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Mr Antfarm

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  1. Yeah, this is prob what I have to do it sounds like seeing how you pay 250$ and can't teraform the back yard.
  2. If the land was falling inn the backyard, it would be much easier to work with. Rising, however, creates problems as you can see in some of the photos.
  3. https://gyazo.com/dd98ce88f66f9d84fa3ab13bb2ccdd05 There's the tile version still really high. And manages to cut with the ground.
  4. Looks like you picked a great location, I bought the pool tho you suggested. However, I'd need BIG rocks to make this work.https://gyazo.com/e7d8efaff65e5f395e0bf7979f60e339
  5. looks like that's going to be the case and re-decorate. Still wild tho premium plus houses you can't terraform the yard for all the extra prims.
  6. I can't even set those down, because how they terraformed my yard is all un-level
  7. How so? I mean second life can create rez areas. Why not create terraform areas in our backyards?
  8. I have been wanting to install a backyard pool in my house. However, unfortunately, I'd have to dig a hole a bit in the backyard to do it. This raises the question, why am I paying 250$ a year if we don't have total control of our land? We should at least be able to terraform our yards how we please.
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