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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I'm seriously happy. All I ever wanted was for all needs to be considered and not have one group lord it over the other. I want community and safety.
  2. Exactly true, which is why many of us started using security orbs because we had people abusing that loophole.
  3. If only I knew how to script. So if anyone who scripts out there would like to make a device like this and put it for sale ..... I'd certainly be in line to buy it as I'm sure others would find it valuable as well.
  4. @Patch Linden What I'm wondering is with there being a ceiling on the system, it seems it would be possible for someone to fly above that ceiling and inside the parcel and then just hang out up there taking pics or whatever and not be removed by the system? Am I reading that wrong? If this is the case is it possible to change the parameters of the option that limits whether people outside the parcel can see and hear what you are doing so that those who are 100m in elevation cannot see inside the parcel below 100m? Update: After someone in this thread posted and I confirmed their findings, I'm happy to say that someone has to be within 30-40 meters of a person in order to see them when the box, Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel, is unchecked. So my question to Patch is no longer applicable!
  5. Sounds great! So glad to hear of the 15 second minimum. That should work for both those wanting privacy and for those wishing to travel through air space unhampered. Thanks for doing this.
  6. Don't you think it's rather early to be making a conclusion about whether or not people's privacy is going to be affected by uninvited guests? It's been what - not even two weeks. And certainly basing a conclusion on the number of people posting to the forums is a fool's errand. We know that the number of people who are active on the forums is a drop in the bucket compared to those who are not. Adding: the new system is here and I'm super happy to see a 15 second minimum. Thanks to the lab for making a system that should work for both travelers and home owners.
  7. I've encountered quite a few 0-10 second orbs in my traveling as recently as yesterday. So the banlines have been gone but I don't think the true effects have been felt yet by those who object to having their privacy options curtailed. I know of several people who moved to a new Linden Home because of my excitement which I shared in various groups I'm a member of or moderate. Since the removal of the banlines I've had a couple contact me to say they are very upset with the turn of events and have abandoned their Belliserian homes. I think the jury is out until we actually get one of the LL provided orbs to see what they will do.
  8. My reaction today to this was similar to the day someone sent me a message, way back in the early days when Omega was just hitting the grid big time, saying that a notecard with my UUIDs was being passed around freely. Of course I wanted to stop it immediately, but we all know how that went. But I'm not the type to throw my hands up in the air and say it's going to happen anyway so I'm just not going to do anything to try and stop it. I do appreciate all the feedback. It has helped me to work through the issue and come to grips with the reality. I do feel better having just added those few words to my item description. Perhaps I'm lulling myself into a false sense of security, but I'll take it anyway.
  9. Yeah, this particular item isn't a big deal. It really is just advertising but it's the future that has me more concerned. But anyway, I'm okay with it now. Whether anyone pays attention to the disclaimer isn't the issue as much as it is now there so if in the future I need to do something about it I can.
  10. My product isn't a landscaping item. This person has bought one of my add-ons. One I am selling for the unbelievably low price of 100L as an introductory special specifically as a way to introduce people to my new line of add-ons. 90% of the build is my original mesh, but I did use a template door, in hind sight I should have just meshed my own door but I was in a hurry. Regardless, even if had I not used a template, I don't think I'd want to go through the hassle of filing a DMCA on something selling for so few lindens. But I am now armed and know better for the future. I will be putting something in my listings from now on stating the limitations for use.
  11. I use his Koi in my pond. Great looking fish and very low LI.
  12. I had a friend in the landscaping business. He used transfer plants and when the job was completed the customer bought all the plants used. If someone is going to be in this kind of business and wants to use copy/no trans products it seems there should be an agreement between the creator and the decorator where an agreed upon commission on the profits would go to the creator.
  13. I remember his post as well. All we can do is ban the person from our stores and block them in-world to keep them from purchasing our products in our MP store. That's what I'm doing.
  14. The issue is that you're losing sales from those who might buy the product had this person not rezzed it in their home for them to use as long as they like. I would report the person but I don't see how it's breaking TOS so don't see how we have any recourse short of banning the person from buying anymore products from us.
  15. I was contacted by a person who requested information about the new Linden Homes. When I asked if the person had a home their response was no but they decorate them .. so I looked up the profile and found this on the person's FB: Let us make the most out of your prims and decorate for you!We are now having a Linden Home complete décor SALE!! All styles of Linden Home decorating is $2,000L complete. Don't waste all your time and Lindens trying to get that look you want for your home … we use the most current items with the best use of prims. Contact us today while we have a few booking appointments available. This sale save you thousands of L's! My question is do merchants have any recourse. This person is basically giving our content away by rezzing content and leaving it in their "customer's home for however long they want to use it. That means we go unpaid for our work.
  16. There's been a lot of back and forth with comments about the orbs. I think some wires have gotten crossed.
  17. Finally I see what GTFO stands for .... I was sure it couldn't stand for what first came to my mind when I saw that!
  18. I think she's referring to the fact that the orb is sending warning messages to people who aren't even on the parcel.
  19. I thought they were all inside smoking that funny stuff.
  20. My sweet friend gave it to me!! She got it from What Next. It's a gacha so for I think 50L or 75L you can have one too! It really is fun and flies really fast. It's a wearable as well.
  21. The other thread is becoming a mix of all kinds of pics showing various things. It's going to be difficult to find posts specifically about just home and garden. So that's why I'm starting this thread. As the forum ages it's going to be important to have some organization so we can find things we've seen and want to use as reference.
  22. As promised here is the exterior of my home. This concludes my home tour. I will be keeping this home for awhile. I love how serene it is and love every room in my home indoors and out!
  23. This thread is dedicated to showing off our homes on the new continent. Please no advertising. Please keep your sight seeing pics for the thread Patch started. This is just for showing off what you've done with your Linden Home and Garden. Here's my first entry. Of all the homes I looked at during the preview I told myself I'll never live in the Alderley. I just thought it was too small and I hated the layout. But I had a vision of what it could be and I couldn't be happier with it now. It's just surprising how much house this can be. So I'll start you off at my front door. The home now has a grand front hall with a view to the backyard. The waiting bench beckons you to the back of the house. On the left of the front door is the huge bathroom. The bath is so big the tub has it's own little alcove with a draped entry. I seriously could have a party inside my bathroom it's so large! Then out into the hall again and into the bedroom. My bedroom is so large that I even have room for a chaise. Moving back down the hall we come to the kitchen. The glazed french doors lead to the outdoor living space. And I'll show you what that's like in my next post as I've run out of room for more pics.
  24. This is all the airplane I'll ever need. While I don't really need an airstrip, this one is so cute I might have to land my "airplane" on it just for grins!
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