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Evangeline Arcadia

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Everything posted by Evangeline Arcadia

  1. I think this is lovely:) Bare?..not at all, you'd think my place was empty by comparison lol.
  2. If anyone wants a bit of help (I won't tell you exactly where or what to look for though) drop me an IM on the forum. All I'll say here is don't overthink it...
  3. I would expect Patch to put each hunt prize in a different regionπŸ˜‰
  4. Yay, I think I got it! Just wild guessing and a bit of dumb luck I think:) I'm not so sure these clues are simple though Patch lol...
  5. The good news for those still waiting for a traditional home or houseboats is that they are building some more way down south..(I wonder if that whole block of land around SSPE14,15,16 might be traditionals). There are more houseboat plots on the south west coast too.
  6. Campers on the beach.... This'll be great for those that want the beachy feel...south west of the continent, this shot taken at SSPE30
  7. If so, take a look at these houses... https://www.thoughtco.com/victorian-house-styles-1840-to-1900-178210 ...
  8. A Victorian or Steampunk theme crossed my mind recently whilst looking at the developments in the SSP areas, as the new showings on the map and from 83X up the top doesn't look as though there are traditional roads (see my posts in the SSP thread for screenshots), so something perhaps more rural, but I was thinking about Patch mentioning a theme that's very much in keeping with trains in meet the Lindens this year...hence me thinking of Victorian. And the railroad from camper areas is being extended down into the new area on the SSP map... so it would fit nicely. I doubt it would be Steampunk thought as that's too niche, so a Victorian vibe might make sense. And if the shapes on the LH Dev regions are actually builds of the homes already released (campers and trads) and of those yet to come, it could fit in terms of size by looking at Patch's image (i.e. similar to traditionals) . Well that's my theory lol. I kinda hope not though. It's not much variation on the traditionals really. I would like to see something different, in the same way as there was a variety of themes in the first gen homes. Unless of course there are going to be enough themes to provide a real variety when all the homes are finally finished. The guessing game continues!:)
  9. Well I think something is going on and coming soooon!!... The area has been covered in blank green (to hide our prying eyes lol) on the SSP map, so maybe something being developed there....
  10. Went to the Halloween event at the Bellisseria fairgrounds yesterday. It was good fun, although I couldn't render all the avatars because it was getting a little laggy for me, but I did see some really great ones ( I liked the spider and the skeleton). I hope this is on next year too!:) I think it's still up if anyone wants to catch a look.
  11. I've been finding some really lovely places to hang out in the new regions: The location of the second pic is where new houses are bordering the campers...I like how a little bit of camping life has been carried into the house area. And I love this cafe area, where I stopped for a break in my morning exploration. There are quite a few sets of tables and chairs with some flowers in the center area. The food is a nice touch:) Really pretty place to hangout. Landmarks: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE194/109/7/25 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE195/26/20/31 sorry, didn't keep a landmark for the little camper fire, but it's nearby in SSPE194
  12. Been looking at these regions too ( https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LH%20Dev%20Final/), kinda looks like it's related to the new Linden Homes in general... houseboats, campers, traditionals on the right...
  13. Screenshot: Yes, can't wait for the Expo:) There's been quite a bit of activity on the green areas around SSPXT500's which I think must relate to this. My initial thoughts are that it is some kind of 'rural' or maybe non-traditional theme - they don't really look like traditional roads of an urban area,but things do look strange on the map sometimes, so I could be totally wrong there (but also because the railroad is continuing into it, like the camper areas) . Snapshot of traditionals for contrast: The plots certainly look like more 1024's. I think the SSP83X might hint how the homes might look... ...not that we can tell much from that lol. It's all early stages yet so it's all wild guessing from me, but I like the guessing game:)
  14. Yes, I agree. I love all the little waterfalls and new touches which make the regions different to the first ones. I think the landscaping is actually becoming more lovely as time goes on. I was doing some exploring on the old Linden places and I came across some really funny and cute movie posters starring...the Moles!:) Gave me a good chuckle and I thought well, they are like stars at the moment in SL with all the attention they've been getting because work they are doing! Here's a few: (I have more at my blog, a little post about the Moles and their builds across SL if anyone wants to know more). I hope they do some more of these:)
  15. I vaguely remember the first place, but it was on snowy land and I had a heavy prim log type cabin on it. I couldn't find a landmark for it, but looking on the map I realised it was in Hogadon. I don't remember the exact plot but I went to visit. It's not a very built up area, wasn't way back when either, and there's quite a bit of abandoned land. Wow, trip back memory lane! (it was over 10 years ago I was there!). It did make me nostalgic in a pleasant way, remembering those early days, but also very sad because a really close friend of mine was in SL then, who has since passed in RL😒 I don't think I was on that land for long, after that I bought the land I have had since then, which has been my primary home (including an art gallery and park in the past), so I've had this plot for a really really long time, and I'm quite attached to it. I got a new Linden Houseboat this year, so I did go back to look at the Meadowbrook I had before that, which I really loved, the location was great for me. That did really make me feel nostalgic, so much so I even wrote a blog post about nostalgia in Second Life, something I experience quite a lot (you can find it here) .
