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Ziggy Starsmith

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Everything posted by Ziggy Starsmith

  1. My original avatar was named Rex Short born November 25th, 2007. I remember rezzing on an learning island with a winding road up a hill where you did tutorials and lessons and learned how to do things. There was a tall building where you learned to fly. I must have been there for a week and to this day have never learned to fly good lol. There was a small road with scooters or cars that taught you to drive and hit rats on the roadway lol. From there I went to Help Island and stayed for another week or more before learning about landmarks etc. First time I saw a pixel ***** I could not believe my eyes that this existed in SL. I spent hours on dance pads to earn Lindens and with my first 60 L I bought a T shirt and was so proud and happy lol.
  2. You can still enjoy SL without the new bells and whistles.
  3. I will pay for a full name change but only if it makes my old name unknown so it is like starting again with a new avatar but all my inventory intact. Will people be able to see what your old name used to be?
  4. Yup a Gailko. I have the double seater and single. I love them
  5. TBH I find much of this to be insane lol. Taking things way too seriously.
  6. I recently got rid of my Catwa Head and Belleza jake bento body and went to a simpler Jomo mesh avatar with no extra animations or bento and just that alone saw my frame rates soar and lag decrease considerably. If need be, make an avatar with less bells and whistles just for sailing. Take off all huds unless for sailing. Going simpler is actually a little more fun without worrying about looks so much all the time.
  7. Try a kayak. They seem to never crash, get stuck or lag and you go slow enough to cam around and see the views. The one I have is fantastic but sadly the store closed years ago. With a kayak I have gone down very small creeks in belli and saw great views ans details. I am a former Blake Sea resident so sailing/boating is in my blood.
  8. Here we all go again. The squabbling...
  9. I just have to comment and laugh in an evil way about everybody screaming bloody murder about wanting water views and water access in Belli yet I never see a single soul out boating ever! It seems people are more obsessed with decorating to the point of addiction (myself included lol). If you got the water...go boating for Gods sakes and relax and enjoy....
  10. When the old Linden Home continents are vacated they should join them up for a new continent with the newer homes.
  11. In away these style homes are already available in Meadowbrook...
  12. 1) Insilico type space/future homes/pods/skybox on 512 2) Log cabin on 1024 3) Treehouse 1024 4) underground bunker 512 or 1024
  13. me too, I have the best location surrounded by pure ocean after I derendered the whole lot. 😉
  14. ...and if the dress waist is too loose just Chintz it....
  15. I do it from time to time and travel the Mainland highways. Now I have a Linden Boathouse but still love to ramble on....
  16. Here lies Ziggy Starsmith who got too nosey and stumbled off the edge of the world trying to peak at the new Linden Victorian Homes. He succeeded in gaining access only to be snuffed out by a void black hole ...
  17. One thing for sure, when these get released it should open up all home type availability. People who have been desperately waiting for a new Linden Home will get one soon. I do think these should have been released instead of the first version trads and the slot open for a different style completely like cabins 😉
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