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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Think you are wrong New UK coronavirus lockdown 'from Wednesday'
  2. Yah I sort of figured that you might be using Midday being a creator as you'd want to see the imperfections. Curious though that it seems to be set as a default in the viewers. Terrible choice imo.
  3. Oh Midday is horrible for showing some avatar imperfections especially on cheaper mesh heads. Nam's or CawL is much nicer at hiding and smoothing out some of the mesh/skin issues.
  4. I hear that sort of statement from people but what it means to me is that the person saying it is just not immersed in the world because when they are, the graphics become secondary. It is like the audiophile who insists on top notch equipment because he is more into sound quality then the music being played on it. Sure good sound is nice but the fidelity becomes secondary when one is really into the music being played.
  5. My first trip in I actually got stuck in Linden water and couldn't get out because the cursor was in the chat log window and therefore wouldn't allow me to use the arrow keys or wasd to move around. I finally closed the window out of frustration and didn't try again for months until Imvu again deleted all my adult contraband and I got angry enough to again brave the learning curve. I didn't find out about the flying until the third login. That first experience makes me wonder how many actually give up on S/L for little things like that. I don't think I have ever seen a beginners tutorial mention anything about window and cursor focus and the ability to even walk.
  6. That is actually a not half bad idea. I'd bet it would help with the retention rate. No more "What is there to do in Secondlife"
  7. My second visit they were actually raining out of the sky. That's when i was sold on S/L!
  8. Should see more objects rezz at a further distance but at the same time your FPS drop dramatically depending on how much content is in those regions.
  9. One of my alts has had a big problem getting the Adult rating to stick. Have lost out a few times when people tried to gift an adult item and it couldn't accept them because of the rating reverting to General
  10. Imvu has had a slew of default couple animations available that work great with whatever size the individual avatars are, since they started. Surely if Imvu can do it, S/L can have it too. I believe that during the actual hug, the avatars are reverted to a default shape that then works perfectly with the animations with no pose balls required, simply r-click on the other avatar and select Hug or whatever from the context menu.
  11. Maybe/likely it has nothing to do with any racists overtones and is more about the idea that if the Lab actually has to spend time sorting out a better selection of avatars, it will take away time from whatever other pet projects we individually would rather the Lab would be engaged with. Personally it is my opinion that if this is going to become a typical CF#, then just give new people the old ruth's and avoid any controversy.
  12. But there is a fine line between being quite blunt and being brutal, especially for someone new.
  13. Yes, the first couple pages were good but it was starting to degenerate and I didn't get the sense from the OP that he/she was saying anyone was wrong but just exploring different options and wondering why some who have in past made good money, couldn't be duplicated today. I have a similar way of asking questions or pointing out what appear to be contradictions to what others are saying and it isn't that I would be disregarding the responses but simply trying to cover the bases so I have a better idea of what can or cannot be done. This is especially the case if one poster makes a facetious comment and doesn't follow it up with an appropriate emoji to denote that. That one comment can throw all the previous responses out the window for someone new. Any case I should emphasize that it was just the last few posts, not the great majority of responses in the first 2 pages. I probably knee jerked a bit too quickly and for that I apologize.
  14. Think we need a thread on how we as older forum members can be more positive for new people who are or should be the lifeblood of S/L's continued existence.
  15. You can transfer the Lumiya apk from your Huawei cell to a new android cell without much trouble. I recently had to again for my new LG G8x. The 6 GB of ram on the phone makes the 3d scene load quite quickly. The screen of most phones can be cast in different ways to larger screens, negating the problem of the small screen factor. Not a great screenshot but shows what Lumiya is capable of at least.
  16. I would be happy enough to just have a Grid manager accessible that allows other grids to be added in manually without having to use a hex editor. The way I sort of understood it is that LL's recommendation for the TPV's to use separate code bases for other Grids, was more because of potential conflicts with the planned EEP enhancement and that turned out to be a non issue in the end. Opensim is pretty much up to date with server side support for all the latest enhancements like EEP, BoM, Animesh etc. Older Opensim specific features might still be a thing but majority of viewers still have that code in it anyway unless it was specifically ripped out.
  17. Google "Opensim+Kinect" for some who did some experimenting and coding along those lines with the Microsoft kinect. Link
  18. I used to use it quite a bit back when it still had a Grid manager so as to be able to use it on other grids. Even after the Grid manager was removed, I managed to still make it be able to but eventually having to redo the changes on every new release became tiring and I wound up dumping it as did a few other friends I know. I don't care so much for whether it supports other OS's but I do want a viewer that can be used in other Grids as there is enough differences between Firestorm's and BD's UI that it would be a pain to switch back and forth depending on the Grid being logged into.
  19. Not to pick on you but a couple points on that list would not be helpful. I rather be told if noone else has mentioned a problem because then maybe I need to look elsewhere like reboot router/machine/modem, phone isp and complain at them. Blame microsuck updates etc.
  20. I gain about 20-25% when I turn off water but it is something they are looking into why there is such a difference. Another thing is that turning the graphics slider to minimum actually increases my FPS. It was mentioned the other day that the slider may not work as expected in some cases but its being looked into so don't give up on it yet.
  21. Well it would require asking Firestorm and hoping it will be allowed under the shared experience requirements of the Lab.
  22. But wouldn't both the sending and receiving viewer need to support it?
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