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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Taken at Lairig Leacach. It is beautiful with the region Windlight. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tor of Ironhall/136/26/24 I'm a bit underdressed.
  2. Superstitious Protestants run away, yelling WITCH!
  3. We went to Minnesota after Christmas last year, and I can tell you for certain that the Mall of America is not dead. I have never seen so many people jammed into one place, with the exception of Disney. Of course it was 15F and snowing outside, so that may have contributed. What was the topic again?
  4. Granted, you can do them, but you also can’t stop doing them. Your family misses you as you cartwheel around the globe. I wish my annoying coworker would stop yelling at her husband on speaker phone. It’s uncomfortable for everyone.
  5. @jasmineElliesnowy This is only a guess, but it looks to me like one of the Catwas with Insol skin. Take a look at Insol’s Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/136826451@N04/ She also has skins in store that aren’t on her Flickr.
  6. Longstanding employees are very experienced. SKILL
  7. Granted, you no longer have the diabeetus. In its place you have high blood pressure, IBS, and this weird rash that won’t go away. I wish I could come up with a good gift for my sister in law.
  8. Yep, even with a top underneath for modesty it just looks weird. Like, why even bother?
  9. Yes! A friend let me click some of hers. It was actually quite fun to see what would happen next. 😁
  10. Alright holidays, everyone’s already done. TIRED
  11. Well thank you Orwar! I’m glad I pulled off underboob quite well.
  12. My newest peeve is the fact that two of the biggest female clothing makers have have been churning variations of jeans/tank top/cardigan or jacket/boots for every release for months and months! It all starts looking the same.
  13. But Scylla, I was just sitting quietly on this bench when a stiff breeze came along and ... whoopsies!! LOL! In all seriousness it’s pretty silly. In my defense in was a FLF deal, and you know I can’t pass those up easily!
  14. Granted. It is now in your office. Everyone has to come into your office to use it. I wish for a latte from the cafe down the road to appear here on my desk.
  15. I haven’t had that happen in a good while. That’s super frustrating!
  16. In the middle of my crappy day at work today I got an email notification that I had a gift! Thank you so so much @momomoonusagi for this beautiful dress! You truly made my day.
  17. So fancy! The leaking 70’s era window is fancy as well. 😃
  18. Hey @Beth Macbain I got a Himalayan salt rock lamp at my work white elephant. Fist bumps for random lamps! (excuse my ugly office sill) I work in state government and we were just told that the governor is giving us extra days off. So my day has gone from crappy to better.
  19. Thanks for your concern for us poor exploited SL Boomers. I think we’ll be okay, though.
  20. But, it’s optional, and something LL does not have to provide. If $40 is too much then don’t change your name. I swear I feel like I’m in the twilight zone when I read this forum sometimes.
  21. $40 seems reasonable to me. Like someone said above, they probably want to make it a bit cost prohibitive so people aren’t changing every week. I’m not that attached to Knoller, so I’ll change if something better is available.
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