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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. What is the likelihood of something like this... I feel like it's like worrying about what to do after the sky falls. The odds are just not worth worrying about. amazon's store and prime has a LOT of adult content beyond SL. It's even a thriving place for erotica authors to self publish. SL does allow some things not allowed elsewhere - rather graphic mixes of sex and violence for example. But if the banhammer came down on those things less than a handful of active users would feel any impact.
  2. EDIT: This list got longer than I'd like... Off-putting: Voice. I don't use it, don't like to be in places that do. While not an impact for me 'personally' I've read from a few deaf SLers that the big push Linden Lab did some years back to get EVERYTHING on voice was very isolating for them and as that's spread to a lot of communities they've been pushed aside. Single word chat messages from strangers, like: "hi" Long but invasive messages telling me RL info and asking for mine. Messages from strangers telling me about myself but revealing nothing about them. Social messages from a stranger using their business account who's profile image is a store brand logo and entire profile is about customer support and other useful but NOT social info. This is a new one for me - I actually failed to respond to a neighbor wanting to connect with me a month or so back because it came from a profile like that and felt 'weird' as a result. Like; "hi, we should hang out, we have a lot in common" and I look at their profile and it's all about CSRs, MP links, and product support. People who take "my world my way" to an extreme with no desire to get along with anyone. hermaphrodite avatars - this is just a personal bias but it's visually jarring for me. Spent a year some time back with a regular nude chat visitor I'd hang out with who had a female avatar with a big ol' joystick down there; and I'd always be moving my camera to keep them out of view... Yeah I know, it's 2024 so cancel me. But I'm just not a fan of the look. Strangers that randomly IM me to tell me something they don't like about me. This has only happened once in the last year, but it used to be a regular thing. People who's only interest in hanging out is because they incorrectly think I have the same kink as them. I suspect most folks don't get this one, but when your always nude in SL everyone thinks you're into all the "stuff", all the time. People who rez low quality builds near my land. Stuff that's prims where the textures are not stretched right, things don't line up, etc. To a lesser extent; when it's a major style clash with the surrounds. This one is probably just me: Real life photos in SL. It's a style clash thing. It just feels like the art in here works best when it's either drawings or came from SL or another 3D app / game. Badly proportioned avatars: tiny hands, feet, or heads. And then some things that just don't match my preferences so I "try" to keep quiet about them because my own look has an element or two that is unusually proportioned so it'd be hypocritical to go after others for their choices.
  3. I don't know if they ever fixed it but for a long time Discord had one of those single sign in available things meaning if you were using it for work or school and then opened it up for gaming or SL all of those connections would get shared around. So I will only very rarely go to discord for anything related to SL. If I don't want my mother, my boss, the CNN/FOX anchors covering my election campaign ( ), and the "folks at church" reading it - keep it off Discord. I think they finally did let you have different profiles - but it still always wants to auto sign me in to a base one and always tries to load up it's app and not let me use multiple instances of it.
  4. I saw the news right after looking up the Githyanki of Balder's Gate 3 - a species that lives in the Astral plane. The list here seems tailor made for people who are fans of that kind of fantasy theme - astral, mystic, D&D inspired, etc.
  5. While it is true that most brands use the same generic script and tune it badly, some of them tune it well, and most of them let you retune it a bit. - It's very worthwhile to demo a whole LOT of different choices. Even with brands that have great tuning like [sau], every now and then a vehicle hits that has bad physics and gets stuck on tiny roadbumps (the specific example of this that's in my head however, eventually got updated and no longer has that problem). When turning, I usually combine my turn with the braking or skidding functions of the vehicle and that helps it handle corners. For me - the joy in using SL vehicles is the imperfection. I could cross a region much fast by having my avatar fly or just TPing to the end point. But I purposefully go in for small land and small water vehicles that require me to "do stuff and things". Sailboats that use wind and need to have the sails tweaked as I move along, or motorcycles with tight turning and good skid control. Making the fun occur from the experience of trying to control the thing.
  6. Sarcastic answers: Paper Dolls Online World of Sexcraft Angry Pontificators Anonymous Realistic answer just combines those three somehow.
