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Scylla Rhiadra

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Scylla Rhiadra last won the day on June 15

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  • Member Title
    Women, Life, Freedom #مهسا_امینی

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  1. I'm tentatively planning another for mid August, Amata! I'm so sorry you didn't make it, but really hopeful you will next time! (Also, I'll be asking you about exhibiting one of your pics.)
  2. I'm so glad you made it by, and that there were still people hanging out there! (I had a hard time shooing them -- you know, those guests who never leave? 🙃) My visitor counter, which I reset just before the beginning of the event, says that we had over 60 people come to the exhibit as of yesterday at about 5pm SLT, all but a half dozen or so of whom were forumites. It's really encouraging to me to see that kind of an expression of our community here! And I'm glad you're now a part of it!
  3. I wasn't even ADDRESSING you, Sammy -- I was responding to BJ's use of a term that is nearly universally recognized as a slur. I'm not talking over you, to you, about you, or with you.
  4. Coffee said something a year or more ago, about how any thread that presents an opportunity for transphobia will inevitably become a vehicle for the expression of transphobia. She was right. And the same can be said about homophobia, racism, and sexism. I'm not interested in providing further opportunities for the expression of hate, so I'm out of this thread.
  5. An ally who knows who to use Google and a dictionary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tranny
  6. Congrats for turning a thread about Pride, during Pride Month, into an opportunity to drop transphobic slurs. WTF do trans identities even have to do with the OP?
  7. Then it would make sense that you chose not to attend Luna's event. Those who did chose to. You are in the fortunate position of being able to choose NOT to. An optional Pride event that you must proactively decide to attend is not "throwing" anything in your face. Ignore it, and leave them be.
  8. I don't think it's a question of letting it "ruin" your day. As I understand it, Luna organized an event that was actually up-front advertised as being related to, and advocating for, Pride. And one of the people who chose to attend, who knew, or certainly should have known this, announced publicly that she found "gay" icky. Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't a case of someone being unexpectedly "ambushed" by a "political" subtext. This is someone who deliberately went to an event about something with which they disagreed, and then proceeded to make a point of expressing their disagreement. And that is deliberately disruptive and provocative.
  9. This is very evocative, Maddy. Happy Father's Day. To both of us.
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