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EEP is Out! Introducing the Environmental Enhancement Project

Linden Lab


EEP is here 2.png

The big day is here!  The Environmental Enhancement Project has been released grid-wide.  As of today the default viewer download and all regions on the grid fully support EEP!

If you have not been following this exciting project, you can check out this wiki page and the community discussion.

EEP offers:

  • Environment objects that you can keep in your inventory and share with others
  • Parcel-level control of environments
  • Up to four different, independently controlled sky layers
  • More options for customization

New LSL functions rolling out as part of EEP allow scripts to interact with parcels’ environments:

  • llGetSunDirection and llGetMoonDirection allow scripts to accurately track both the sun and the moon as they move through the sky. 
  • llGetEnvironment gives a script access to all the parameters that go into generating the parcel's environment.  For example, flowers can change their color based on the ambient light color.
  • An experience script can set up a distinct environment for each visitor to the experience, using llReplaceAgentEnvironment and llSetAgentEnvironment.

Many thanks go to all the devoted Residents who have spent so much time and effort to help us test EEP and make it solid. Beta testing would not have been possible without those who participated in forums and at our inworld User Group Meetings.  

We’re excited to see the new environments you create, the experiences that feature dynamically changing environments, and the scripts that will read and react to the environment around them in real time.

As ever, we welcome your comments and bug reports in Jira.

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