  16. I'm appreciative of this thread and comment like Caerolle - as someone who finds it a bit strange to be IM'd when chat could be used, this thread has opened my eyes to the fact that not everyone sees it that way, and to be a little more open and friendly about such IMs as other's see it as quite normal (not that I'm downright rude, more guarded than anything:) ).
  17. I don't go to social events as much as I used to when I first joined SL (over 8 years ago), so maybe I'm wrong, but from what I've experienced I do agree with the OP it seem like less people use public chat now. A culture shift would make sense considering the culture in RL for texting etc. as mentioned in other posts. Whenever I do go somewhere there are other people it is usually silent. I'm sure that when I first joined there was a lot more public chat. I'm in two minds about that. On the one hand, I get that friends at the same place may want to have a private conversation, so no public chat from them. But on the other hand it does make places seem eerily quiet, and does give a vibe of less interactivity with other people as it seems to say that people don't want to talk to others (probably not be true, just how it feels.) I do think it's weird if someone starts chatting to you in IM when you don't know them (unless they are using IM 'cos they're not nearby) - I'll tend to be on guard and not very open and friendly if they do that. I would prefer public chat till I know them better. With friends, I'll always use IM in a public place, but either that or public in my own private space or spaces where are no other people around. I've noticed also that in the past if I was passing people on my travels and would say a friendly 'hello' I'd get a response back in most cases. Now, hardly ever. Of course people may not see chat because they are busy doing stuff, but I do get the feel that people check public chat less often now. I do hope that it isn't the case that public chat is becoming 'obsolete'. It would make it harder I think for people to feel like they can strike up conversations and get to know each other, find new friends etc.
  18. Spotted these regions on the map (there's another one above them) , I wonder if they are anything to do with the homes (LH...Linden Homes...?). I'm not sure if these are new or if they've been there for a long time...has anyone seen them before? They're being used/'developed 'cos there was a green dot this morning:) EDIT: Never mind, found out they are to do with the first gen homes:(
  19. 1. I don't think their goal is a community mentality. I think it's to provide a home as a perk of Premium Membership. What happens socially is left up to us. 2. I think they've created plenty of spaces all over Belli where you can hang out with others if you wish - Pickle shacks, swimming pools, park areas etc. 3. It would be a very cute addition to the neighbourhoods, but I wouldn't personally be more involved than visiting. 4. I personally don't feel there is a 'them and us' mentality and I'm curious as to the reasons someone might feel that way. 5. They do already have Town Hall meetings, but not monthly. There are inworld meetings with them for specific topics (can't remember what now but I've seen it advertised). 6. There was a Bellisseria newspaper online (on hiatus now) and somewhere else I think that had lots of links to Belli places. If people want a website someone needs to take the time and maintain it (for free, because it won't be LL run). Inworld there are many Belliesseria groups, the most active I've seen are are Bellisseria Events, Bellisseria Community, Bellisseria Citizens which provide up to date happenings, social chat etc.
