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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. What I sell is a combination of made by me and made by others. I love to create things but I'm not a genius who is able to master everything at a high level. And I'm not a fool trying to get at a high level with everything. I'm good enough to create relative simple meshes and textures, so I make those. I suck at plants and high detailed accessories so I use products from a few very good full perm sellers for those. If I would build furniture, I would buy the required animations. Most creators do. When you buy a car in RL, there are parts produced by dozens of different manufacturers used in it. But you still drive in an original Ford, Mazda or Renault. I will not use 1000 L$ on every new production, but there are some in my collection I even spend far more on.
  2. That evens things then. A lot of stuff used inside SL is "borrowed" elsewhere too and then uploaded here a bit modified IMHO.
  3. Not everybody is in SL to be a part of the Barbie World II side of the platform. I dress decently, but not according the latest fashion, because I'm interested in other parts of SL. And I'm 66 years in RL already with the same body..... To be honest in most 'fashion' that is popular now for men, I would not even want to be found dead in. Pants as if everyone has an erection all the time. Jackets that are at least one size too small, shirts like if a man can't button up his clothes correctly, hair cuts as if ones youngest kid gave it a go this morning.... no thanks. But that is all just my 2 cents as counter weight.
  4. Sounds like a lot of TPV development. Rename a few things, put it in another place and then: Look how the fail viewer has placed it. Yeah right. Some viewers are really something for specialized tasks, but most mainstream TPV's, yeah right. But I'm not looking for a viewer war, so I tiptoe out now.
  5. You understand the ideas from Philip behind this? Let others do the work as much as possible, if possible for free or else for very little. He even tried to build a business\platform around that idea when he left LL. Seems to work with viewer development too then. If there were no TPV's LL would have to pay up for more staff to develop the viewer.
  6. Of course not, but most would stay after a bit of grumbling. Especially when a switch to Unity would give the LL viewer a good boost forward.
  7. Just have a look at the sales. Manly Weekend for instance, but in fact all the sales. And not only for males. It is getting weirder and weirder every week in the avatar industry of SL.
  8. If there would not have been TPV's around in SL, SL would still be around IMHO. And that was mainly my point. Of course it is nice that we have them, but they are not essential for SL IMHO.
  9. Peeve: Try to find a pair of normally wrinkled male trousers or a normally buttoned and wrinkled shirt these days.
  10. How on earth is it possible that there are games out there that totally do great with only an official fail interface? TPV's are nice to give people choices, but are not essential. I'm totally happy with using what you call the fail-viewer for 17 years now. What's wrong with me?
  11. Sounds like one or two layers can be dropped easily in that system you describe. If people know and take their responsibilities.
  12. Not much I guess. If a creator pulls the plug (removing their "server" boxes) the redeliver party is over for their products. Same goes for the marketplace when the seller removes the item there. The best way still is organizing ones inventory so redelivering is almost never needed. And if you need one and the merchant no longer is around, best chalk it up as bad luck IMHO.
  13. They first use the USD in your account, and if needed (when it is not enough or totally zero) they will charge what you gave as payment info source for the rest of the amount. Your Linden Dollar account will not be used in any way.
  14. It is not you or your hardware. It is the streaming service. It depends on how the station you are streaming from handles things. That can be different from station to station. If you get annoyed too much, just change to another station or another stream from that station.
  15. I guess you are joking or being sarcastic, since you are a full perm animation seller for builders, you know how things work, right?
  16. My experience is, that a lot of people get uncomfortable when someone is around and TP out ASAP. So when I see someone on the map in my store, I stay away from it. Customer contact can be fun, and has been for me too, but I never seek contact. The initiative has to come from the customer. I have the same thing in RL myself. I hate it when a salesperson is circling me in a shop.
  17. Yup listings are failing again. It really will be marketed as a feature soon instead of calling it a bug.
  18. @Arielle Popstar I submitted a ticket about sim crossings 16+ years ago. It still isn't completely fixed.
  19. LL are champions in ignoring feedback. Just saying. If they were as good in developing as in ignoring, Second Life would be in an even far better shape than it is now.
  20. For me it is simple, I see no reason whatsoever to start diving into PBR right now or in the near future. PBR as it stands at the moment in SL is more a pain than fun for the average user IMHO. When it ever becomes the new standard, I will then decide if I'm gonna learn it or call it a day as creator.
  21. Now there is pink and pink. I have a few pink shirts in RL, but: That's what I mean.
  22. Far worse: totally pinkish in the morning. Barbie world II
  23. So basically SL is made more complicated once more, just because LL had lightning devs hanging around since Phil closed his shop and came back and LL wants to be able to say that we endorsed a new shiny. Sigh.
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