  7. Yes I have those feet on my furry avatar. They are great feet but there are also almost completely unsupported by third party makers. However that will only be an issue with open toed shoes. They are still very much worth it for when barefoot. The base feet: With some shoes from a fullperm kit I have: A set of heels on the high feet is also a bad fit: However a set of shoes made for the feet (from the maker themselves), looks great: And a set of closed toe shoes presents no issue: However even with shoes that cover the foot, if the "cut line" is where the feety peets are, you will be better off wearing your "human feet": Noticed how the alpha map greys out the bottom part - to hide that part on the right foot I had to edit it manually, yet the cut still doesn't work for human shoes - so for these shoes I'd wear my body's human feet.
  8. This is likely the reason that when you get a home there is often someone nearby "suspiciously" watching. That person is often the prior owner waiting for the home to get claimed before they try to grab their next one. People used to do that all the time when there were less available homes so the chances were high it would get claimed quickly. These days an abandoned home could be the next one on the list or could stay empty for months as the list is often just too big - but I still see the odd person doing this waiting. Probably someone at the 'end of their frustration' over getting it handed back to them repeatedly. I really don't understand why LL doesn't fix this. It's as simple as attaching a small list / array onto your session storage or web cookie showing all the linden homes your account had held in the last short amount of time - a variable that wouldn't take up much space, and could be read and used to filter the table of potential results. As an exercise in futility and yelling into the wind... some pseudo code to show how simple a fix could do it: priorRecentHomes = checkCookies(recentLindenHomes); // Put your recent picks out of the browser cookie getSeletectedHome() { newHome = rollChoice(availablehomes.length) // Do a random check of anywhere on the list of availables. if (priorRecentHomes && priorRecentHomes.contains(newHome) && availablehomes.length > 3) getSeletectedHome(); // recursive run until it doesn't pull the same home again. By contrast if there are 3 or less of that home theme available, you're stuck with what you get. // You'd also just get what you got if you had no recent homes or had refused to let it save a cookie. else return newHome; } updateSessionCookie.add(newHome); Actual code would probably be of not much more complexity than that... and we'd have a fix. Given that it'd be easy to fix this, and yet hasn't been fixed - it's clearly intentional that you can waste your picks on the same result. It sucks as an answer - but if there is a particular home you want out there, the reliable option is to go premium plus for a month. Spend a day or two grabbing one home from each theme to get all their build kits, then put in a ticket for your desired choice.
  9. One of my very first experiences in SL was sitting in a sandbox trying to figure out how to get a prop I had bought to work. xCite I think - to give me anatomy in an attachment. And I was constantly breaking new copies I was pulling out of inventory, until some guy walk up and volunteered to help me figure it out. I was actually more disturbed that he didn't hit on me than if he had because that was the outcome I'd expect from a moment like that. But he was just trying to help a noob and that began my process of learning how to exam how things in SL work. So yeah. Having mentors that are willing and able to help with such questions is something I can greatly appreciate. Even if that guy wasn't an official helper or anything - just a friendly person in a random sandbox. As an aside: the main reason I had bought that item back then is that I'd recently had an encounter with an employee of whatever company owned Poser back then who told me that there was no need for the female model to have lower anatomy because there was nothing down there for which detail could be seen so nothing to model - and then I tried SL and here were people selling props like I'd been asking for (there were people doing that in Poser too back then, I just hadn't found them yet). On hindsight - I realize that was my first encounter with an incel. I had yet to develop the desire to 'do things' with the prop. I was just glad to be able to finally model bodily completeness - even if in a lower rez tool than the art tool I'd been in up to that moment.
  10. There's also always a lot of folks that want to remind us they are ashamed of a natural part of the human experience. Something that should be celebrated as a main driver in bringing us together gets called out as shameful. That is what I find disturbing. Not saying that's you - but it is in this thread as well as all other threads like it.
  11. I've probably linked this one before but it's one of my favorites and is heavy on my playlist rotation: I'm always a fan when artists blend styles from multiple Latin American sources as we're all cousins and it's good to remember our connections.
  12. A Tardis, to go back to 2014 and get out there before things were too set.
  13. It really doesn't matter how good or bad a given body is at this point. We're way past market saturation on these things and getting people to switch to something new is a beast of a task. Think of all the things you need to rebuy anytime you switch bodies. To get people to switch you need to get them to justify some expensive costs and accept "shelfing" a lot of content they've paid for. Most of the time, it's just not worth it. The only time we see major shifts in what people use seem to be timed around major technology changes: sculpty -> mesh -> rigged mesh -> bento -> bom -> some major fix to other body parts like the neck join fix that happened a few years ago (which put one of the last nails in belleza freya's coffin). If for some reason PBR completely broke all of our existing content, which we already know won't happen; then new content would have a chance. As far as I know there's no other major technology 'in the pipeline' right now. So what we have for supported bodies is almost surely what we will have for the foreseeable future.
