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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. Now that's vanity, using another person as a measuring apparatus. :smileyhappy: @Val, you need to get out, maybe have a quickie with a beautiful stranger or at least some harmless flirtation.
  2. I'd forgotten how violent fairytales are. Grandma gets killed in that story.
  3. Fairytale or nightmare? Is there a happy part to the story yet to come? A savior will burst through the door and shoot the beast dead with a silver bullet through the heart? @Saraya, everyone lies, the only variable is what about. The worst lies are the ones that we tell ourselves.
  4. Val, I like that hair much better than your other hair. @Kelli, that's the best look I've seen for you. @Caitlan, I presume you mean the color as opposed to the mood. @UC, I prefer your appearance in the bottom photo. The hair looks better. That's a nice top too. It's probably mesh.
  5. It's not naturally rainy in that sim. You have to bring your own rain with you. But it is an interesting sim with some fascinating role play.
  6. I'm not an expert on zombie shooting, I just visit there sometimes. To be assigned quests, click on one of the statues with an information symbol and they'll ask you to do something, like return with five oranges or ten bottles of water. Thereafter, go find crates with oranges and water and collect the items and return. The information statue will give you something when you've fulfilled the quest and returned with the items, like a zombie-proof box.
  7. I like that hair much better than your previous hair. Your eyes look great in that photo too. @Val, animals don't provide all the requisite interaction that humans crave. I recommend getting out in public more and not at the place that Uncommon Truth frequents. Too many mean people there. "Insane in the Rain" Inspiration: Whiskey Monday Quote: Jack Kerouac Sim: Black Bow Outlaws
  8. I'm not sure if this counts as vanity. It's a photo of someone I recognized from the forums at The Crossroads this evening: Ciaobella Mirabella.
  9. I saw Joey at Blarney Stone this morning.
  10. Great outfit. Did you find it in time to wear for Halloween? Maybe Saraya's family will have a superhero theme and if you get an invite, you can wear it there. @Saraya, nice hat. Your family has a lot of fun events.
  11. It's a little early for Christmas. You must have been looking for an excuse to sit on a strange man's lap. The important question is whether you've been naughty or nice. I suspect you've been very naughty this past year. @Koby, looks like you found some good clothing items in the Womenstuff hunt. @Avalyn, yep, that's a cute outfit. A tattoo might be good with that.
  12. @LadyFandango, no, not Alirium. It's Zero Style. It's #2 on this list. @Hippie, thanks. I also live in a place where it doesn't snow. @Tem, not really. It's a magic shirt.
  13. I was out enjoying a beautiful autumn day:
  14. For RLV in Singularity, look under the Advanced menu, and select RestrainedLove API towards the bottom.
  15. I think you can still quote it if you do not reveal the guy's identity. "Annoying" seems a bit redundant, sort of like saying "wet rainstorm."
  16. So the Linden gods smiled upon you today and let you back into the forums? You must have been doing something interesting, something that amused them. It looks like it's still summer in your photo. You'll be wanting to put on a jacket soon.
  17. Looks like the style popular at Element 8.
  18. At least you can sleep Val, that's something. Sometimes it seems like sweet morning will never come, and it's going to be cold and dark forever.
  19. If saw you in-world, I would certaintly IM you just based on your profile. It's irresistible to me, but then I like writers. Perhaps you could channel Jack Kerouac in On the Road: I was so lonely, so sad, so tired, so quivering, so broken, so beat, that I got up my courage, the courage necessary to approach a stranger, and acted.
  20. It has been a long time Kelli. You're looking good. If you're preparing for a violent altercation, it's probably best to wear long pants.
  21. Raven1 Short wrote So arrogant! I prefer to think of it as having good self-esteem. I'm also conceited, a liar, an egomaniac, and probably psychotic. In my experience, women seem to find such qualities highly attractive.
  22. Raven1 Short wrote: @Randall....how much do you cost? Here's the thing: If you ever got me, you wouldn't have a clue what to do with me. :smileywink:
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