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2nd Avs's and misuse

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It's now becoming epidemic on how many person are create 2nd to cause somesort of havoc or to harrass and stalk others,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,  A good idea would be that LL's being able to get all new persons creating a new av, to declare by ticking a box if they do or dont have another av in play in SL,and promise not abuse this, to which i think would discourage person from the above griefs, as if some is reported the IP can be checked with any other AV.

If not this idea then something need to be done to protect people from such ways as not to allow mulitply av's for this reson,

I understand many have other reasons which is fine for havin 2nd av's but for dilberate intention sof greif then something should be done

whats your thoughts


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Remember when the profile interests segment had little tick boxes?  You could indicate if you had some common interests like building or whatever.   Now that it's gone the LL could bring it back and say it's a new improvement.  Then (this is the part that relates to your idea) they cleverly put "Griefing", "Trolling" and "Stalking" into that list of check boxes.   Haha!   When the griefer types check those boxes the LL has them trapped and can boot em out in a flash.  Yay!


Oh... but what if they don't check them boxes?   Well, then when the LL does catch them griefing, trolling or stalking they can boot them for not having an accurate list of interests. 

So it's Win/Win.

Woooot !!!

/me jump up and down 

Qwalllllll !!!! wooot ! welcome back !!!

we missed you so badly !!!!!

you must be hungry now 

here is smth for your spring lunch then :smileywink:


Bon appetit Qwal !

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Now? Just now? It's always been a problem, really. Creating accounts is easy. Creating alt accounts is no harder. People create alts for any number of reasons - building, clothing design, hiding from people, creating groups, playing multiple "characters" for roleplay, having different genders...and yes, griefing. But, seriously, checking a box is going to do nothing to stop them. Griefing is already against the ToS, which you have to agree to in order to start your account and go inworld. If you check the box that says "I have read and agree to," you've already made that promise not to grief. But look at how many people still do it anyway.

There are already consequences for griefing. They're not always enforced as harshly as you or I might want, but they're there. People do it anyway. I don't think it's fair to cast suspiscion on any one with more than one account.

If an offense is serious enough, LL will ban the IP address being used by the account causing the offense. However, this is usually only done for REALLY serious offenses - it's a pretty big deal. Can you imagine having your IP address permanently banned because SallySueAnn says you have an alt who's been running around throwing virtual bricks at her head? And then find out that it was someone else in your house who also has an account, or some guy on the street piggybacking on your wireless internet, or a different avatar altogether who was just standing next to you? LL waits until they have prety definitive proof of serious wrong-doing to ban IP addresses, which is the only way to prevent a griefer from coming back - and even that's not fool-proof.

Being griefed sucks. File an AR when it happens to you, and KEEP filing AR's. Alternatively, mute the idiots.


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This topic has been discussed endlessly here on these Forums and on other SL-related forums as well. And yet there's always somebody around he comes up with the same old ideas of how to stop griefing, like everyone needs payment info on file and so on. Do you really think there is anything new to add to the same old story?

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Remember when the profile interests segment had little tick boxes?  You could indicate if you had some common interests like building or whatever.   Now that it's gone the LL could bring it back and say it's a new improvement.

They are gone? Hmmm... not in my viewer! They work as nice as they've always been doing! :D

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Ansariel Hiller wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Remember when the profile interests segment had little tick boxes?  You could indicate if you had some common interests like building or whatever.   Now that it's gone the LL could bring it back and say it's a new improvement.

They are gone? Hmmm... not in my viewer! They work as nice as they've always been doing!

The web-based profiles have a place to indicate interests.  (and, Welcome Back Qwal!)

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greek Wingtips wrote:

It's now becoming epidemic on how many person are create 2nd to cause somesort of havoc or to harrass and stalk others,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,  A good idea would be that LL's being able to get all new persons creating a new av, to declare by ticking a box if they do or dont have another av in play in SL,and promise not abuse this, to which i think would discourage person from the above griefs, as if some is reported the IP can be checked with any other AV.

If not this idea then something need to be done to protect people from such ways as not to allow mulitply av's for this reson,

I understand many have other reasons which is fine for havin 2nd av's but for dilberate intention sof greif then something should be done

whats your thoughts


Epidemic? Do you have any relevant data that says their is an increase of creating new avatars for harrasement and stalking? I don't think so, its just your personal drama which makes you feel its a giant new increasing problem. Simply don't surround yourself with weirdos.

