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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I've been out and about flying and have run into several orbs with settings not set properly according to the new guidelines. I have sent a message to each orb owner telling them about the changes and that they can check the covenant for themselves to see the changes. In all but one case, the owners have responded thanking me for the information and saying they have reset their orbs.
  2. I like the road layout but you are right it does make traveling difficult at times. I'd like to see some "dead end" signs placed so we know it's not a thoroughfare. I know that will mean extra prims but I think they would be worth it. I so hope people are still traveling the roads. I dearly love playing with all my new bikes, scooters, helicopter, horses, skates, and skateboards. For me it's not just about exploring, though that is fun, it's also about having good roads and scenery to enjoy while using all my new nifty transportation devices.
  3. I agree! I made textures to match the roof texture but I feel guilty using it since it adds to texture cache. It would be so much better if I could use the same texture the moles have already used. I will update my roof textures in my add-ons once those textures are made available.
  4. Thanks .. but all's well now that I know a person cannot see me if I don't have the "avatars on other parcels..." checked even if they are in the same parcel with me unless they are within 40 meters of me. I had personal reasons for preventing someone from taking pics of me unaware. So now with the way the system works and that sight limitation in place I don't have any need for the other device.
  5. I've hardly opened up the forums except for the Linden Homes section in weeks it seems. I did snap a pic of Debi to demonstrate using veins with a very light skin and it turned out nicely for something just off the cuff. Love those freckles with her pale skin and white hair.
  6. Deciding on a head based on the fact that the head and body use the same default skins is really the least reason to pick a head. With so many skin creators making body appliers for Maitreya and matching head appliers it's really not an issue. Find the head that you like the best. Then find demos of skin appliers, head and body, and start trying out those heads and skins until you find the best combination for you. The most important thing when buying a head is to first make sure it's bento so you can use as many shape sliders as possible to customize the face to your liking. Then be sure to use the hud to the point of trying to break it. Can you get comfortable with using it? Does it seem easy to use or difficult? Next, check out the animations. Do you like how the face animates? Are facial animations important to you? Once you find a head and skins that you think you'll love, I always suggest you wear that head and skin demo around your home for a couple of days testing it. You might think you love a head/skin combination at first but within a few hours or a day might realize there's just something about it that bugs the crap out of you. So, testing over time is a good idea since purchasing a mesh head and skin is an investment.
  7. I think I remember them being there. My good friend lives in Willow Heights so I've noticed that area.
  8. This is interesting and encouraging. We knew they would be adding but this gives up a little bit of a heads up where the next expansion might be located.
  9. Perhaps we have an SL version of Atlantis. What was once an island has now sunk leaving only sandbars and a city of houseboats. It's no coincidence that the two areas are exact matches for each other except for elevation. I know this has been all but confirmed by our fearless leader ... but still there are rumors that it may end up elsewhere. I seriously doubt it will end up anywhere else. Time will tell though. Wouldn't be the first time I got left with egg on my face if it turns up somewhere else.
  10. Look it's a snake with a mole eye!
  11. Both the green and red dots are in dead center of each region. You can check this by typing in the search part of the map a specific region name and it will automatically focus on dead center. 484 = green and 467 = red ... so it's gotta mean something else. I don't quite buy the red = not finished and the green = go. As there are red dots in some that look totally done. So, who knows? Oh yeah, the moles know!
  12. Hey it's a party boat .. all are welcome. You can partake of the plant and the hot tub same time. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Le Prince/78/52/22 I do have a security system set up but it's not armed currently.
  13. I wanted to laugh at this remark .. but didn't want to laugh at your house .. it looks great! Guess I need to go slow on that item .. so you can use the house longer????
  14. Honestly, I never save them. The fun of it is placing everything and choosing what I think will be the best thing for that one particular spot. Actually living in it once I'm done isn't the fun part so there's no reason for me to save it. I do of course save the actual structure I make for the home though. But as for the deco items .. nah .. I don't save that. But, yes, you can save it if you use a rez system. I use the free one from Casper.
  15. When I see empty homes where a person has left it empty or basically empty I celebrate it. That means less lag and I can rez more texture intense items in my own home. I knew someone in my early days of SL who had bought more than one full mainland region and all he ever rezzed on them (4 I knew of) was a few Linden trees. I asked him why, and his response was that he loved the empty land. So to each their own. If they are like me and like to fill up every little spare inch of their home with stuff .. great! If they like to have their home empty and just use it to rez shopping bags .. great! There is only one limitation on owning a Linden home .. you must have a premium account with 1024 sqm available. Period! So, if a person has five premiums they've paid for the right to have five Linden Homes. Does that mean they should use all those? Well, that depends on the person's desires. Should anyone be limited because the supply is limited at this time? Well, it could but it doesn't necessarily. Every person should do what they feel is the right and just thing for them. It's not as though there is only one batch and there are no more coming. Heck I grew up in a large family with three brothers. I didn't ever get cookies from the first batch. Did that mean I went without cookies??? No, I didn't. Did that mean my mom rationed the cookies from the first batch? She could have but that would have made her job harder and quite frankly the cookies from the last batch were as good as the first .. so I didn't care. So final words ... patience and live and let live.
  16. I've got everything just the way I want it now in the Barnacle. So guess it's time to try a different one. I am still amazed by the light in Belliseria.
  17. Another thing to keep in mind, especially when deciding to use lower LI fencing than the ones included in the content package is that by using the ones provided you are not adding any more textures to your cache because those have been used all around you by the moles. That will help to reduce lag. So while I too wish they were lower LI that is at least one benefit of using the ones provided. The same thing goes for adding plantings to your yard. The more you use of the same item will help reduce lag, so instead of using four different flowers in a planter .. use the same flower but vary it's size and possibly tint some of the petals to create variety rather than using 4 different flowers that will all have their own textures. Anytime you can reduce the number of textures in your build you will be reducing lag.
  18. I've been missing the sunrise in Bellisseria but managed to capture it this morning from the porthole of my houseboat. It's lovely .... but I never saw the sun. Do we not have a sun anymore with our new fandangled EEP sky?
  19. I know this is home and garden .. but I just have to comment - Your avatar is sooooooooooo nicely proportioned ... well done!
  20. the discovery of the Bellisserian vortex. Tara messaged me as I logged on this morning to show me something odd on the map. So I teleported to the neighboring region and saw this. 60 ghosts and an airplane stuck in the invisible barrier. Strange!
  21. I hadn't thought about putting a fireplace in the corner. I'm going to make that a priority the next time I decorate. Great job!
  22. Well hello neighbor! That houseboat you nearly get to in your video it mine. We're just down the beach from each other. I thought your home looked familiar.
  23. I can't think of anytime ever .. that's why it's crazy .. it's why I have been thinking it since I heard the statement but didn't comment until now.... cause it's a crazy thought!!!!
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