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Second Life Destinations: The Lost Wonderland

Linden Lab


Feel the thrill of exploring an abandoned theme park on a rainy night at The Lost Wonderland.

This region is an ode to a nostalgia that many Residents may relate to. Creator Litani Istmal was having a conversation with some friends, reminiscing about “our years of meeting up at the small arcade in our mall before it shut down. It was our favorite meet up spot, the spot to meet someone new, and to just relax after a long week stuck in classes. For me, the whole experience is like going back in time to a place where happy memories were created.” The theme of the arcade is both literal and meta here; while you explore the grounds, given the the element of roleplay, it can also feel like you are inside of a game.

The landing point gives you the option of going in two directions, towards the outdoors portion with rides, or a covered area that bears similarities to the urban underground of an Asian neighborhood. Empty shops, a laundromat, and bright lights add an air of playful mystery.

The outdoor area is a dilapidated theme park with a ferris wheel, game booths, and other rides in a rusty state of decay. The once bright colors have now faded into garish shades under the dim light. Remnants of a wooden roller coaster sit at the edge, where riders once enjoyed a panoramic view of the surroundings. Walk into a dark cave and you’ll be teleported to another location, so visitors should be up for anything.

Since SL has been around for so long, Litani’s relationship to SL had time to grow and evolve. This might be encouraging for newer Residents or for those who are ready to try something new but don’t know where to start. Litani actually went through a creative block for a period, but tells us, “When the pandemic hit and the lockdowns followed, I found myself signing into SL again. I started exploring a bustling neighborhood style community and there I rediscovered my love for roleplay while COVID continued to turn every place in the real world into a ghost town.” 

Following this renewed interest in virtual creation and connection, Litani adds, “The pandemic definitely changed Second Life for me. I became more social and also made new friends that introduced me to activities like the weekly grid drives. That’s when I started to really explore and discover what all the Mainland had to offer.”

For those unfamiliar with the Mainland, Litani says “Mainland is a vital artery of SL. It offers plenty of amazing places created by Residents to explore and discover. Some of these amazing experiences include working railroads, subway stations, airports, and my favorite, sailing the open seas.  To the new explorer who may feel overwhelmed, there are pod stations that take you on tours. There are also great groups like Passengers of SL, where you can catch multiple plane rides and Drivers of SL, with their weekly guided grid drives.”

Visit The Lost Wonderland today to get your fix of good-natured mischief. Who knows where it will lead?

Video Production Credits:
Draxtor Despres


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