  20. I think I think LL have done a great job in providing really nice hang out areas which I'm sure they would want us to use. Residents asked for Bellisseria Fairgrounds to be open to users for holding events, which they did. If places are deserted I don't think all the blame can be laid at LL's feet. It's up to residents to create events and get togethers. We have seen this happening for example at the Pickle shacks where there have been a number of improptu parties. I think one has to remember also there are different reasons why areas may be deserted - not everyone logs into SL all the time, or is on a the same time as you might be, and many other reasons I'm sure. My personal opinion is that LL probably feel they are providing the 'world' and it's up to us how we use it. I think the new Bellisseria continent has led to a renewed sense of community for some, that may be because it's new and shiny still. But some residents are trying to maintain that community , through having Bellisseria Events groups etc. It's really up to the residents to help that thrive....I'm not saying that perhaps there isn't more LL could do, but I don't think there is that much more, and should they even? The premium Linden home regions are not meant to be like the mainland where you can rezz and build whatever you want. They are designed to remain as a certain theme. There is always the option to purchase mainland instead of having a Linden Home if you really need something very different. I do think there could be just a little more flexibility in some ways in the linden home areas, but I understand the reasoning for the convenant they have. In addition, they seem to always have been considered by LL as 'starter homes' - a perk for premium members which they will probably grow out of, and seek more flexibility by buying their own land eventually (although I think the great new homes on Beliisseria may well reduce the possibility for many in doing that now, because the areas are so lovely). There are so many lovely spots to hang out on Bellisseria, I'm not sure what type of places you are thinking of (clubs/bars?). There are the swimming pool areas, pickle shacks, lots of little parks etc. I think if LL were to restrict residents from leaving Belli to socialise elsewhere there would be an uproar. People need the freedom to go explore and mingle where they want, and that is in my opinion the delight of SL - being able to go to other builds, events, places etc. and meet new people if you want to. Belli isn't designed to be the only place to be for meeting people, I very much doubt LL are trying to achieve that. Just like in RL you wouldn't want to be stripped of the ability to go to other places in the world... I think I understand what you are trying to say, that there should be more in place to help community thrive, but at the end of the day I do believe it's up to the residents to create that community, and as mentioned already you have to examine when and why people come into SL. Perhaps there could be more tools or something, ( I don't know what), to help that...maybe... Perhaps someone else will come up with some ideas:) I do think that over time areas will seem deserted like they did in the first gen home regions, because the novelty of the new homes will wear off. It's already happening, if you look on the map...but the bottom line is if residents really don't want that then it's up to them to create more events and happenings to create more 'community' (don't look at me I don't have any ideas...:) ) Just my initial thoughts:) I'll answer the questions in another post.
  21. You could have derendered the boulders (if you have Firestorm viewer)
  22. I understand anyone's reticence to try for another home whilst there is a supply and demand issue, if you don't want to be without a home (and don't want a first gen home). But I also think that one has to be realistic about getting 'the perfect' plot. It might not even exist. I think a good strategy is to look around at new locations and see if you think you really would be happy with any of them. When I was hoping to get a new home I actually explored the houseboat areas looking to see what I thought would make me happy, so that when I did manage to get one I'd know straight away whether to release it and try again quickly, rather than spend time seeing if I like it, then drop it and have missed out on other houseboats. I soon found that there were only about 5 or 6 locations that I really liked. One or two of those would have been my 'perfect'. I realised I only wanted a square plot preferably with a decent view not overlooking too many boats, for example on a corner or near the end of a row. I was actually fortunate to get something very much like this. It's not ''perfect' as I would really like to have some sand or grass at the back rather than other boats, but it's near as and I made it even better for myself by derendering a couple of neighbouring houseboats to make the view even more to my liking. So sometimes there are ways to make something better for yourself if it's not quite right. The chance of those couple of 'perfect' locationsbeing made free are pretty slim I think, so I'm quite happy to stay where I am. I feel lucky to have landed the houseboat location I did, so I wouldn't want to risk losing that, especially with the current demand for homes - it's not as if we have a great range of free homes to choose from, and as I know there are very very few locations that would suit me better, I think it would be silly for me to abandon it. If they make a surplus of houseboats in the future may I'd consider it (but I doubt that will happen). Apart from those thoughts, just the knowing how in demand the homes are, which makes them so hard to get hold off would put me off trying for something else. And I really hated the refresh lotto:( I don't want to do that again. Of course this might all change depending on what future themes are introduced - maybe homes in the future will offer something that means more to me than my houseboat currently does. I do hope that LL make a few more homes than is needed so that it is easier to get one, and not feel like you are having to compete with so many others for just one spot.
  23. It's fun to watch the testing regions...like watching a mystery unfolding...some interesting new things on SSP83X - I was wondering what those 'battleship' shapes were and realised they are most likely paths around a grassy bit in the middle since you can see in the screenshot how a path runs from a 'house' and links up to them. The houses (if they are houses) look quite big too, filling the plot more than the traditional homes. It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be anything in the end since anything we see on the map is subject to change...
  24. Even though all the surrounding regions have been built and homes released to Premium members, Millbank is still empty (except for the camels, goat, and track, and a couple of trees...). So what's the purpose of this piece of empty region? Does anyone know? The region marker is even still there. I would assume that perhaps the Moles will build something there later maybe? I'm very curious:) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Millbank/113/110/23
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