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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You came hear to speak about something that died 12 years ago. Of course people are trying to shut you up. They're sick of hearing about it after 12 long years. It's been discussed to death. Enough already.
  2. I haven't called you dude. I'm not a guy so if you don't want me calling you dude, don't call me dude. You don't need to explain anything to me. I was here when all that crap went down. I was one of the people who got drug into it without my consent or knowledge. I experienced what you are attempting to say never happened. Invalidating other people's experiences is not the way to redeem BL in the eyes of the people who have been abused by it. I've never said you or BL was evil. Never even used the word until just now. I never said I hate the people who play BL either. You keep throwing false accusations around hoping something will stick. That's not working out too well for you. But hey, if this is the hill you want to die on, by all means do so. I won't stand in your way.
  3. Go back and re-read my post. I did not call you an *****. I said I didn't want BL players around me because they are assholes. I never mentioned your name. You took it upon yourself to include yourself in that statement and used it as an excuse to take offense. I'm racist? WTF? Are you now trying to claim that vampires are real and a species that actually exists in real life? I come from one of the poorest reservations in the US and you want to label me as racist and a bad person.
  4. My kind? LOL You don't know anything about me. You're spouting off about others not judging you all the while you are judging others based on assumptions. You lost the argument the moment you started name calling and making false accusations. Walk in my moccasins for few years and then you will know what it is really like to deal with bigotry and racism on a daily basis.
  5. Hurts me? Wtf are you talking about? I don't want BL around me because they're all a bunch of assholes and have been since day one. You've done a wonderful job of adding yourself to that bunch. You're too willfully blind to see the truth or care what the truth is.
  6. They are free on the MP. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Garlic-Necklace/5690630 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Garlic-Necklace/17732371 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Garlic-Necklace/6231947 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Garlic-Necklace-Free/17730755 And that's just on the first page.
  7. Because it always has been RP. I've been in SL since long before BL existed and was one of the people who were pestered to death by bite requests from BL players. You don't get to rewrite my past and you don't get to rewrite SL/BL history. Too many of us "old people" () know the truth.
  8. It's what happens when you start growing old instead of up or out. /me runs
  9. All of which is covered on the link I posted.
  10. Support is an inworld group. Links for each language are here https://www.firestormviewer.org/support/ Team members are volunteers and are often busy helping others so you just have to keep asking for help in group. Just don't spam. State the problem in one post and if you haven't gotten an answer, repost no more than every 5 minutes. Help is usually available 24/7 since team members come from all over the world.
  11. Or just mouse over the name on the left of the post and click Ignore User in the middle at the bottom of the popup. On the forum, that is.
  12. Well... I did work on the FS support team for more than 5 years so I kinda know where to look.
  13. That's why the wiki exists and has existed from since Phoenix days.
  14. That's how forums work. If you need to talk to LL you need to contact Customer Support. The forums are not Customer Support. That is where you are now. The forums.
  15. Wasted? Is that you? Hey guys! Wasted is back! \o/
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