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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of listening. Or rather, speaking and being heard but never listened to. That line in my sig means far more than it appears to. Gibran had it right. People hear but they don't really listen. How did he know? Because he knew what parts he said were meaningless and what parts held meaning and he could tell by people's reactions to his words. Most reacted to the things that had no meaning and had no reaction to what did have meaning. I see what he saw, everywhere I go. RL and online.
  2. The wrong things are getting through. That's what bothers me.
  3. Some of us can't quite seem to ever write what counts. At least, not in a way others understand it. “Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you.” ~Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam
  4. Well, let's see... 9 years on SLU and close to 20k posts. Before that I don't know how many years on the SciFi Channel (not SyFy) bboard with well over 10k posts... call it 5 years. Toss in roughly 5k posts per miscellaneous bboard... call that, oh say, 35k. Now add in all the years of RP in AW (over 5) and about 10 years in SL. I do tend to para RP but not long drawn out ones. I don't usually need more than 3 - 5 lines... Whew! That's a lot of novels/novellas. I'll let you do the math.
  5. I'm not a child. I'm not stupid. No one wants to talk. No one wants to listen. It's no different than RL. I wish I could stop caring. Then I could be like everyone else.
  6. I didn't say I minded people having private conversations. If I don't feel up to talking to people I don't go to crowded places. The only reason I keep trying is because I am human and need human companionship. No one cares. No one cares about anything or anyone but themselves. There is no give and take in SL or RL. It's all take, take, take until they've bleed the givers dry. I've given all I can. Any more and there won't be anything left of me.
  7. I quit going to Frank's because people wouldn't talk in open. I've quit going to a lot of places because people won't talk in open. No one cares.
  8. So matching an OP that was meant to be at least somewhat amusing with more humor is being sarcastic. Right. Funny how other people do it all the time and no one says a word . Yet when I do the same damn thing... You know what. ***** this. None of you are worth this kind of bs. I get more than enough crap to deal with every day in RL. But than no one gives a ***** so why should I.
  9. I keep reading the thread title as "Vilification with Tilia". Like some kind of really strange, off the wall talk show and the hostess' name is Tilia.
  10. A line from an old song and a joke about alien probes is being mean. Ok. If you say so.
  11. I've owned my own forums in the past and I am fully aware that orders come from higher up. Doesn't change anything. I still have to deal with an ever shrinking pool of people (and posts) I can interact with because too many consider themselves to be such special snowflakes they can't be exposed to a word that has been a part of the English language since the 14th century. There is a such thing as carrying PC too far. We're supposed to all behave like adults so there shouldn't be any need to treat us like children.
  12. Gender referred to both feminine and masculine forms at least up until the 70s. It's what I was taught even through high school, Class of '77.
  13. Oh, good grief Charlie Brown. I never used the word gender.
  14. Mods that move threads I've posted in from General Discussion to sections I never post in just because the title had the word sex in it. FFS not every discussion that uses words like sex is an adult conversation not meant for young ears/eyes. Gung ho mods are detrimental to forum health.
  15. Ah. PB. Public Broadcasting. I barely watch PB at night these days and I haven't listened to PB radio in decades. I was too busy burning up the airways on my CBs. They called me Double D. Short for Devil's Delight. 👼
  16. Kind of hard to remain in a group I've never been a part of but I still wish you the best of luck Daniel. Some traditions should be preserved, sometimes at almost any cost.
  17. Um... the iggie bin is an old YaHell NAC term referring to a person's ignore list. The one place you didn't want to go was the iggie bin because of all the others you'd be stuck in there with. There were some really nasty types in mine. Mostly the highly prejudiced white men who were forever trolling the NAC rooms. So you're saying you guys ignored your mother's cooking or you tossed it every chance you got. Or both. We just hid what we didn't want on the little shelf under the expandable formal dining table. Well, my brothers did until I saw them do it one day and hid my second egg. oops
  18. NPR? We live on the same planet just in different worlds.
  19. Never really watched that. Not my cuppa. So I have no idea what you are talking about. Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. There is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit.
  20. Dude... there are things not of this world in there far more dangerous than any mere earthly predator. These things are the ultimate in predators. Alien vs Predator is nothing compared to what these things will do. They make Lucifer, himself, tuck his tail and run. I'm tellin ya... don't go in there! At least, don't go alone...
  21. Don't do that. I dun wanna toss you in the iggie bin. It's dark in there and there's all kinds of nasty things that might eat you.
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