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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. The point is, be very careful of any contests in SL. While some are legit (and very well put together and run), many are not. It's not the entry fees that is the problem. It's the pay to vote. If you have the most money and the most friends (and friends of friends, etc), you will win. That's a popularity contest, not a photo contest, which is what most (not all) photo contests really are. Having never been popular in SL (or RL unless you count being the butt of every joke), people like me don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning. What it boils down to is who can afford (financially) to be popular and who can't. Personally, I can't.
  2. Depends. Did you ever read my blog post about what really went on behind the runway modeling scene at a once well known modeling agency and how that particular "photo contest" worked? If not, https://phedrelefevre.wordpress.com/category/phedres-phollies/ for context. I'm pretty sure I have that box still to remind me never, ever to participate in any way, shape or form in a popularity photo contest.
  3. Instead of resurrecting a years old thread try asking for help in the FS support group or use the FS wiki.
  4. Not just genetics. It also depends on how much money you have.
  5. Wait... you can carry your land around in a compact now? Dang, no wonder the purses in SL are getting so big and heavy.
  6. There's also the Developer menu... Advanced > Show Developer menu It's not a good idea to mess with some of the things in the Dev menu unless you have some idea of what you are doing and make note of what you do so if you run into trouble you can get the help you'll need to sort it out and fix it. But there are a few things on the Dev menu that can be helpful from time to time so it's good to have it available. That way you won't ever need it. lol
  7. Many creators do that for things like decor and furnishings. In a nutshell, it's mainly a matter of uploading twice at different LOD levels.
  8. There's no need to turn it up that high and, while I can't speak for other viewers since I haven't used any of them in years, Firestorm has set a max at 4 so you can't go over it unless you start monkeying around in things you probably shouldn't be messing with.
  9. I've had mine at 4 for years and never had issues with lag or instability because of it. Even on my old tater. This one has a GTX 1050, default setting is at half way between high and ultra and that is where it stays. DD at 64 because I don't need to see the whole sim while building. FPS ranges from 50-125 depending on what *I* am doing. The only time I start lagging is when I bump DD up to 128 or more and then I get a bit of cam stutter or when a sim region is overloaded with objects and scripts. Of course other people's mileage may vary.
  10. You know as well as I do it can't be predicted. There's more to the storm than just the eye.
  11. Everyone should learn to read lips. In case they start suffering hearing loss from things like Swimmer's Ear. Or tinnitus. Or both.
  12. Thank you. I had forgotten Oz said that. I wonder what it would take to introduce a "new system" that could co-exist with the "two current" systems. Sort of how they were able to bring in no last names without taking away last names from people who had had them for years. Probably be more work than it's worth for LL. I think I'll just accept that it's not going to happen so that IF it does, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  13. People constantly telling me things I already know or have known for a long time (decades even). Day in and day out, day after day after day after day...
  14. I didn't realize that is where you live. Batten down the hatches Bubba, if you can't get out. CAt 1 and 2 are fairly easy to get through... Cat 3s get scary but survive-able. Cat 4s and above, I do the only thing I can. Pray and cling to dear life. Please, keep those furbabies and yourself safe!
  15. It's probably not the Tringo you remember because they changed the game years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tringo
  16. Calling cards don't get removed unless you manually trash them and purge them. They remain in the calling card folder(s) until you delete them.
  17. The keyword there was "shouldn't". Name issues are important as names are what people are known and identified by, by others. "Hey, you!" doesn't cut it in a crowd of people in SL. No one can tell who Hey You is.* I don't disagree with you for the most part. LL has always listened to those who yell the loudest and longest. The rest of us just have to try to deal with the aftermath. RedZone was the one time I know of that LL finally, in the end, listened to the playerbase as a whole and not just a small group of dissidents. And that is only because LL was outnumbered and outgunned for once. I doubt that will ever happen again, unless another zFire Xue comes along. *Yes, there are IMs but it gets old having only one on one convos when there are thousands of people running around inSL.
  18. *points with chin to the Group W bench... ... sets you on fire
  19. It shouldn't make a difference as long as the UUID doesn't change. Which would break hundreds of scripts that use UUID.
  20. Starting to sound like it would be easier to just have all those who don't want Resident as a last name create a new account with a last name and then transfer inventory to the new account. But then there would be those who will gripe because they no longer have their original "birth" date. Can't please everyone all the time. Could be that is the only feasible solution though, code wise.
  21. Well no, you can't avoid it all the time but it's gotten to be way too frequently. Especially with people I see in RL every day. It's getting to the point where I'm going to crawl back under my rock again. Only this time I won't be coming back out. I can't keep doing this decade after decade. People won't accept me as I am and they won't accept me as what they want me to be so... I'm about to run out of plank.
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