Also IPs aren't really helpful. Mine changes itself from time to time...this would at least why there are error messages that indicate an IP ban, while there is no real ban for the specific account. (after a while anyone with that problem can logg in normaly).

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really Ansariel, you sound like the type that likes to moan for what ever reason, if you dont want to read or give your views then move on but as for same old talk, well why dont you create a survey and see how many items topics in here have been repeated my guess is about 80% so if you going to moan about this topic suggest get writing to every topic in here and mention it dont pick and choose what you personally dont want to hear and BTW for new folks this would be a new discussion to them, so please if your going moan take it elseway omg anything for a moan

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so you dont think its on the increase then, is this your personal view or do you have statistics to prove this, because if just your personal view then can I say its also your drama that make you think like that,

no diff to mine, and if you want to know your IP can be tracked back to your ISP who would have the details,

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greek Wingtips wrote:

It's now becoming epidemic on how many person are create 2nd to cause somesort of havoc or to harrass and stalk others,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,  A good idea would be that LL's being able to get all new persons creating a new av, to declare by ticking a box if they do or dont have another av in play in SL,and promise not abuse this, to which i think would discourage person from the above griefs, as if some is reported the IP can be checked with any other AV.

If not this idea then something need to be done to protect people from such ways as not to allow mulitply av's for this reson,

I understand many have other reasons which is fine for havin 2nd av's but for dilberate intention sof greif then something should be done

whats your thoughts


I believe the majority of people in the world are good. I believe it only takes one bad apple to spoil a whole barrel load.

If you look on the world map for the set of Destination Island sims, you'll see that at any time of the day there are brand new avatars being created and arriving in world on these sims.  The majority of them will be brand new residents, most of whom will probably not take to Second Life and will never return after their initial experience.  Less than 1% of those avatars will be alts. Less than 1% of those will have the intention of griefing someone.

I believe we have a responsibility to ourselves to learn how not to attract griefers and to make use of the tools that are already built into the viewers with which we can mute/block griefers. We can ban them from our lands. We can submit abuse reports to Linden Lab if we see fit.

We should not need to do anything else.

In my five plus years in Second Life I have only been truly badly griefed by one person. Other than that I have been caged and run over in my home on two occasions, had a particle attack in another apartment, and shot at or pushed in various sandboxes or welcome areas. All of these incidents were unimportant to me, none of them were a threat to my real life security, and were no more inconvenient to me than a splinter in the finger.

It is mainly all about perspective, and learning as we go.

Mute, block, ban, teleport away from, report.

Allowing people to have multiple accounts, for whatever purpose we are allowed to have them, is not a criminal offence, nor should it be regulated.  It makes the figures look good for Linden Lab, and as long as no one truly gets hurt, I really don't see a problem.


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what gets me in these forums are the idiots that dont want to discuss the topic or feel they are some sort of expert in thier field,  what I have said here is my personal exprnce and have heard the same from many others in sl, it is an important topic and

I dont pretend to have answers, i put forward an idea if it does not work then fine mention it, but same old moaners that dont want to hear the topic or suddnely its a case of charector assiination , the topic is bout that in itsself and not about me who started it, now you getting me write about when I would prefer to read about your thoughts on the subject.


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Actually you are the person coming here and inflate an old topic that has been discussed numerous times to epic sizes only because you have been victim of a single alt. What a drama! Why not let everyone submit biometrical data to LL before signing up? And of course a survey from a psychologist so no weirdo will ever come into SL?

BTW: The "new folks" argument is the standard excuse for warming up old topics. Not that there is a search function...

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greek Wingtips wrote:

what gets me in these forums are the idiots that dont want to discuss the topic or feel they are some sort of expert in thier field

Posting because you asked...

I deleted my own thoughtful response to this thread, because (as has been previously posted) there is nothing about this thread that will serve any lasting purpose. It won't inform new users, it won't resolve issues for older users. It won't change anyone's mind (least of all LL's).

This is a drama thread, pure and simple.

So why bother? I've got stuff to do.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Remember when the profile interests segment had little tick boxes?  You could indicate if you had some common interests like building or whatever.   Now that it's gone the LL could bring it back and say it's a new improvement.

Those old style profiles have not gone anywhere. They are still active in some viewers.  Some viewers even have the ability to show the old styled profiles and the web based profiles.



Interests in the old style profiles



Interests in web profiles

(these are totally different from the old style profile interests, they have nothing in common):



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greek Wingtips wrote:

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,  <snip>

whats your thoughts


My thoughts are that, if you accused your partner of being someone else's alt , it's hardly surprising she legged it.  


