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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Aw FFS @Amina Sopwith, if it ended where would we go to post our petty annoyances, get attacked for said annoyances, then post a bunch of GIFs and memes? Oh right, anywhere in the SL forums.
  2. Censorship asterisks are fun, but those ones up there I added myself. Apparently f*** has a sake! It’s one of my personal favorite acronyms. I wish I have more opportunity to use it.😀
  3. For f***** sake. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.
  4. There have been discussions here about the fact that LL does not advertise Second Life. I have personally never seen it advertised anywhere, but I’m happy to be corrected. However, we do get semi frequent questions in the forum from new folks, so they are finding out about SL somehow. So, if you are new to SL, or know someone that recently joined, how did you find out that SL existed? I’m curious!
  5. Thank you for explaining the chicken legs. I was wondering if they threw a couple greasy legs on top for the photo. 🤔
  6. Hi Victoria, it’s most likely done with an app called FaceApp. That’s how I did my pic.
  7. We use the glass houses bit in the US, but I am going to start using the beaver one to see if I can get it to take off here. “Those who live in log cabins should not throw beavers.” 😂
  8. Reading about elementary school kids feeling left out of the card swap makes me sad. Kids can be very cruel. As much as people like to scoff at the “everyone gets a trophy” way that we coddle kids nowadays, I am happy that my son’s elementary school requires kids to bring in a card for every child in the class if they are doing cards. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in either life. I’ve been with my husband for twenty years, and we don’t need a specific day in order to show love. And I am single in SL because I would like to remain married in 1st Life. 😄
  9. Oh look! Another picture at Garrigua. Great minds!
  10. Exactly. Honestly, I don't give two flying farts if people don't like my photos or judge them (lol) because I edit them. Oh the horror of using GIMP on a screenshot taken of a video game (LOL)! I'm feeling salty tonight.
  11. I took some pics of our get together, when some of us were wearing towels in the tub. As one does! @Scylla Rhiadra and @Laika Ravikumar are both very concerned with their manicures.
  12. Welcome @Stranger Hoxley! This was taken at Bayou Chat Du Noir. Lovely photo spot! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BAYOU CHAT NOIR/61/190/21
  13. I still remember the addiction of that first year or so in SL, when everything was new and amazing and I could not wait to log in. My husband worked a weird shift back then and was gone in the evenings, and we didn’t have a small human to take care of yet, so I could devote hours and hours to SL. The good old days! Those days are long gone. As far as current addictions, I have so many hairs that it’s ridiculous. I’m pretty sure I have Doux’s entire store in my inventory. Also poses. And lots and lots of clothes. Mesh heads, too!
  14. I remember that idea! At least the Flickr gets lots of activity even if the in world group is a bit silent. Like @BelindaNsaid we have plans for Sunday... we should open that up to anyone who is free!
  15. Thank you, Scylla. I thought your post box pic was was great as well, as was your new Maitreya! The struggle for inspiration is real. I think I’ll check out the ivy covered sim that Seicher linked. I just hope I get there before you visit with your purse. 😂
  16. I think I need to discover a new and exciting sim or something, because I have been having trouble finding inspiration. Here I am in front of a car.
  17. Yes, the bloggers and fashion folk may be driving the sales. I need to pay attention to the credits on blogs that I read to see if that the case with them. It just really annoys me when people insinuate that the criticism of this body is due to being a “hater”, or being too basic to understand a superior product (luxury cars anyone? ROFL). I see major warning signs in their business practices so I won’t be spending my SL budget on it ever.
  18. I agree. I use a HUD to inspect avatars fairly often, and see the body MAYBE one time for every ten Maitreyas. Also, a gigantic eye roll on equating this body to a Rolls Royce. Sure, if Rolls Royce had a horrible reputation and required you to test drive their cars in a blinding white room.
  19. Agreed. The entire last episode for me felt forced. They could have done so much more with it. I did love Claes Bang’s performance through the whole thing, though. He plays a good Dracula.
  20. I just discovered Somebody Feed Phil. I enjoy travel documentaries and food, so it’s a win. I was glad to read that there will be a third season. I also watched Dracula. I liked it, but didn’t love it, especially the last episode. I can’t put my finger on why, but it was a vaguely unsatisfying ending.
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