff

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Hi Rod,

Welcome to the sl world. I hope your experience will bring the sl world to new good hights.

Best thing to concider in my opinion is why so many old friends have left sl after some time. As i type this, i'm well aware that i restarted sl with a new av after being away a long time. i noticed that allthough people have the ability to keep their account as a free account for long time, many will not or just occasinally revisit SL. The question is why.

One thing we (as sl users) can't see is if they restarted. If so they are involved with SL however.

An other thing is that for some reason people don't feel comfortable anymore with the user experience of SL. Many posters before me have already commented on that, i just like to remind the posts on interface, voice, payment methods changes and support.

The sl society is involved, committed and aware. Please use this knowledge and respect the sl residents, we're a proud society

Again, welcome to SL, glad to have you here!



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