  14. Getting rid of log homes. As in... the only reason I'm not in a Chalet is because I found a coastal log home where I was able to get the 'Grand View' window to face out over the ocean. To me... Chalet is an amazingly well done theme and I am utterly baffled as to why it's not more popular the Victorians and Trads. I lost my interest in Victorians when we couldn't paint them because they're supposed to be an absolute riot of wild colors (they're also supposed to be slammed up against each other like two horny GIs at a night club who've just spotted you on the dance floor... but we can't have urban themes I guess). And Traditionals are OK - better since they updated them. But nowhere near as nice as the Chalets. If it were me, I'd change about 1/3 of the Trads, Vics, and Chalets to be "mixed theme" letting someone in those regions rez any one of the three on their lot. Not done randomly but in an organized fashion - this area here is mixed-use, those areas are not. I'd be more inclined to want one of them if it was in a neighborhood that looked more like "real life" does in an older city - where you've got a Victorian slammed up against a modern townhouse on one side, a container home on the other, and the folks across the street have a Craftsman. They could make it so you have a boat dock but that'd be weird. Still; people love those. Let the homes be rotated to any of the four facings. That would have a small impact on a few plots but not a major one like it would if you could rotate Grand View log homes the other way as well. Otherwise... it just is what it is.
  15. Well... the other popular theme I've seen on Zindra is dolcett... so yeah; I'll take my smutty orgies.
  16. I didn't realize IMVU still existed. To me it seems like LL has finally realized what the users want: Barbie Dream House - but not necessarily in pink. Bellisseria is the main product now, and they can't put out regions fast enough, even almost 4 years on. Sure, some old themes remain half empty, but people keep grabbing up plots. Which in turn also drives a lot of shopping, more than the stipend can fund, so people are buying L$ for their dollhouses and their barbies (avatars).
  17. That's actually some of the reason for my stance. I want movement between ratings to always need a teleport and be unable to be automated in order to prevent accidental crossing and conflicts of what should be going on when and where. I want to always know when I'm moving between rating, and be able to keep it from happening outside of my awareness (such as with an experience or RLV). I want to be able to fully avoid a rating that is not consistent with how I wish to experience SL. If I were a 'G' user, I'd want all the M and A stuff "gone" from my SL. As an 'A' user I would like to have an easier time avoiding anything 'G'. Make it easier for me to control my experience. Otherwise - even having a rating system just seems to add hassle and confusion.
  18. Yeah. There's at least one water rez zone in the river already: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sesame/97/90/21 But that river ends to the south. There's also probably a plan for something on that island between the two themes.
  19. I feel you should always need to use a teleport to move between one rating and another. More than that - I'd not allow experience based nor RLV based teleports to move people between regions. It should need an active user act - even between G and M. And the camera should not render anything in a rating different from the one you're in. I'd even recommend having a confirmation box pop up. This would even be when going from your own land to your own land. You should always be aware when it's happening. Ratings need to mean something, or just be removed.
  20. 297 available when I took this shot while making this post. https://secondlife.com/land/lindenhomes/detail/Mediterranean_2048?lindenHomesPage=1
  21. I've ported around and found some rather choice spots that have the 2004 claim date 'never claimed' parcels always have. If this was a theme I wanted I'd be all over trying to get those. For me that means plots so close to the water that if the fence wasn't there I could have a boat slide into the river. One of the two lots that is on the bottom of the theme where it connects to the next theme is one of these and sits unclaimed. If I were to ever go for this theme, I'd be waiting for the coast to finish, and then use a ticket on some lot added near there. I suspect that the best homes for Ranch and Mediterranean will both be added around then - long after tickets are allowed but frustratingly also long after now.
  22. Yes. I want that coast finished. And there's the Zindra Mall area. It should either get bulldozed or put on the list of places residents can reserve for events like some of the spots in Belli can. Same for the Bronlin cafe (not bulldoze it, but let it be reserved for events so people could host parties with music there). While I wouldn't mind it being closer - I don't want there to ever be a navigable channel between it and any other rated land. For me, one of the main flaws of mainland is you can walk and cam between M and G land. Ratings should be more isolated from each other or they kind of lose meaning.
  23. Oh really? And I missed it. I just assumed that would never happen so stopped going to those things.
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