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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Back to work today after being out all last week due to the flu. I had to dig deep to remember my password this morning. 😀
  2. Thank you!! It's by Dami at the current round of Kustom9.
  3. I have the flu. This is the first year in 10+ years that I did not get the flu shot. I kept putting it off and putting it off. My son did have his flu shot and was sick, but it was relatively mild and he’s back at school today. I, on the other hand, feel like death. Even my eyeball sockets and teeth are hurting. Luckily I got in soon enough for an antiviral. Get your flu shot!!!
  4. Excellent idea Scylla! You have tons of good info compiled here. When I use BD I have no idea what I am doing and just fiddle around with buttons and sliders until I am thoroughly confused, so I have no advice. I am looking forward to seeing people’s settings!
  5. In addition to the ones mentioned here, I like and use Ana Poses breathing stands. Some feature very subtle arm movements in addition to the breathing. I loaded a variety into the Firestorm AO.
  6. I check the forum multiple times a day during the work week, and a few times day on the weekend. The only real exception is when I am on vacation, and during some work travel. I have the forum open on my phone while I work, and enjoy taking breaks to see what is going on. I have learned so much here, and have made friends from the forum, so I consider it a big part of my SL. I have only been checking and posting on the forum since returning from a long hiatus about a year ago. Before that I didn't even know it existed.
  7. It was so fun getting together with the everyone this weekend! I am sad I just missed Scylla. Looking forward to the next get together with even more thread regulars. PARTY This was taken at Whimberly. And I have @Angelina Stringto thank for the PhotoScape X mention in a past post. It's a great, FREE alternative to Photoshop.
  8. False alarm! I thought there was another new head.
  9. I’m an aspiring vegetarian. This week I made it as far as pescatarian. I really like salmon, so it’s a struggle.
  10. Can I just have the beef stew without the heart? If so, I’m sold. Because the heart...
  11. I need to stop coming in here. 🤮🥴
  12. Buttered rum aperitif? Totally scrumptious! BOOZE
  13. Thank you forum for killing my appetite this morning. I can easily avoid the bagels in the office break room now! 🤢
  14. I have seen a lot of shots in this location lately. It’s such a detailed sim, and the food options are delightful! ☺️ BKLYN https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Two Worlds/132/137/29
  15. @Madelaine McMasters I got the offer of the free year of AppleTV+ with a new iPhone too, but wasn’t sure I wanted another streaming service. Does a person (me) really need five streaming services, even if one is free? You are the first person I “know” who has it, so I am glad to hear there are some good shows on there. I trust the judgement of anyone who likes The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I might just pull the trigger on it.
  16. I have doubts that it will become a big thing too, especially if every style requires a new $L900 AO. That’s a bit much to ask of people! I am curious to see where it goes from here, and if independently scripted animesh hair is in our future, like you mention above. I’d love to see that! But I’ll pass on having to buy an AO plus hair.
  17. Well, whether something looks better or not is a matter of personal taste. I agree that flexi CAN look good (and Coby’s example above is an example of it looking great), but I personally don’t care for the aesthetics of it. I have long hair in RL, and when walking down the road it does not flow wildly around my shoulders (or through my shoulders 😉). In cases like that, mesh hair is closer to reality.
  18. I still see plenty of avatars wearing flexi hair. It hasn’t gone anywhere.
  19. I exclusively use Maitreya. I am pleased with the aesthetics, and there is obviously tons of support for it. I prefer to spend my SL budget on heads and clothes, so I have no desire for more than one mesh body.
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