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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. If the new area they are working on with all the houseboats is indeed the next to be released, which seems likely. I doubt it will happen this week. There are still several regions that have no evidence of any landscaping. Now I know the map doesn't update quickly and it's entirely possible that the moles have completed work that isn't showing yet on the map, but I still doubt that we will see a release this week.
  2. This is an ignorance issue, not on the part of Linden Lab, but on the part of the OP. He shows he has no concept of what region building is really like from the artistic side of things.
  3. It's the Trompe Loeil - Retro Kitchen White. I modded it some though to bring down the land impact. I removed the glass front upper cabinets and the dishes then replaced them with the regular uppers. That reduced land impact from 28 to 16. I also tinted the cabinets.
  4. The inside has changed in color scheme and layout. I still have my entry hall but where the bedroom once was is now my living room. I love the light in Belleseria. Just look at that bright morning sun streaming into my living room. My bedroom is where the bathroom used to be. I do have a bathing alcove in there but the rest of the bathroom fixtures are gone. I really only use the tub anyway! Somehow my kitchens always end up being my favorite rooms. And this time is no different. I love all the color and the feel of this space.
  5. Being fickle as I am, I decided I'd try playing with the continental but that was a quick trip into futility. I've seen a lot of really nicely decorated versions of this house but it just seems too visually cut off from outside, so I quickly went back to the Alderley. I have decided my favorite house of them all is the Alderley, which really surprised me cause I didn't like it at all when I walked through it at the preview region. So, I find myself once again decorating a Alderley. I'm keeping my koi pond. I love these koi from Jian and have had a pond of some sort for most of my time in SL. I've been wanting to add the architecture of a carport to my home. So I set about adapting my pergola patio into one. But after it was finished I realized I don't own a car and really don't have any desire to own a car in SL. But I do have bikes - lots of bikes. So I made it smaller and love the result I get with a bikeport! I tore out the old landscape and installed something new. The view to the water from my back terrace is lovely. I've changed up the inside as well. I'll show you in my next post.
  6. The Barnacle doesn't have one of those double glass doors in the front but it does have windows. I've actually blocked off a little bit of them as they are floor to ceiling but I've added a little platform in the front for my study. So there's even more window than I have showing.
  7. The control panel will take the name with or without that dot. I was having all kinds of issues trying to get it to accept a name when I first tried to use it. The problem ended up being that you have to select list after you input the name(s) otherwise the control thinks it's still just accepting the default of owner. At first I thought it might be the dot so I tried both ways, with and without, and yet it still didn't work. I really think the key is remembering to hit the list button after you've finished inputting the name(s).
  8. I believe the person who suggested this was referring to all those water regions that were added to connect the continents. I hadn't thought about the fact that those are openspace regions that have very few resources anyway. So, that probably wouldn't really be feasible. I wasn't suggesting to do that above where the house boats are located. I know that the Moles have squeezed out every little bit to decorate or provide rez zones in those areas.
  9. Can't remember which thread I saw this in . but an idea was suggested to do skybox-only-parcels over open waterways. Perhaps for those since they are above 2k maybe zero second orbs would be allowed. It's an idea anyway.
  10. Playing with the Barnacle. This is going to be my party boat complete with a special container garden.
  11. I don't plan on even rezzing the orb at Debi's home. That will be an open home all the time. Blush's on the other hand I will use the orb when I need it, but would like to turn it off most of the time. The problem is that only Blush can operate it so if I log off with it either on or off with Blush and then log in with Debi I can't access the panel even though Debi is listed for the house's main control panel. It would be good if there was a way to have anyone who is listed in the home's main panel would also have access to the security orb. Baring that then at least the option to add a person to the orb's admin would be helpful.
  12. Debi's home is open to anyone wishing to visit. I use a pretty eclectic mix of furnishing from a wide range of creators. It should be easy to inspect and find the name of the creators I've used. I have no idea how long her home will remain as it is now. I do love it though so doubt I will be changing it very soon, but I'm fickle to say the least! Here's a taxi for anyone interested in visiting. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Washburn/22/73/34
  13. If you are using Firestorm, and possibly other viewers, you can inspect a linked set by right clicking -> more -> inspect and you will get this pop-up listing all objects in the link set as well as the creator with a nice handy button to access the creator's profile. Or you can right click any group and then check the box "edit linked" and then click on any item in the linked set to see the info on that item.
  14. It's your home .. so it's your home and garden. Please share your pics. We all want to see.
  15. You really have given me credit for being far craftier than I am. My only reason for suggesting a dedicated home and garden thread is because we have one in the general discussion forum. I thought that it would be beneficial for organizational purposes to have a thread specifically for showing photo spreads of our home and gardens. I didn't want a place to sell my products. if that was my purpose I could have just continued posting in the one Patch started. I do enjoy sharing my ideas for ways to use the Linden Homes. I've been doing that for weeks now. My purpose isn't to make money but to spur the imagination of those who might want some inspiration. I go looking in the home and garden thread myself for inspiration. We all enjoy sharing pics of our homes. I don't understand why you would think that just because someone made some of the things they are using in their home that they shouldn't be able to show pics of their home.
  16. These were responses to my initial inquiry about starting a separate thread specifically for showing home and garden picture spreads here - This is the only reason I mentioned no advertising when I began the thread. And again to me advertising is not posting pics but posting pics stating that the products are for sale or by posting pictures of the various colors a product is available in.
  17. You don't know the difference between a pic and a vendor cover? I didn't post a vendor cover, nor did I say anything about the product being for sale. That's what I meant by no advertising. Just because someone makes a product and uses that product as or in their home doesn't mean they can't post pics of their home in this thread. My no advertising comment was meant to not post vendors or obvious listings of products showing multiple colors and so forth. I posted that at the beginning of this thread because it had been brought up by others in that other thread that advertising was getting to be a problem.
  18. I didn't post any advertising. You just did. I didn't mention anything about selling in my post. I also posted my pics of my home before I put the product for sale. Should I go roll my eyes at your post advertising your product? I thought you were better than this Coffee!
  19. If this helps .. I set the name and then I have to hit the list button after inputting any names I want added the list. If I don't hit the list button last it doesn't work.
  20. I can confirm this happened with my house too, but it was easy to set it back up the same way I did initially and all is working well.
  21. Oh my gosh! I just tested this. With Blush hovering in the air at 2k and Debi in the houseboat I cammed down to Debi and could see her if the box [avatars on other parcels can see and chat....] was ticked but as soon as I unticked the box she poofed. This is great news!!!! Thanks for the info! Seriously made me happy!!!
  22. To be clear: I have no issue with the LL security orb as it's implemented. I think it's a great compromise for all. And in my particular case, Abner Mole gave me an excellent suggestion on how to deal with my situation. I only responded about my issue with a stalker because someone asked what could a person hovering way up high over a parcel really do. So I explained what a person could do easily from that altitude.
  23. Mine has been around for 10 years. He shows up on his main from time to time just outside my parcel boundary just so I know he's there. I really don't care at this point other than keeping him from taking pics of me doing whatever and then PSing them into his imagined fantasy. I know he uses alts. He has an army of them. I have a pretty good list of them. But there is no way I can know them all nor do I really want to try and discover them. I just want to be able to stand around in my house and not have to constantly be on my guard that he might be out there taking pics. I don't think that's too much to ask and it really is annoying to have others come in here and tell me I should just act as though it doesn't exist. Not that you're doing that but I do get that from people in here from time to time.
  24. They can cam down into your home, take pictures of you, alter them, post them where ever and generally harass you. This isn't the behavior of a traveler. It's the behavior of a stalker who uses alts to try and torment their victims.
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