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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Now you know a third. I try, but always end up nauseated while eating them and have to stop. Now these bananas I DO like, but they aren’t quite as nutritious. LOL
  2. Since we are talking about Cheetos, I must mention these. They are a billion times better than the original Puffs and I can eat a whole bag in one sitting. Also, Baked Cheetos are WAY better than the original crunchy ones. I feel very strongly about Cheetos.
  3. Inquiring minds want to know if it was it covered in frosting too?
  4. @Beth Macbain I was going to Ok Boomer him, but your response is much better. 😀 *this is a joke. I am not ageist.
  5. As others have already said better than I can, I don’t post for the likes, but I do post to be part of the community here. It is nice to get positive feedback, and to feel like what I have written is being read and understood. Not many people would admit to posting just for likes if that is their motivation.
  6. I can only speak for myself, but I the like photos of people that I don’t necessarily “like” or have anything in common with. Everyone is free to like posts however they want. Who knows? We don’t even really know the content of that message anyway, right? And why would that person be the authority on what the thread is about?
  7. What’s an honest like, though? That’s not for anyone but the giver of the like to know. I honestly like everything I give reactions to.
  8. It has been explained a number of times in this thread. See this response from Lexxi.
  9. Ditto all the stores from @Claireschen Hesten ... with special emphasis on Tres Blah and Coco. I also really like M.birdie, though those clothes are usually gacha. I just buy those on MP to get exactly what I want. My style is mostly cute casual, and I tend to stay away from overly revealing clothing. Basically anything that I would wear in RL. For a world where you an be anything I’m sure that sounds boring, but those are the things I like! This!!
  10. Please don’t. It’s so entertaining for us!
  11. It looks like you guys had a great time, and I ❤ the sign!!
  12. Well, I try to behave* in the same way Belinda, so I guess that makes me AHAT (as holy as thou)? *I don't always succeed. Some people annoy the piss out of me. I guess you're back to HTT!
  13. Here I am, wistfully wishing that someone had stayed to help me clean up after the dinner party.
  14. I’m on my phone, so your tiny script looked like M&M orgy at first. I was thinking that I’m not sure what that is, but am not opposed!
  15. Oh yes, I love me some Parks & Rec. But it just can’t beat The Office IMO. I was a hard core Jim and Pam shipper back in the day, so that colors my opinion.
  16. I have heard that people love this show, and was thinking of giving it a go. It's pretty stupid? I am not a big fan of sitcoms, with the exception of Golden Girls ❤ and The Office.
  17. Did you read that Jane Fonda has stated that she will never buy another article of clothing again? It is commendable. Much easier to do at 82 years old than 42 years old, though. Am I allowed to link articles here? I forget the rules. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a29741997/jane-fonda-red-coat/
  18. Ah, thanks for the explanation. I thought you meant this thread, and I was looking for an excuse to use FFS in a sentence. 😀
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