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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. I try to look as cool as possible and wait for the ladies to come on to me.
  2. Well, my mother, but it wasn't an invitation. It was more like an ultimatum.
  3. Anjelikka wrote: We hope you stop by our cozy retreat....while it is snowing outside...warm yourself near the fireplace...take a warm bath or just sit and chat....you can also ice-skate outside. Hmmm, nobody has ever invited me for a warm bath before.
  4. The Lindens are still around. I spotted a couple of them last year. They're lonely, solitary creatures that symbolize hope.
  5. That dress looks like it's barely there. Did you kiss anyone at midnight?
  6. Marianne, it's been so long since I've seen a post by you. I think the last post from you in this thread was last year. Very pretty. I like Nirans as well. @Hippie, thanks. That was me before all the parties last night. At the moment I look a bit rumpled and hung over.
  7. You could probably just partner. That's almost as good as getting married. What happened to this thread? It seems to have died. First vanity photo of 2013:
  8. Val, it looks like you want to end 2012 with a bang. Are you married or a subscriber to L'Illustration? I suggest channeling one of your countrymen, Albert Camus: I feel like getting married, or committing suicide, or subscribing to L'Illustration. Something desperate, you know.
  9. That's a great look. For your Christmas look, may I suggest elf ears? It's in keeping with the holiday in that elves are reputed to be Santa's helpers.
  10. Most folks dress in red and white for Christmas events. Silver should work, though. You'll match the tinsel on the Christmas tree.
  11. Sephina Frostbite wrote: So I used to dance and I currently model. Unfortuanately that leaves me no room for meeting people who arent stuck in the gutter 100 percent. I would like to meet more people who have a great sense of HUMOR because I feel like I am being sucked dry...and not in a good way.. PLEASE HELP! We're all stuck, just in different ways. Use your angel wings and fly away.
  12. Thanks for the teleport, but I'm still disappointed that you refused to stand under the mistletoe with me. It's a harmless Christmas tradition and one of the better ones in my opinion. Somehow I feel compelled to post a corrective photo because I don't think I was fully rezzed in your photo. I can't believe how vain I've become (actually I can). @Val, thanks for hosting the party. Sorry I couldn't have stayed longer. @Burciaq, it's the cold and flu season. You should button your shirt. @Sephina, you do look very angelic. @Coby, so you were naughty?
  13. What would Andy Warhol be doing now if he were alive? Clawing at the top of his coffin.
  14. Yes, it's a nice look. @Madam, looks like a great house. Would be nice to see the interior and some shots of you. @Val, supercute snowman. @Saraya, nice bridge. Sometimes the hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn... I'm the one you burn:
  15. That is a cute dog. I'll have to drop by to see her.
  16. Welcome back Venus. It's been a long time.
  17. I agree with Hippie. It looks good and better in my opinion than your curly hair.
  18. Could be worse. You could be the one desperate enough to feign interest in someone for a few pieces of silver.
  19. Thanks, I'll stop by for some turkey and pie.
  20. The new Joan Jett. Your hair looks great. @Val, great paint set. You're right. You never dress like a bimbo. @Anita, nice photo. Don't those feathers tickle your neck when you walk?
  21. Go here and scroll to near the bottom of the blog post. The slurls are listed for each hunt location.
  22. Hmmm, coffee and cake. OK, I'll be right over.
  23. OK, let's try that coffee. Suicide is something you can always do later. @Raven, are you sure? Haven't you heard about the fiscal cliff? Global warming?
  24. Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee? Inspiration: Suicide Awareness Hunt Quote: Albert Camus
  25. You're doing a good impression of Joan Jett. Those are some sexy nylons.
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