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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. The reason I even questioned this is looking at the pic that Patch shared in the original post: It's not a pic of his home but of a place he's visiting. So when I see the title Linden Homes .. I'm thinking Linden Homes as the whole thing - one huge continent and not specifically about our individual homes. Since we are looking at community being a big deal here in the new Linden homes area I'm thinking a photo spread of community events and sharing pic of neat things that we see or capturing the spirit of our new continent is in order. We will quickly fill it up with pages and pages of our own individual homes otherwise. So here's an example of what I mean. This morning I was noticing how great the morning sun is here in Bell---- I haven't learned the spelling yet and am too lazy to look it up .. but so here's a pic that I was thinking would fit in Patch's thread. While the corner of my house is visible in this picture it's not the subject of the photo. But the one below is about my home. The subject is a personal space. Anyway, I'm totally cool with whatever the community decides. I just didn't want to muddy the waters, so to speak, in Patch's thread.
  2. Okay. Point well taken. I just wanted to make sure we weren't circumventing Patch's intention for that thread. So, I won't second guess myself when posting home and garden shots there.
  3. I know we have the thread started by Patch for Linden Home photos but I've been thinking that might be more geared toward the photos people share of their explorations. I'm beginning to feel as though I'm cluttering that thread up with home and garden pics. So I have been thinking that it might be better to have one thread for explorations and one specifically for home and garden. I know there's another thread for garden tips and finds but that's not exactly a home and garden thread either. So what do you all think? I don't want to start another thread if it's just going to be clutter.
  4. He's saying a method to use if you own land other than a linden home so that you can check if there is a linden home available before you abandon mainland thinking you're going to get a home. Basically you take away your donation to group leaving the group in the red for sqm. Then you check quickly to see if a home is available. If it is then you're set but you still have that one group that is at -1024. So you'll need to abandon that mainland to get everything back in the clear. Does that help? Or did I confuse you more?
  5. I said I was going to take a break! Well best laid plans as they say. I got an idea and I just couldn't wait. I had this vision of what I could do with the Alderley house. It's so small so I was thinking why not move the living space outdoors. So to start I gave the entry a face lift. As you enter the new entry hall you pass the archway leading to a bedroom and a very spacious bath on your way to the newly renovated kitchen. And the best part for last is the new outdoor tea room. I love koi both RL and in SL so what else would I build? It's just waiting for plants and fish. I haven't worked on my HUDs yet, but I'm so eager to furnish this baby that I might be slow getting to those. All this for 54 LI!
  6. I would react the same way now. We all know that it's impossible to be modest all the time with mesh and teleporting as it is, but that doesn't mean we don't still try. I am one of those who wears applier panties all the time. I know I'm old school and maybe too modest but I still hear my mom telling me to be sure my undies are clean in case I get into an accident. Love the comment about where to get their own to drool over!
  7. If something isn't in keeping with the theme then anyone can AR the objects and governance will make a determination. Thanks for posting this. I think the big issue is if the objects impede right of way (movement). I seriously doubt that the governance team will remove items that are in-theme decorator items that extend just beyond our parcels.
  8. I really like this idea. I personally would prefer to live in a G rated region.
  9. As a moderator for the Maitreya Lara Friends group, I see people asking where to find pasties or how to cover up their bits all the time. I remember oh so many years ago when going to shop at the Free Dove there were changing rooms so people could be modest. So I agree that modesty is a very real issue for some residents. But I do believe they are a minority, but being a minority shouldn't mean your needs are ignored. As for forced community, I kind of disagree. I'm a retired teacher. If there is a better example of forced community I don't know of one. It works. It has problems but we don't give up on it. We find ways to work with different personalities and different needs. We don't let the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few though. We have to find a way to serve all. Is it easy? No! Unfortunately, some believe in using segregation to meet the needs, which is completely wrong. To say you go over there and play and we'll play here is absurd especially when here is new and shiny and over there is old and worn out with little appeal. I personally sold double prim land in Barcola and opened another premium account just so I could live in Bellisseria. That's how much shinier it is over regular mainland.
  10. Why would you need two full regions wide to sail? I think it actually looks better to not have it all lined up with the coast above. It's more organic that way.
