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  1. True true lol. I know people older than me on there Theresa, i deal with people like you every day on there, try to be a smart ass whilst cowaring behind text chat because they're too dumb to figure out voice chat to confront me like anybody who has any courage would do. I merely mute people like that because they're unworthy of my time.. Oh i guess that means i just muted you both on there and here. Anyhoo thanks for the replies to i'm heading back there now so wont bother reading replies to this. Toodles!
  2. I joined years about in 2006 and the graphics were poor, there was no voice chat, the environments were almost bland with their idea of a sunset being a jet black sky and clouded glowing crimson orb. Things seemed so simple back then both visually and experience wise but now I just feel like it annoys me and it saddens me a lot. I can feel the excitement and enthusiasm inside me but only when I think about what it used to be and I so long to go there and it to BE that but it just isn't. I guess it's because I've been there for so long and I pretty much know everything that there is to know about building. These days I get so bored that I sometimes get banned from a sim because I started trouble all to have something to do and it's so ridiculous! I can no longer go to a certain sim that I have been going to for years all because I blurted out a rant at somebody because I was so frustrated and bored. I'm not here because of being banned from that sim, that's not really bothering me but yeh. Do any of you older users get the same problem of just not feeling that buzz anymore? I think back on my times on Second Life and part of me longs, even yearns, to go back to them times. I guess it's because it's grown old on me and I wear clothing that costs anything up to 12k L$ where-as I used to DJ to earn every penny just to buy moderately okay looking clothing... Now it just makes me feel superior to everybody else and i don't want to be feeling like that at all but it seems to be the only thing keeping that excitement alive. Hell i used to go around dressed like a hobo and i loved it! lol. Maybe I should try going there on a fresh account with no money and getting freebie clothes, etc. but i also don't want people looking at me like some new guy that is clueless and can't even afford decent clothes, when i have an avi that's the opposite lol. If that were to happen i'd be drawn back to my main account just to prove them wrong, vicious cycle i know lol. I also wish there was a way to view Second Life how it used to look before Windlight came along though *sigh* Sorry if I'm ranting it just frustrates me because SL used to be such an amazing thing to me but now I just find myself frustrated at it but I also don't want to give up on it you know?
  3. A lot of games do that.. They have seperate meshes for buildings, an interior and exterior. I can imagine that physics (or collision geometry as i better know it) may be a problem when it comes to walking inside a building though. I do experiment on the beta grid quite a lot as i don't want to upload something on the off chance that it may look good or even work. Does the physics model count towards prims? I'm kinda confused because i made a physics model and it looked like the normal model but i could walk through the doorway so it made me wonder why i didn't just use the physics model to begin with and not the actual model lol.
  4. Been using 3DS Max for over 10 years now.. I have considered moving to Maya but the way i look at it is why spend all that time learning another program when you could spend it making things in the program you are comfortable with? I tried Blender more than once and i really hate it, yes 3DS Max and Maya are complex but complex from a design and artistic standpoint. Go with the one that you feel most comfortable with, the one that you can think "Okay hit a problem not sure how to fix it.. Maybe if i try this..." and not the one where you're stuck fullstop and have no idea what to do unless looking on Google. I do like the modern look of Maya but personaly i think i'll be learning it as a side project. However i'mnot too comfortable with UVW unwrapping organic looking objects in 3DS Max so i am tempted to try Maya in that respect. So all in all i'd suggest 3DS Max but that is just because i've been using it for a very long time and can model things pretty damn fast on it.
  5. Well the things I'm going to be building are going to be no bigger than the size of maybe 2 huts, kinda like a grotto.. So I guess it's up to the owners discretion.. How exactly does Second Life gage prim count when it comes to a mesh? When I was doing 3D modeling I saw people who'd make things so high poly when it wasn't really needed because a good texture can take care of a lot of detail. Or they'd have edges in there that didn't need to be there and were just taking up more polies. I currently don't upload to the main grid so I have that much I suppose... Is there a way to calculate like I dunno 400 verts = 7 prims?
  6. I've been making this sort of stuff for over 10 years and now that pretty much every sim is mesh enabled I am considering making some pretty good apocalyptic builds for people. However I don't want to bother if, for example, I make 3 different style buildings and a sim can only handle 3. I know how to work with low poly as I've had to in the past for games so that's not the issue. So in guestimation, how many mesh buildings would you say, on average, a sim could handle before effects start to take an obvious toll? I will, of course, be using LODs so that's no big issue either but my main concern is what I mentioned above. Could somebody also explain this "heavy" thing that people keep going on about? What is it and how do I find out if it's heavy or not? Thanks :cathappy:
  7. Just so we're clear as on what it is i am trying to make here.. There seems to be some confusion lol.
  8. By the way i've been building for 5 years but i still never got around to mastering this lol.
  9. Well i just end up with gaps between them but a nice hexagon in the middle.. Not kinda what i was looking for though lol.
  10. Oh i've been putting them end to end... When you say bottom to bottom i assume you mean tapered ened to tapered end?
  11. Well i know that you need to taper inwards the further in the size is to the centre but i can't seem to get a sure-fire way of doing it. I've come pretty close, well really close to the point where it works but it always involves rotating the prim then positioning it in place. Is there some sort of ratio depending on the size of the prim? Like a width of 4 is a taper of 20? And if that's the case then at what incriment would the taper have to increase the further in the size gets to the centre. I have tried to Google it but nothing helpful there really.. Thanks =-)
  12. Maybe Second Life doesn't like it? I have an ATI Radeon 6770 and I've never really played around with the anti-aliasing on it, not really sure if graphically enhances things or what.
  13. I don't want to click "yes" in case that means adult content. I know what moderate means but i just don't know what they're expecting it to mean in this context lol. My group will not contain adult content so should i select 'yes?' Thanks =-)
  14. Well i use mesh viewer on max settings and i'd really love to take some decent photographs of my avatar as it is pretty well developed detail wise. However, if i zoom in too close it gets blurry... Is there a way to stop this or do i have to keep turning depth of field on and off all the time in order to achieve this? Many thanks ^.^
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