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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. In the Netherlands one can here the Motown huds playing music. But the huds are one big design catastrophe IMHO. The UK is ruled out as it seems. Must have something to do with royalties.
  2. Motown wants to promote Motown music only. Who would have thought? They are not paying to promote songs from its competition.
  3. Since when do customers decide what the prices are for products? As a customer one has the choice to take it or leave it. The merchant decides what they have to charge to make it worth their efforts IMHO.
  4. Never use alts to socialize in the same circles as your other avatars and one can have as many alts as one likes without getting in any trouble. I have an alt who is my banker and tester and for the rest socially silent as a mouse and another one is waiting in a minion avatar to set up a second shop on the marketplace some day in the far future with non Belli relates stuff. I can't see the harm of using those alts.
  5. Yes, I agree, the welcome islands are complicated, but really nothing compared to the rest of SL. People who can't even handle the welcome area will never succeed in SL IMHO.
  6. When I joined in 2007 people thought the learning curve for SL was (too) steep. Now have a look at our wonderful world. Newbies have to learn everything we had to learn but also about system avatars, mesh bodies, mesh heads, appliers, BOM, skins, skin tones, tattoo layers, different browsers, hair bases, make up, wrinkles, eyebrows, eyes, ears, HUDS, marketplace, why clothes don't always fit, basic, basic plus, premium, premium plus, EEP, eeks and all the things I forgot or still don't know about. Not the welcome space is too complicated, SL in itself is.
  7. Some jokes are harder to get than others. I missed the fun in your joke too. Still don't really get it. But hey, it could be a language thingy or something with cultural differences. Comedy is always hard.
  8. How is it possible that not every designer\builder\merchant in SL is a scripting wonder too? (Me included). Peeve? ZOMG I have to do something in SL other than to look pretty....... 😉
  9. DEMO, Demo, demo, DeMo, dEmO ........... They will get even more important in the near future.
  10. With what? A box on my hand and a shoe lost?
  11. Peeve. I always hate it when people use such a broad brush here in the peeve thread, that it could be about everything and everybody.
  12. Thanks a lot pal. You are painting with an even broader brush here than Bob Ross ever used for his paintings. There are thousands of hard working and well willing merchants on the marketplace you are trying to sweep on the same pile right here. The con artists on the MP are a very small group. All the others deserve to be treated better. Merchants in general aren't the scumbags of SL. Just saying.
  13. IMHO the problem with the Chalet theme is that the houses are to big and so the LI allowance isn't really sufficient to decorate it detailed enough according to the standards of today. So offering 2048 plots in the Chalet theme could work wonders. If I were on the job, I simply would test it with a few regions and see what happens. And if it attracts enough people, I would start swapping empty chalet sims with new mixed sims (2048m and 1024m parcel sizes)
  14. Gelukkig is niet iedereen een Nederlander. We hebben er al zoveel in ons kleine kikkerlandje.
  15. I have been invited to produce a gift for the upcoming 5th anniversary of Bellisseria in April of this year. So today I was running through the provided notecards and when I looked up from all that, there I was: Box on my hand, shoe lost. How did that happen? Man o man, after 17 years of SL there is still a noob in me. Do I have to visit Orientation Island now?
  16. All true, but before they start thinking about one of the memberships, the potential new residents first have to know that these memberships even exist, don't they? The dealer shows you their cars in the hope you will buy one of them later. That kind of idea is behind it, I guess. And without consuming, no SL. The bills have to be payed somehow.
  17. Of course LL wants new residents to become premium ASAP. That is how their bills get payed. The memberships, the Tillia fees and the land business are their main source of income. No need to be cynical to come to that conclusion. That is one of the facts of Second Life.
  18. Then one of our favorite Moles steps in, grumbles something about staying on topic and the thread is silently locked.
  19. People easily forget how hard work it is to create something in SL. Man at work:
  20. Only the extroverts will run to people. Introverts want a machine giving short to the point answers. Controlled AI can help a lot to give the right information IMHO, but it will not be simple to feed them with the right information and the right information only IMHO.
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