  11. They've been there a long time, but you have to be cammed in on the map just right to see them.
  12. I got very ambitious and traveled by bike from my home on the north coast to the bottom of the existing continent all the way down in the south. Then another day I traveled by foot, jogging, from my home in the north along the roads as far west as I could go. So I've really seen a lot of regions. I'm blown away by how different they all look. There is absolutely no copy/paste going on in this project. It's phenomenal! I've had all those fence and wall pieces since the first day. If I were you I'd go to the mailbox and get another box delivered. If you still don't have all the pieces I"d put in a ticket or open up live chat to find out why. If you don't have it others might not as well and that's something LL would want to know about.
  13. Rez zones for air, sea and land vehicles. Urban looking areas with large loft type spaces for homes. Wooded mountain area with smallish cabins and little streams for fishing.
  14. Maybe you haven't opened up the kit to see everything inside. This fence is absolutely mole made. And even with making three different add-on kits and the patio gift, I've done a fair amount of exploring and I've seen lots and lots of lots without fences. I've also seen a good amount of homemade fences and purchased fences that aren't mole made. Here's a pic of the contents of the traditional kit. You can see the fence is there. Perhaps it's thrown you because it's called wall and not fence.
  15. The brick is in my pack as well. No idea why you don't have it. Maybe go get another pack from the mailbox.
  16. I made it for the Winchester but I myself am using it for the Adams. I think it is so easy to modify that it probably could be used just about anywhere. But I did try to match the posts in the front of the Winchester when I made it.
  17. I'm curious why you say it's illegal. Because it appears to be outside the fence? I suppose if that is a Mole built fence it would be but it's possible she actually put the fence there. It's hard to tell from a photograph. I love the sign btw! @Kendryek. I was out exploring yesterday and ran across your home. It's lovely!
  18. I've been crazed since Monday! I'm just about finished with this add-on. I need a break! I love how this kitchen turned out with the wainscoting and tile floor. I got this table and chair set from Dutchie. It has the cutest card game animations and drinks. Love the view to my living room from here. It's really surprising how much room there is for a master bed and bath when you use this side of the house with the lovely double doors leading out to my pool. But right now this steaming bath looks more inviting than a dip in the pool. Forgot to mention this is the Adams house.
  19. I finally finished the Windlass Add-on. I changed up the railing at the entry and meshed out a door that coordinates with the houseboat front door. If you would like to see how this looks in the actual houseboat you may visit mine in-world at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Le Prince/75/50/23.
  20. I totally support the removal of TPing home. I agree it punitive. But I disagree that 10 seconds is not long enough for a parcel that's only 1024. If it were a larger parcel then yes, 10 might not be long enough. But we are talking about 1024s for now and eventually there will also be 512s. I've not heard any Linden suggest that larger size parcels are in the plans. So 10 seconds IMO is good.
  21. I think most don't have an issue with the ban lines being removed as long as they can use orbs that will protect their whole parcel from ground to sky with a decent warning time. Most I've talked with think that a minute is just too long.
  22. I can live with the change. I would rather be able to turn an 10 sec. orb on and off when needed, I'm pretty sure that the LL supplied orb won't have that ability, but as I said I'll deal with it. My comments are mostly made on behalf of those who are very upset with the change. I am still a fan of the Lab. There's not much they could do to change my mind about their abilities or motives. I agree that this decision might have been short sighted, but I trust that they will do what is best for Second Life and by translation that will be what's best for me too. But they have to have all the facts and to understand the deep resentment that this has caused in a good portion of the population, so I speak up.
  23. Unfortunately, the rules got changed after people had already moved in. Some after having paid a full year for premium and some after selling their mainland properties so they could use their 1024 on one of the new Linden homes. Two groups enter an restaurant noting the rules on the door as they enter. After being seated and receiving their appetizers the owner announces over the loud speaker, we will be playing classical music the rest of the evening. Those who don't like classical music are appalled having walked into a 50s style diner expecting classic rock and roll. The ones that were complaining that they didn't like the rock music applaud the decision. Those who liked the rock music are told by the manager that if they don't like the change they may go eat in the parking lot. The complainers who got their way, cheer and suggest that the parking lot is bigger so why should they complain that the best part is now controlled by those who were complaining in the first place.
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