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    Miho Ohara

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  1. Peeve: People who can't tell the difference from fact or fiction or does who think it's alright to body shame.
  2. I get a feeling this forum turned into a echo chamber.
  3. Age verification used to be a thing on second life them again that got removed due to how buggy it is.
  4. I think that confusing the petite body type as child is body shaming and you shouldn't body shame that's wrong.(I'm serious though it's not funny)
  5. I don't really get the point you trying to make ngl I never said that I'm provided companionship in Second life over OpenSim I just said that I spent more time on Second Life than OpenSim.
  6. That's because most of my friends are on second life.
  7. So what? Everything is free there it's a open source metaverse.
  8. Its not necessarily that there are no other places like second life since there is OSGird and similar.
  9. Age verification was removed due to it having issues btw.
  10. Ok? Sex with child avatars may brake TOS but if it two adults avatars then that wouldn't brake TOS and childlike can mean anything there isn't a official height in TOS so.
  11. Childlike can mean this (of an adult) having the good qualities, such as innocence, associated with a child. It has more them one meaning some people seem to get this one worng *faceplam* Childlike face does not always automatically mean child sized
  12. Not everyone wants to make their avatar like that and that seems discriminatory.
  13. Some people with unrealistic avatar heights and unrealistic proportions can be weirdos in second life some of them can act like Karen's.
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