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greek Wingtips wrote:

what gets me in these forums are the idiots that dont want to discuss the topic or feel they are some sort of expert in thier field,  what I have said here is my personal exprnce and have heard the same from many others in sl, it is an important topic and

I dont pretend to have answers, i put forward an idea if it does not work then fine mention it, but same old moaners that dont want to hear the topic or suddnely its a case of charector assiination , the topic is bout that in itsself and not about me who started it, now you getting me write about when I would prefer to read about your thoughts on the subject.


It reaches a point where we have to ask what more is ther to discuss?

If a new user comes with a problem like yours we will gladly and happily try to help them deal with it.  But you are not a new user although for you this may be a new experience.

A basic overview of the topic is this:

1.  Most of us agree that it sucks to be griefed.

2.  Most of us agree it would be nice if LL would or could do more about griefers.  If you had a new idea on how it could be done  better we might very well embrace it and promote it.  But so  far all we see are the same unworkable suggestions that have been posted a hundred times over.

3.  Many of us have dealt with or helped others deal with Griefers.  When peple heed the advice it works.  When they don't heed it the problems just escalate and escalate and escalate.

So really, what else is there to discuss?

Finally speaking, if you think these are reasons for trashing us or saying 'screw these forums,' then it just shows a lack of mature thinking on your part.  And it helps explain why this Griefing is being such a hard thing for you to deal with.  Don't you get it?  We are trying to help you.


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Ansariel Hiller wrote:

This topic has been discussed endlessly here on these Forums and on other SL-related forums as well. And yet there's always somebody around he comes up with the same old ideas of how to stop griefing, like everyone needs payment info on file and so on. Do you really think there is anything new to add to the same old story?

of course demanding payment info won't work, banning all alts won't work, etc. etc.

Just look at places like World of Warcraft, Battlenet (Diablo series), every other multiplayer game in existence. Griefers exist there in droves.

Mostly griefers are people who either

  1. have no life and take pleasure in making others miserable (as well)
  2. want to quit but don't have the guts to press that "delete account" button
  3. idiots who really have no clue that what they're doing is considered harassment by others
  4. kids (of any age) with an overinflated sense of ego who think the world revolves around them and whatever they think is fun is all that should matter.
  5. idiots who don't even realise those other avatars are human beings


In many cases a griefer will fit into more than one of those categories. And yes, a lot of them are more than willing to pay to grief.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

greek Wingtips wrote:

It's now becoming epidemic on how many person are create 2nd to cause somesort of havoc or to harrass and stalk others,

I just recenlty had one that was getting too close to myself and my partner, i supected her of being one of two other peron, to which she just compltely diserpeared,  A good idea would be that LL's being able to get all new persons creating a new av, to declare by ticking a box if they do or dont have another av in play in SL,and promise not abuse this, to which i think would discourage person from the above griefs, as if some is reported the IP can be checked with any other AV.

If not this idea then something need to be done to protect people from such ways as not to allow mulitply av's for this reson,

I understand many have other reasons which is fine for havin 2nd av's but for dilberate intention sof greif then something should be done

whats your thoughts


Epidemic? Do you have any relevant data that says their is an increase of creating new avatars for harrasement and stalking? I don't think so, its just your personal drama which makes you feel its a giant new increasing problem. Simply don't surround yourself with weirdos.

Also IPs aren't really helpful. Mine changes itself from time to time...this would at least why there are error messages that indicate an IP ban, while there is no real ban for the specific account. (after a while anyone with that problem can logg in normaly).

sims I mod have seen a marked increase in nasty characters over the last few months, but most aren't alts but rather teen and preteen kids who're stupid enough to even admit as such in chat or voice, right before being banned and ARs filed against them.

Don't know for certain what's causing this, my guess is the inclusion of SL in Steam has a lot to do with it. The start of the increase pretty much coincided with that.

As to practices used by them, nothing new or interesting. Just the same old particle poofers, blaring media prims, pissing all over the place (literally), harassing people in chat, pushers/cagers, and the very occasional attempt to crash a sim.

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Ansariel Hiller wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Remember when the profile interests segment had little tick boxes?  You could indicate if you had some common interests like building or whatever.   Now that it's gone the LL could bring it back and say it's a new improvement.

They are gone? Hmmm... not in my viewer! They work as nice as they've always been doing!

Ditto!  Reason 4,578 for not using a V2/V3 interface. ;)

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