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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Love!! ❤️ For some reason BOM is so intimidating to me. I need to make the switch for the new LeLutka heads because they don’t use appliers on the makeup layers. Please tell me it’s easy! LOL
  2. In my experience people put inflammatory things in their profile specifically to to get a rise out of people. Best to completely ignore them, or you are giving them exactly what they want...attention. I don’t have enough in-world time to waste it on idiots.
  3. I have been binge watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. I originally put it on for background noise, but now I cannot stop watching. I also just learned it’s actually called the Great British Bake Off.
  4. Lovely Flossie shot! And I am not even in the market for a boob deformer, but now that I know it’s called Boob O’Matic I am suddenly intrigued.
  5. You did superb job of matching your system head! Are you pleased with the switch?
  6. Here's my take on the collab with @BelindaN. It was so much fun! Hopefully we'll be doing more in the future!
  7. Right?! When I wear their hair I have to try to keep other things pretty minimal. They do have some of the best short styles.
  8. Lyubov, what wonderful spaces you have created! I think this may be just what we are looking for. I also love your vineyard and wine tasting room. Oh! And the boxing gym. Future get together idea!! 💡
  9. That one looks like it has plenty of room for all of us. 😀 NY party on Orwar’s new boat! 🎉
  10. Happy New Years Eve forum friends! Drink lots of champagne! I just love that this is such a supportive and welcoming thread... may it continue into 2020. ❤ Shot was taken at the Lutz City theater with the poses from @SaintNicholas2019. Thanks again for your wonderful gift!
  11. My SL resolution is to reach out to people on my friend list that I haven’t spoken to in a while. I get in the habit of doing my own solitary thing, because introversion, and I want to try to be a bit more social. In RL I am going to try to go full vegetarian.
  12. I really enjoyed The Night Circus. Adding this one to my list! @Scylla Rhiadra I had to Google Kobo. I have never heard of that eReader! I felt the same way as you about my Kindle when I first got it, but I really love it now. I do still read a lot of actual paper books, but the Kindle is so convenient for travel. I can tell I am going to get a lot of great ideas from this thread. I hope it stays alive.
  13. Oh yes! I need to add this to my list. Thanks for the reminder. 🙏
  14. Love! But will he ever release the last book?!? eta: 2020 release. Yay!
  15. Bit of an experimental pic with Black Dragon. I just love this puffer coat from Vinyl! I own something similar in RL.
  16. Happy Rez Day and congrats!! I love love love Vinyl.
  17. What a surprise when I logged in this evening... a gift from Santa! Thank you so much @SaintNicholas2019 for the poses! Perfect for a New Years Eve pic.
  18. I only use Black Dragon when I have A LOT of time to devote to pic taking. I am laughing at the sentiment that it’s a viewer for amateurs. It’s the viewer with the steepest learning curve, IMO, but it does things the other viewers can’t do. It is way more complicated to take a photo in BD than just clicking a button, and anyone who says so can’t convince me that they’ve ever even used it.
  19. Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate! @Saskia Rieko We are outfit twinsies! @Saravendi Thanks for the sim recommendation!
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