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LittleMe Jewell

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LittleMe Jewell last won the day on May 3

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  • Member Title
    Life is a progressively-depressing experience

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  1. That is one of the things that I have missed so much after moving to CO from the Midwest. That and 'fall colors' on trees.
  2. Where did the Pickle come from and what number is it?
  3. Or the only new posts is just more variations on what has already been said about the new TOS. It might be time for me to take another forum break - maybe until end of summer, which should get me a couple of months past the 'modesty layer effective date'.
  4. Because LL made the rules -- plain and simple. As someone else mentioned, it is basically like an HOA and when you claimed a Linden Home, you agreed to the rules. If the spot you have is not suitable for an above ground pool, then move. If you want to terraform, move to the Mainland or to a private region.
  5. #1 - Do we really need more threads about young avatars? #2 - Do the avatars that you took pictures of know that you posted their picture in the forum for ridicule? #3 - ..... Nevermind .... I am soooooo over all of this
  6. I had one tornado touch down near my house when I was a child living in Kansas City, MO. It was a very freaky experience. We've had some here in CO, but they are almost always further east, on the plains. The mountains seem to keep them from touching down too close and we are just past the foothills.
  7. It's kind of like all those homes built in cities on the coast that are below sea level - and then being surprised when they get flooded.
  8. I was not able to make it to the inworld meeting today. Did anyone ask about the side and back straps for the female top modesty panel?
  9. Account Security Phone Support / Fraud Hotline: 800-860-6990 Our Account Security team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Account Possibly Hacked - follow these instructions https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000135214-what-to-do-if-your-account-has-been-compromised or here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Account_Security
  10. That is a MUCH BETTER landing page. I hadn't noticed it yet, so thanks for pointing it out.
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