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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. My cigarette won't show smoke anymore when I wear it, but it works fine if I rez it on the ground. Anybody know what's going on?
  2. Sephina Frostbite wrote: I went to the welcome area I would rather do almost anything else. How could anyone be that bored? Don't you have inventory to sort or something?
  3. I don’t often believe in angels, but on the day I left Louis pulled a feather from his pillow and said, “This is for you.” I half expected him to say, “See, this is the first one I grew." — Shane Koyczan, The Crickets Have Arthritis
  4. What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe? -Jacques Lacan
  5. The Linden gods treat prayers and curses just the same. They ignore them. Happy rez day.
  6. Not. I vote interesting, including the background. I don't like the long nails though. They're scary.
  7. At the very top you have the Linden Gods and at the bottom you have noobs. One way to win is by making your avatar look as attractive as possible and non-noob like. This includes putting something in your profile.
  8. Adjust your particles setting to zero in your viewer so you can't see the particles.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Kind of goes back to the old question, is anything safe (sacrosanct) any more? Yes, for example: Whales The Children (most of the time) Global Warming Elvis Presley
  10. You get my vote too Val, but my nickname for you is QT. You're too young to be called Auntie.
  11. What kind of fun are you looking for?
  12. Now there's a celebrity. Practically legendary.
  13. lizbeth2u wrote: I find myself wandering around SL totally ignored. My avi is attractive, as I've been given compliments on her. I did remove many of my first friends when I found out they were just after sex. I'm looking for spiritual places To meditate, meet like minded friends, explore the worlds with friends that share common values. Why don't you try Inspire Space Park? It's a spirtual place with a high traffic count, so you would probably meet some people there with interests similar to yours.
  14. How about larger photos? I don't think you're fully rezzed in the photos. You pants and feet are blurry. Rebake yourself with control alt r. The shirtless photo is after minor adjustments were made? Your legs look better proportioned in the shirtless photo. They seem a little fat in the other photo. The shape looks ok, you just need better clothes. Try some mesh or clothes with prim collars and cuffs.
  15. The Blarney Stone is now the coolest place in all of SL. Anybody who's anyone hangs there.
  16. I'm rather taken with your idea. When is "Be-a-friend" day? Tomorrow?
  17. Congratulations on your imminent ascension to becoming part of the landed mainland bourgeois. You'll probably wonder why you didn't do this long ago. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
  18. Yes, Ariel, I believe that is correct. With a moderate parcel, you may wander around naked inside your house if you so desire. Yes, you may have a bed with a few (or a lot of) adult animations as long as it's inside. I thnk you could even have a hot tub outside with adult animations. Just turn on the privacy feature for your parcel so that nobody can see avatars on your parcel from outside of it. You may want to consider adult rated parcels however, for peace of mind and potential resale value.
  19. Then you must be some kind of super human or possibly an artificial intelligence.
  20. People always get bored. You find a new lover and you're happy for awhile. Tomorrow or next week you'll be tired or annoyed with your new love and start looking for another. You get a new car and you're momentarily joyous. Next month, you want a new model because you're bored with your recent purchase. It goes on and on ad infintum.
  21. I know what you mean, I can barely handle all the chicks. /me winks at Pamela.
  22. zaylene wrote: I am looking for a place to live, for people who can't afford a high price ( free place or costs a little for me) I don't mind if there are other people, because money does not grow on trees. Actually, money does grow on trees in SL.
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