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  1. lizbeth2u


    thank you I have tried to make a #RLV folder , and added outfits I must have made a mistake somewhere as my master could not get the clothes to go on. I had made sub folders perhaps that's the problem,?
  2. lizbeth2u


    Hello all , am back after been gone for months, have a master that requires i make folders for him to use to change my clothes. i have the RLV enabled, wear his collar ( he is owner) but even though i have researched this subject i still have no luck on setting this up. i have been deleting thousands of old non mesh things in my inventory, down to just under 10,000 from over 25.00 in hopes i can create folders i can find, and allow my master to control my outfits. As he demands i am not a slave, but a caring submissive lady with class, Just want to do what is right here appreciate your help , Thank you
  3. Thank you for your information was wondering what I was doing wrong. Again, thank you !
  4. For over a month I have not been able to post pictures to my wall. Only able to save to disk. When I try they fail to download anyone know what I am doing wrong? Help please. Thank you
  5. Well it still sucks, since I have no way of knowing if I will get back my lost inventory. Which includes my best avi and all her outfits. I paid someone to tweet her. So, that can not be gotten back by a store. ( even if a store was so kind to replace something not due to their fault) To me is Linden labs created this problem they should restore all our lost inventories. Not leave it up to us getting back to the stores. Still upset ........ But trying to be nice lizbeth
  6. Hi ChiaraHawk What can I say, hopefully you have not spent many lindens yet. I left myself as a ghost.With my best avi lost and all the outfits that went with her shape, even her shape is now lost. This doesn't help you though Sorry, hopefully if you are new your outfits are not that many. Still, I do understand. And, wish no one such. If I have lost my best custom tweeted avi with her outfits, well I may just stop SL. Too much money invested and still no bf. :smileysad: Best of luck to you and everyone. Today I need to get outside in the sun. best of luck to everyone lizbeth
  7. Kal thanks, just wonder if I will get back all I've lost, which includes my best and most expensive avi. The one I paid to be tweeted. Ugh if all that is lost. I'm going to take a much needed break from SL Have a good day everyone Lizbeth
  8. Yes, I have had this happen to me today when I tried to change my outfit I am a ghost, with not being able to create inventory. Nothing helps. About to cry, this is taking up all my morning and beyond Any help appreciated Lizbeth
  9. Yes, today I can not access any of my inventory, plus, when I tried to change outfits I became a ghost. I have tried everything I know but nothing helps I am so upset as I have spent too much money on this avi to have to resort to buying A new one plus all new clothes. If anyone has any suggestions, beyond what normally would resolves this Please help. About to just give up Elizabeth
  10. Donivan the E-reader sounds great since I have a kindle tablet, Are you saying you can send eBooks to those of us in the book club? I've just gotten my HD Kindle tablet, with only a couple of books downloaded ( so far) Very anxious to start this club, as this is something I would gain from. Learning is of upmost interest to me. Books give us that insight that in my opinion nothing else can. have a wonderful day! lizbeth
  11. Hello I am extremely interested in a book club, with mature people. As, I am a mature lady seeking intelligent friends to connect with in sl. So, look for my IM. This is something of great interest to this lady. Thank you, Lizbeth
  12. To all that have written, I have decided to give up looking for anyone. With a heavy heart I am just to upset To continue. SL may be good for so many of you but for me it has brought only sadness. But, thanks to each one that has tried to offer advice Good night Lizbeth
  13. Hi Raven thanks for the info on the VKC dogs. Your words tell me to wait. The people that work with these dogs never tell these things. Much appreciated, Liz
  14. Hi :) I'm looking for people that have the virtual kennel club dogs. As, I've been drawn to them since I discovered them weeks ago. Would love to know from others if they are as life like as the people selling them say. So, if any of you have one ( or more ) please reply. I find myself going to visit them almost on a daily basis. Thank you, Liz
  15. Brent I totally agree with you, I also hate this new chat window. Just when things were going well they change ..... ugh. Liz
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